I provided much-needed leadership and vision says PH Kurian, the former controller general of patents, designs and trademarks
During my term as controller general most of what I did centred around providing leadership so as to prepare a platform for the development of India’s Intellectual Property Office. Improving transparency and removing unqualified discretion were the two major areas of my focus.
Before I took over in February 2009, the office of controller general had embraced computerization, but I took the decision to go online. Web-enablement was critical to improving transparency.
Quite early in my term, we began publishing both patent and trademark office journals online. This was a big step forward as until then agents and applicants had to physically come to one of our offices to obtain a journal.
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PH Kurian was controller general of patents, designs and trademarks at India’s intellectual property office from February 2009 until 12 March 2012.