Tag: NFTs
Connect the DOTs
All the hype around crypto art raises concerns about fraud and counterfeiting in an unregulated market, but digital ownership tokens could shield from such threats
What a tangled Web
How do legal professionals deal with novel issues in the metaverse?
Metaverse opens quagmire of Indian IP issues
Many unforeseen issues that entail comprehensive changes to global law will emerge as the Metaverse unfolds further, with Intellectual Property Law in India front and centre
Wait and see on NFT framework in Korea
The country is at a crossroad as it seeks to define virtual assets within its regulation
A comparison of regulations surrounding NFTs
Asian policymakers are prioritising renewable power in their energy mixes with various green initiatives
NFTs and the IP conundrum
The growth of non-fungible tokens has left unsettled legal issues regarding copyright and IP
A comparison of cryptocurrency regulation
Despite the volatile markets and relentless evolution in cryptos, Asian jurisdictions are treading cautiously in developing legal frameworks for virtual currencies