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Top Taiwan Lawyers 2023

David Chuang

David Chuang

LCS & Partners

Tel: +886 2 2729 8000 Ext. 7768
Email: davidchuang@lcs.com.tw

Taiwan A-list 2023

Practice areas

Securitisation; real estate; banking & finance; structured finance; M&A


David Chuang is one of the founding partners of LCS & Partners. He has extensive experience in syndicated lending, bank finance, capital markets, project finance, securitisation, structured finance, derivatives, cross-border transactions and real estate transactions, and frequently represents relevant transaction parties in many pioneering securitisation, structured finance, project finance, and real estate cases.

As the attorney in LCS’ banking practice group, Chuang has experience in structuring, negotiating, and documenting syndicated loans, project financing, asset-backed financing, structured and other off-balance sheet financings, acquisition financing, leveraged buyout, refinancing and restructuring.

He assists clients in developments, operation, finance, and dispute matters connected to real properties including hotels, department stores and industrial and commercial complexes. With respect to works on major projects, he has advised on the preparation of tenders for public construction and build-operate-transfer projects and has frequently represented clients in negotiating key agreements. Chuang is seasoned in domestic and cross-border public and private M&A.

The practices of Chuang’s on real estate and projects mainly focus on:

Real estate investment trusts (REITs): With wide-ranging experiences representing different REITs in Taiwan, Chuang recently assisted in the listing of Millerful REITs and continually advises on its acquisition of new targets.

Commercial real estate: For large-scale commercial real estate projects including large shopping malls and hotels, Chuang is specialised in structuring the whole transaction tailoring for advising on the negotiation with potential investors, structure of the preferred shares, arrangement of leverage and fund structure, drafting, hotel franchise and negotiation of lease agreements with first-line local and international brands.

Urban renewal: Chuang has not only extensive insights but also massive experience with respect to the coordination and negotiation with government authorities, developers, and landowners.

Real estate development: As for real estate development, Chuang has accumulated plentiful experience, including land development, joint construction, syndicated loans, etc. His client includes large integrated commercial building developers and port build-operate-transfer developers.

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