Interview with Max Zhang, assistant general counsel of Becton Dickinson Medical Devices China

The interview is in Chinese

Managing a legal team is a test of a general counsel’s wisdom, especially in the midst of an unprecedented pandemic crisis such as the one the world faces. Max Zhang, assistant general counsel of Becton Dickinson Medical Devices China shared his insight with us on team management

“The legal department serves as the support unit of the business department. The pharmaceutical sector I’m in is heavily regulated, and sometimes the company can suffer a lot if we don’t give enough warning to the business. Therefore, the legal and business departments are on the same ship, where the business is at the helm and leading the way, and legal is ensuring the ship runs smoothly without the risk of capsizing.

That being said, there is a lot of competitive pressure nowadays. Business is under performance pressure from annual reports, half-yearly reports, quarterly reports, etc., among other challenges. How can we fit in as in-house counsel?

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This interview was conducted during the CBLJ Forum at Grand Hyatt Hotel, Shanghai, on 12 November, with the theme “Seizing Cross-Border Opportunities – Managing Global Risks”. For more information about the conference and videos of the forum sessions, please visit our CBLJ Forum 2019 webpage here.