Established in 1868
Total number of professionals: 180 lawyers, 140 associates
Principal office: Johannesburg
Other offices: Cape Town
Key practice areas
Banking, projects and regulatory; commercial; corporate; dispute resolution; tax
Our services
With more than 150 years of experience and industry knowledge, Webber Wentzel is the leading full-service law firm on the African continent. The firm combines its collective knowledge and experience to provide clients with seamless, tailored and commercially-minded business solutions within record times.
Webber Wentzel values excellence and innovation and the firm work with clients to help them achieve success in whatever they do. The firm’s passion to help clients achieve their goals shows in the quality of the delivery of the service.
The firm’s alliance with Linklaters and its deep relationships with outstanding law firms across Africa provide clients with the best expertise wherever they do business.
Webber Wentzel believes in making a positive contribution to the communities in which the firm works and the firm is proud to call itself home to one of South Africa’s most long-standing, dedicated pro-bono practices. The firm is committed to promoting access to justice for all South Africans, upholding the constitution and protecting the rule of law. Webber Wentzel’s corporate social investment initiatives also focus on supporting initiatives and projects that promote access to justice, education and access to education and socio-economic development.
Webber Wentzel is committed to transformation and diversity. The firm is an accredited level 1 broad-based black economic empowerment (B-BBEE) contributor and is engaged in a number of initiatives aimed at driving transformation and inclusivity within the organisation, legal sector and society.
Contact us
90 Rivonia Road, Sandton
Johannesburg – 2196, South Africa
T: +27 11 530 5000
Cape Town
15/F Convention Tower
He erengracht Foreshore
Cape Town – 8001, South Africa
T: +27 21 431 7000