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A-List: Korea 2022

Jeong-Hwan - Lee & Ko - A-List: Korea 2022


Lee & Ko

Tel: +82-2-772-4940
Email: hwan.jeong@leeko.com

Practice areas

Competition & antitrust; compliance; corporate & commercial; corporate governance; M&A


Hwan JEONG is a senior partner and the head of Antitrust & Competition group at Lee & Ko. His practice focuses on a broad range of antitrust & competition law matters including investigation of merger review, cartels, abuse of market dominance and unfair trade practices, and antitrust litigation.

Mr. Jeong has handled many high-profile antitrust cases in his 25+ years of practice, including the Korea Fair Trade Commission’s case against Microsoft in which he represented the commission. Additionally, he has handled many cartel cases such as an international FX cartel, an international auto parts cartel, an international capacitor cartel, an international airline cartel, an international LCD cartel, and an international DRAM cartel. He also has been involved in many global merger review cases, cross-border investments and general corporate transactions. He served as a member of International Bar Association Antitrust Committee Unilateral Conduct Working Group.

Mr. Jeong also served as an Advisory Counsel for the Competition Policy Advisory Committee of the Korea Fair Trade Commission. He was an ad-hoc instructor at the Judicial Research and Training Institute of the Supreme Court of Korea, where he taught international contract law and was an ad-hoc instructor at the Seoul National University Law School, and the Korea University Law School where he taught antitrust law. He is a frequent speaker and has also written extensively on topics related to antitrust and competition law. He provides legal advice to the Korea Fair Trade Commission in connection with the amendment of Korean antitrust laws and regulations as an antitrust expert.

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