Vote now for China’s elite lawyers
China Business Law Journal invites you to help identify the elite private practice lawyers located in mainland China and Hong Kong. We would be grateful if you could spend a couple of moment to nominate the lawyers that you think deserve to be recognised.
Please CLICK HERE to make your nominations.
The results will be announced in the upcoming print and digital editions of China Business Law Journal, as well as on the official websites of our media partners Sina Finance and Sina Ludao. As in previous years, the result will provide an important benchmark for domestic and foreign companies that need legal services in China. The deadline for making nominations is 21 October 2022. Thank you for your attention. We look forward to your input!
You are welcome to circulate this online nomination form among your colleagues who might also be interested in participating.
If you would like to view the A-list 2021 award report, please check HERE.