Japan’s Nagashima Ohno links with IM & Partners in Jakarta

Nagashima Ohno links with IM & Partners
Ichsan Montang

Japanese law firm Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu has established a fresh association in Jakarta with the newly established IM & Partners founded by its former Singapore-based partner, Ichsan Montang.

The independent Indonesian firm has operated under the name of IM & Partners in association with Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu since this February.

Montang joined the Japanese firm in Singapore in 2017 as a foreign attorney. He is experienced in advising Japanese companies and international clients on Indonesia-related matters. His practice focuses on general corporate matters, M&A, foreign direct investment, technology and telecommunications, and real estate business.

The new firm will provide more tailored legal services for clients in the country, supported by the expertise of its affiliated offices around the region.

Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu will also transfer by the end of this year its Singapore-based counsel Yoichi Maekawa to support IM & Partners. Maekawa is a Japan-qualified lawyer with extensive experience in handling Indonesian legal matters.

In an official statement, Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu said the firm has been focusing extensively on its Asian practice.

Specifically, the firm has been enhancing its knowledge and expertise in Indonesian legal practice through its alliances with leading local law firms, the dispatch of Japan-qualified lawyers, and the recruitment and training of Indonesia-qualified lawyers in its Singapore office, it said.