Opportunity knocks


Windfalls always await the lucky and the learned

The regional fortunes of countries have varied a great deal recently as often external factors influence countries in negative or positive ways. In Vietnam, a foreign trade war, a collection of new trade alliances and a raft of pending legislation have placed the communist nation in a fortunate position for a major windfall.

Asia Business Law Journal Sep 2019In our cover article, Land of opportunity, we reveal a land buzzing with business excitement. Because of its proven manufacturing expertise and proximity to China, with which it shares a border, Vietnam is expected to be the biggest beneficiary of a protracted trade war. Media reports have suggested that a lot of Chinese manufacturers are considering moving their factories to south of the border.

There is also palpable excitement about the prospects of the various free-trade agreements that Vietnam has been signing. The European Union-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) in particular is expected to be one of the biggest game changers for the country’s economy, and expectation surrounds the impact of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).

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