Singapore pilot offers world’s fastest patent


The Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) has launched the world’s fastest application-to-grant process of its kind with a pilot programme called SG Patent Fast Track, which accelerates granting of patent applications in all technology fields to just six months, starting from 4 May 2020.

The programme will benefit technologies with a social and healthcare impact, as well as emerging technologies with short product lifecycles. Under the programme, innovators can expect their qualifying patent applications to be granted in six months, compared to a typical period of two years or more. The pilot is planned to end on 29 April 2022.

Examples of technologies that the programme will benefit include: Technologies with a social impact (e.g., green technology relating to sustainable food production, climate change, waste, water and energy management); technologies with healthcare impacts (e.g., digital health solutions, tracing apps, ventilators, diagnostics kits); and emerging technologies with a short product lifecycle (e.g., fintech, Industry 4.0 and artificial intelligence).

Sharmaine Wu, director of patents, designs and plant varieties at IPOS, told Asia Business Law Journal the IP office expected significant demand from the Asian market for the faster patent applications.

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