Based on research conducted by China Business Law Journal, the following are our 100 young elite lawyers (including 80 practitioners from PRC law firms and 20 lawyers from international law firms engaged in China-related businesses), and their key practice areas. Detailed biographies and contact information, where provided, were written by the lawyers themselves and have not been independently verified. Click here to read the full report.
View the lists of 80 Rising Stars in PRC firms, 20 Rising Stars in foreign firms.
白洋铭 Benjamin Bai 浩风律师事务所 合伙人,北京 Partner ZSK Attorneys at Law Beijing |
电话 Tel: +86 135 5218 5625 电邮 Email: benjamin@haofenglaw.com 主要执业领域:资本市场;医疗保健与生命科学;并购;私募股权、风险投资与基金 Key practice areas: Capital markets; Healthcare & life sciences; M&A ; Private equity, venture capital & funds |
白洋铭在上述业务领域和行业领域有着丰富的法律服务经验,擅长于解决企业在复杂交易结构和跨境交易安排中的疑难问题。曾主办过数以百计的私募股权投资、基金设立、收购与兼并、境内外上市项目,服务过的客户中不乏行业龙头企业和顶级基金,其中包括中国医疗集团、Telstra、Alliance Healthcare、天睿祥、Sunrise New Energy、Binance (币安)、British Council、应世生物、卓力能等。 Benjamin Bai is an equity partner at ZSK Attorneys at Law, and an active practising lawyer in the People’s Republic of China. He holds a Certification of Securities Professional and serves as a member of the Compliance and Risk Management Special Committee of the Beijing Entertainment Law Society. Bai specialises in several practice areas including private equity investment, fund management, M&A, IPO, and corporate compliance. He focuses on industries including biopharmaceutical and healthcare, new energy, new media and entertainment, semiconductors, advanced manufacturing, TMT, and human resources. He possesses a wealth of legal experience in these fields and is well-equipped to handle complex transactional structures and cross-border arrangements for enterprises. Throughout his career, Bai has overseen numerous projects related to private equity investment, fund formation, M&A, and IPO projects, working with top funds and industry leaders such as China Health Group (08225.HK), Telstra (ASX: TLS), Alliance Healthcare, Tian Ruixiang Holdings (Nasdaq: TRX), Sunrise New Energy (Nasdaq: EPOW), Binance, the British Council, InxMed, and ALD Group. |
曹翔 Shawn Cao 君合律师事务所 合伙人,上海 Partner JunHe Shanghai |
电话 Tel: +86 21 2208 6274 电邮 Email: caoxiang@junhe.com 主要执业领域:外商直接投资;投融资;合资企业;并购 Key practice areas: Foreign direct investment; Investment & financing; Joint ventures; M&A |
曹翔专注于公司与并购、外商直接投资、私募股权/创业投资等法律服务,所涉行业包括能源与基础设施、房地产、工业生产、信息科技、餐饮服务、会展服务等。 曹翔在数个大型并购及投融资交易中作为主办律师,包括但不限于代表胜科(Sembcorp)以15亿元人民币收购国投新能源35%股权、代表雅芳(Avon)向菲诗小铺(TheFaceShop)出售其中国制造工厂100%股权、代表波尔亚太(Ball Asia)向奥瑞金科技股份有限公司(SZ.002701)出售中国包装业务相关公司股权、代表腾讯对“途虎养车”(tuhu.cn)进行E轮投资、代表励讯集团(RELX Group)旗下的励展博览就其与境内合营方成立合资公司主办相关行业会展提供法律服务、代表Costa咖啡收购其合营方股权。除此之外,曹翔还为数家外商投资企业以及内资企业提供常年法律服务。 曹翔在国内外法学院的学习经历,使得其能够高效地与境内外客户进行沟通、准确理解客户需求,并提供具有可操作性的法律解决方案。某跨国企业总法律顾问曾评价君合团队“非常有创意,反应迅速,以业务为导向”,并推荐了包括曹翔在内的君合合伙人。 Cao has been lead lawyer in many high-profile M&A and investment transactions. These have included Sembcorp Energy’s RMB 1.5 billion acquisition of 35% equity in SDIC New Energy Investment; Avon’s sale of 100% equity in its PRC manufacturing facility to TheFaceShop; Ball Asia’s sale of its PRC packaging business to ORG Technology; Tencent’s series E round investment in Tuhu.cn; Reed Exhibitions’ (a member of RELX Group) new joint venture co-operation with its domestic partners; and Costa Coffee’s buyout of its joint venture partner’s equity. In addition, Cao provides general corporate services for various foreign-invested and domestic enterprises. Cao’s educational background in both domestic and overseas law schools brings him efficient communications with domestic and foreign clients, and precise understanding of client needs, providing viable legal solutions. Recommending JunHe partners including Cao, the general counsel of one multinational company describes the JunHe team as “very creative, responsive and business-oriented”. |
曹烨山 Cao Yeshan 大成律师事务所 合伙人,北京 Partner Dentons China Beijing |
电话 Tel: +86 10 5759 0607 电邮 Email: yeshan.cao@dentons.cn 主要执业领域:并购;重组与破产 Key practice areas: M&A; Restructuring & insolvency |
曹烨山近年来主办的重整案件包括北大方正集团、清华紫光集团、海航集团、沈阳机床、昊融集团、青岛造船厂等,在债务重组项目及金融机构风险处置项目上同样具有丰富经验,曾代表中钢集团债委会承办了国内首例市场化债转股项目、参与了华夏人寿行政接管、首例保险公司重整案件等。他承办的多个项目获得过最高院及地方法院的破产典型案例奖项,其中北大方正集团重整案获得最高人民法院评选的2021年度全国法院十大商事案件、新时代推动法治进程2021年度十大案件提名、《商法》“2021年度杰出交易”大奖并入选2021年度“全国破产经典案例”。 曹烨山作为最高人民法院全国破产重整信息平台建设小组成员,牵头起草了《关于企业破产案件信息公开的规定(试行)》《企业破产案件破产管理人工作平台使用办法》等司法文件;参与起草了包括《上市公司重整案例报告》《上市公司退市风险处置——规则、数据与案例》《东北大型企业重整案例报告》等专业书籍。 Cao Yeshan graduated from the University of International Business and Economics with a Master’s degree in law, and is a partner at the Beijing office of Dentons China. With rich practical experience in the field of bankruptcy, he has participated in more than 20 corporate restructuring cases or risk disposal projects in the past decade – including listed companies, delisted companies, large corporate groups and financial institutions – as an administrator, creditor’s representative or investor’s representative. In recent years, Cao has been responsible for several restructuring cases including Peking University Founder Group, Tsinghua Unigroup, HNA Group, Shenyang Machine Tools (Group), Qingdao Shipyard, and Jilin Haorong Group. Cao also has rich experience in debt restructuring projects and financial institution risk disposal projects. Cao has received awards from the Supreme People’s Court and local courts for many of his projects, including Top 10 Commercial Cases of National Courts in 2021, selected by the Supreme People’s Court; nomination among the Top 10 cases of 2021 promoting the rule of law process in the new era; China Business Law Journal’s Deals of the Year 2021; and one of the National Bankruptcy Classic Cases in 2021. As a member of the Supreme People’s Court national bankruptcy restructuring information platform construction team, Cao has taken the lead in drafting judicial documents such as the Provisions on Information Disclosure in Enterprise Bankruptcy Cases (for trial implementation), the Measures on the Use of Bankruptcy Administrator’s Working Platform in Enterprise Bankruptcy Cases, Rules, Data and Cases, as well as the Report on the Reorganisation of Large Enterprises in Northeast China. He has also has participated in drafting professional books including Case Report on Restructuring of Listed Companies; Disposal of Delisting Risks of Listed Companies – Rules, Data and Cases; and Case Report on Restructuring of Large Enterprises in Northeast China, and others. |
曹玉龙 Cao Yulong 天同律师事务所 合伙人,深圳/北京 Partner TianTong Law Firm Shenzhen/Beijing |
电话 Tel: +86 187 0167 7751 电邮 Email: caoyulong@tiantonglaw.com 主要执业领域:商事诉讼;建筑工程;争议解决;保险与再保险 Key practice areas: Commercial litigation; Construction engineering; Dispute resolution; Insurance & reinsurance |
此外,曹玉龙参与编写诉讼可视化等著作并在行业内积极分享诉讼技术与感悟,努力推动律师行业的交流。源于对争议解决领域的热爱,曹玉龙坚持奋斗在办案一线,其躬体力行的态度和寻根究底的敬业精神得到当事人的高度认可。 Cao Yulong is a partner at TianTong Law Firm and a top trial lawyer. In his nearly 10 years of practice, he has specialised in construction engineering, finance, insurance, companies, loan guarantees and other sectors, and has accumulated experience in preservation and enforcement issues related to litigation and arbitration. He has provided legal services for hundreds of clients including large central and state-owned enterprises, industry-leading private enterprises and individuals, and multinational corporations, and has recovered or avoided losses totalling billions of renminbi. He has also participated in the compilation of books regarding litigation visualisation and other topics, and actively shared litigation techniques and perceptions in the industry, striving to promote exchanges in legal circles. Cao, out of his love for dispute resolution, insists on working hard on the frontline of handling cases, and his attitude of attending to things personally, and dedication to investigating thoroughly, are highly recognised by his clients. |
陈畅 Chen Chang 正策律师事务所 合伙人,上海 Partner Joint-Win Partners Shanghai |
电话 Tel: +86 185 1627 1629 电邮 Email: chenchang@joint-win.com 主要执业领域:合规;数据保护;争议解决;科技、媒体与电信 Key practice areas: Compliance; Data protection; Dispute resolution; Technology, media and telecommunications |
在这些业务中,陈畅对于业务和技术,例如数据库、前端及架构、运维、云计算、物联网等新兴的技术有着充分的认识,以协助客户分析及应对法律和政策的监管。陈畅是具有丰富出庭经验的诉讼律师,也协助客户处理硬科技领域的各类诉讼及仲裁案件,他办理的争议案件涉及股权投融资、技术许可、商业秘密、竞业限制、网络侵权等领域。 陈畅的代表项目及案例包括:受某云计算及人工智能科技公司委托,就其人脸识别技术的法律风险及合规出具法律意见;受某金融科技公司委托,就其金融数据分类分级的法律问题及合规出具法律意见;受某科技资讯平台委托,就其用户数据缓存合规问题提供法律建议;受某新零售服务商委托,协助其制定网络安全漏洞管理机制;根据某新材料科技公司委托,代理其创始人股权系列纠纷案件;根据某新能源汽车公司委托,代理其侵害商业秘密纠纷案件;根据某智能科技公司委托,代理其专利权属系列纠纷案件;某投资交流平台委托,代理其网络侵权系列案件。 Chen Chang, a partner at Joint-Win Partners and director of its Science and Technology Law Business Centre, graduated from East China University of Political Science and Law with a Master’s degree, majoring in intellectual property. He is now a member of the Shanghai Financial Leasing Business Research Committee, with a technical title of intermediate lawyer. Chen has long been focusing on hard technology, engaged in businesses involving emerging technology and data, as well as information and network security. He provides legal assistance in dealing with data compliance, personal privacy protection and other related issues for multiple transnational corporations and large enterprises in sectors including internet information service providers, data providers, new energy vehicles, internet finance and new retail. Among these businesses, Chen assists clients to analyse and handle legal and policy supervision with his full understanding of emerging technology such as database, front-end and framework, operation and maintenance, cloud computing and the internet of things. |
陈熙 Jordan Chen 奋迅律师事务所 顾问,北京 Counsel FenXun Partners Beijing |
电话 Tel: +86 10 5949 6030 电邮 Email: chenxi@fenxunlaw.com 主要执业领域:争议解决;知识产权;科技、媒体与电信 Key practice areas: Dispute resolution; Intellectual property; Technology, media and telecommunications |
陈熙作为年轻律师中的佼佼者,拥有杰出的逻辑思维与发散思维并重之能力,并籍此于复杂的技术案件中,制定具有预见性的案件整体策略并使之得以灵活执行,同时将复杂的事实和技术及其逻辑,以及多层级法律抗辩逻辑完美的可视化/以动画方式展现,帮助裁判者理解和确定案件核心事实。他还擅长以其灵活、敏捷的发现能力发掘案件核心事实,成为支撑客户维护核心利益的关键。 FenXun Partners counsel Jordan Chen has been “apprenticed” by partners Liu Honghuan and Zhou Xi since starting to practise law and has since represented numerous multinational and Fortune 500 companies in technology-related litigation and cross-border disputes. These have included technical trade secret infringements, product liability, FRAND licence royalty/terms of standard essential patent (SEP) portfolio and related anti-monopoly, anti-suit injunction and anti-anti-suit injunction, software (source code) licence contract and open source-related litigation/arbitration, and computer software engineering development contract litigation/arbitration, as well as commercial cases including dispute of company control and letter of credit fraud. As a distinguished attorney of the young generation, Chen has extraordinary talent for equipping both logical and divergent thinking, formulating prophetic strategy and enforcing it with flexibility, always perfectly visualising complex facts and techniques, as well as multi-layer defence logic by diagram and video, to further assist and convince tribunals of core facts in lawsuits. He is also good at fact-finding and preserving core evidence with agility and smartness, ensuring thorough protection of the core interests of his clients. |
陈曦程 Chen Xicheng 君泽君律师事务所 合伙人,北京/深圳 Partner JunZeJun Law Offices Beijing/Shenzhen |
电话 Tel: +86 139 0292 2882 电邮 Email: chenxicheng@junzejun.com 主要执业领域:民商事争议解决;知识产权 Key practice areas: Civil & commercial dispute resolution; Intellectual property |
陈曦程是君泽君律师所的深圳办公室合伙人、知识产权业务部负责人。她本硕毕业于中国政法大学,现民商法学博士生,从事民商事和知识产权审判和争议解决工作逾16年。她带领、指导的团队多次获得大疆公司颁发的“最佳诉讼合作伙伴”等荣誉。若干案件被法院、深圳市律协等机构评为年度“十大知识产权案例”;部分案件被最高院年度工作报告特别提及;其所指导的案例荣获《商法》2021年度杰出交易大奖,本人曾荣获LEGALBAN 2022年度客户首选:知识产权多面手15强,在《政法论丛》《知识产权》《人民司法》《电子知识产权》等中文核心期刊或专业期刊上发表多篇学术文章,多次受邀在AIPPI和WIPO等组织的国际会议中做主题发言或授课。
她现受聘为国家市场监管总局发展研究中心特聘专家、深圳市人民检察院第一届听证员、深圳市福田区法学会法律咨询专家等,同时担任深圳市专利协会、深圳商业秘密保护基地等专业、行业机构的特聘专家,以及深圳大学合规研究院和科技与法律研究院两院的高校兼职导师和专家。 陈曦程的客户涵盖高科技、通信、互联网、医药、传媒、新能源车企与车联网、数字能源、智能家电领域的知名企业,在为客户处理争议较大的知识产权及商事纠纷案件中,为客户赢得多个关键胜诉判决,获得高度认可与称赞。 客户曾评价:“我们与陈曦程团队在民商事领域开展了广泛合作,陈曦程为人谦逊,法律功底深厚,商业思维务实,司法实践经验丰富,具备在合规和法律框架内提供最优的争议解决和风险预防的能力。陈曦程在案件涉及的法律热点中实现了国内司法领域创新与突破,为公司知识产权保护和商业市场的发展双赢做出了杰出贡献。” Chen Xicheng provides legal services in civil and commercial law, and intellectual property dispute resolution, mainly in the fields of intellectual property patent, trademark, copyright, AI, TMT and medical instruments. She has also been involved in trade secrets, anti-unfair competition, antitrust and data law. As a former judge, she has extensive experience in legal operations in these areas, combined with a remarkable ability to apply legal methodologies. She assists in process development and streamlining activities, drafting and reviewing legal documents, and internal policies in accordance with applicable regulations, supporting all aspects of management in monitoring, protection and enforcement of patent, trademark, copyright and domain names for government agencies, listed companies, domestic and leading foreign enterprises. Chen is a capably collaborative partner with business and engineering organisations, experienced in supporting cross-functional legal teams. She is the go-to counsel for all aspects of IP, especially patents, trade secrets and copyright/open source – bringing adversarial litigation including risk assessment and IP evaluation, defining and developing legal policies and procedures, advising on all major intellectual property business transactions, and implementing global intellectual property strategy, programmes and policies with immense ability to build positive working relationships with clients. |
邓晴 Deng Qing 竞天公诚律师事务所 合伙人,北京 Partner Jingtian & Gongcheng Beijing |
电话 Tel: +86 10 5809 1281 电邮 Email: deng.qing@jingtian.com 主要执业领域:资本市场,;合规;投融资;并购 Key practice areas: Capital markets; Compliance; Investment & financing |
邓晴具有超过15年的律师从业经验,主要业务领域包括资本市场、并购、投融资、合规。 邓晴曾承办多家企业的资本市场运作项目,亦为客户的多宗并购、投资与融资项目提供法律服务,涉及行业包括制造业、钢铁、能源、高科技、快速消费品、矿产资源等,深受客户的信赖与肯定。邓晴尤其擅长国有资产监督管理领域的法律事务,一直在为多家大型国有企业提供包括重组改制、上市、并购、混合所有制改革、合规等方面的综合法律服务,具有丰富经验。 Deng Qing graduated from Renmin University of China with an LLB, and obtained an LLM from the Central University of Finance and Economics, and an LLM from the University of Chicago Law School. With more than 15 years of practising experience, Deng has been focusing on capital markets, M&A, investment & financing, and compliance. Deng advises multiple enterprises on deals involving capital markets, M&A and investment & financing, with her expertise in a wide range of industries including manufacturing, steel, energy, high-tech, fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), and mining winning her the praise of clients. Deng has been, in particular, specialising in the field of state-owned assets supervision and administration, and has been offering large SOEs comprehensive services with in-depth knowledge in restructuring and reorganisation, IPO, M&A, mixed-ownership reform, and compliance. |
董立阳 Dong Liyang 德恒律师事务所 合伙人,北京 Partner DeHeng Law Offices Beijing |
电话 Tel: +86 10 5268 2888 电邮 Email: dongly@dehenglaw.com 主要执业领域:资本市场;投融资;私募股权、风险投资与基金 Key practice areas: Capital markets; Investment & financing; Private equity, venture capital & funds |
在资本市场领域,董立阳参与数十家企业境内外上市项目,覆盖港股美股A股市场,近期主办的项目主要包括:小米集团香港上市、泡泡玛特香港上市、赤子城香港上市、嘉兴燃气香港上市、KK集团香港上市、柠檬影业香港上市、思派健康香港上市、臻和医疗香港上市、凌雄科技香港上市、雾芯科技美国上市、雅乐科技美国上市、微美云息美国上市、每日优鲜美国上市、澜起科技A股上市、佳华科技A股上市等,具有丰富的企业境内外上市法律服务经验; 在投融资领域,董立阳每年协助数十家企业/投资机构投融资,近期主办的项目包括滴滴出行、360企业安全、大疆科技、澜起科技、字节跳动、陆金所、国双控股、每日优鲜、首汽约车、肆拾玖坊、康蒂尼药业、迅策科技、药兜网、博创联动、360、中和农信、腾讯音乐、喜马拉雅、筑龙信息等,代表多家机构对于高科技、大健康、大消费等领域进行投资项目,同时包括华融收购荷兰恩智浦(最大跨境半导体收购)、中邮速递易与丰巢合并(最大行业并购)等大型复杂项目; 在私募基金领域,董立阳主办的项目包括中金、中铝、中电科等多家基金管理人设立,中电科、鼎晖、今日头条、英华资本、招商资本等设立产业基金、保定市、青岛市等设立政府引导基金等,涉及私募基金的管理人登记及基金的募投管退诸环节。 Dong Liyang is a partner at DeHeng Law Offices. He graduated from Renmin University and Georgetown University, obtaining his LLM with practice areas in capital markets, investment and financing, and private equity funds. In capital markets, Dong has rich enterprise listing experience in overseas and A-share markets. His recent represented cases include Xiaomi Group (01810.HK), Pop Mart (09992.HK), Newborn Town (09911.HK), Jiaxing Gas (09908.HK), Linmon Media (09857.HK), Medbanks (00314.HK), LX Technology (02436.HK), Wimi (WIMI), Yalla Group (NYSE: YALA), RELX Technology (NYSE: RLX), Missfresh (MF), Jiahua Technology (688051), and Montage Tech (688008). In investment and financing, he represents dozens of enterprises and funds for financing and investment cases annually, including Bytedance, Didi Taxi, 360, DJI-Innovations, Ximalaya, Shouyue App, Lufax, Montage Technology, Missfresh, Medbanks, Jollychic, Tencent Music, Liweiija and Mico Technology. He has also represented several large complex projects such as the merger of China Post Zhidi and Hivebox, and Huarong’s acquisition of NXP Semiconductor, which was China’s largest cross-border acquisition deal in the semiconductor industry. In private equity funds, Dong represented various cases ranging from fund manager registration, fund formation, fund investment and exit strategy, for clients including CICC, Chalco, CRCC, CETC, IDG, CDH, China Post Capital, Bytedance and China Merchants Capital. |
杜晓成 Du Xiaocheng 天同律师事务所 合伙人、西安办公室负责人,西安 Partner, Head of Xi’an Office TianTong Law Firm Xi’an |
电话 Tel: +86 137 1875 0558 电邮 Email: duxiaocheng@tiantonglaw.com 主要执业领域:能源与新能源;公司商事;银行金融 Key practice areas: Energy & new energy; Commercial litigation & arbitration; Banking & finance |
杜晓成以高度负责的态度、扎实的专业能力及开放分享的价值理念,与客户及各法律共同体建立了互信、互敬的执业关系。在杜主任的带领下,西安办公室始终坚持做好专业为本、以当事人的托付为重,稳扎稳打,取得了瞩目的成绩。 Du Xiaocheng is a partner of TianTong Law Firm and head of the firm’s Xi’an office. With his Bachelor’s Degree in business law and a Master’s Degree in economics, has been practising law for more than 10 years, focusing on the resolution of civil and commercial disputes through litigation and arbitration, and involving practice areas of mineral energy and new energy, bank finance, corporate commercial, construction engineering and real estate, enforcement and enforcement objections, loan guarantees and various contract disputes. He understands the logic of commercial transactions, is familiar with civil and commercial litigation and arbitration processes, and judgments, and has rich experience in representing clients in litigation cases. He can design reliable and effective lawsuits or defence plans for clients of potential dispute or first-instance cases before the initiation of litigation, and provide unique and constructive solutions for clients of second-instance or retrial cases who have lost previously. Du has established mutual trust and respectful relationships with his clients and various legal communities with his highly responsible attitude, solid professional ability, and open sharing value. Under his leadership, TianTong’s Xi’an office has always insisted on being professional, focusing on gaining clients’ trust and developing steadily, and has achieved remarkable results. |
封跃平 Feng Yueping 国樽律师事务所 主任,北京 Head of law firm Guozun Law Firm Beijing |
电话 Tel: +86 10 6591 5691 电邮 Email: fengyueping@guozunlaw.com 主要执业领域:跨境投资;娱乐与体育;知识产权;重组与破产 Key practice areas: Cross-border investment; Entertainment & sports; Intellectual property; Restructuring & insolvency |
作为服务了国家广电总局等诸多政府部门、行业协会商会、顶级文娱公司的律师,封跃平对于娱乐与体育行业、知识产权领域得心应手。他曾担任以周星驰、赵文卓为代表的数十位艺人的私人法律顾问,不仅履行着艺人个人日常法律风险的防控等常规职能,也能突破墨守成规的标准化服务模式,站在更高的维度为客户权衡利弊,制定综合性、多元化的解决方案,不仅帮助客户实际解决法律问题,更增加其商业筹码。 在商事领域,封跃平在破产重整与清算、债务重组、不良资产并购、股权融资等企业商事范畴经验丰富,曾参与多个上市公司的并购重组业务,处理过数百亿的不良资产并购及融资业务。封跃平在破产项目、企业商事项目等案件中专业突出,有别具一格的解题思路。 最后,封跃平因较高的专业能力和个人素养,担任着朝阳区侨联副主席,朝阳区政协委员,北京市侨联委员,北京浙江商会 常务副会长 。国际关系学院 研究生导师等职务。 Providing service for numerous government departments ‒ including the National Radio and Television Administration (NRTA), industry associations, chambers of commerce as well as top-notch cultural entertainment companies ‒ and serving as personal consultant of dozens of entertainers including Stephen Chow and Chiu Man-Cheuk, Feng Yueping has legal practices concerning entertainment, sports and IP at his command. Not only is he able to undertake the regular responsibility of safeguarding entertainers against daily legal risks, but he also thinks outside the box of standardised legal service to weigh the pros and cons from a broader perspective, and formulate comprehensive and pluralistic solutions, assisting the clients in practically solving legal problems as well as elevating commercial values. In terms of commercial practice, Feng, who has participated in the M&A and restructuring of multiple listed companies, is a seasoned practitioner with experience in bankruptcy reorganisation and liquidation, debt restructuring, M&A of non-performing assets, as well as equity financing. Feng is professional and has a distinctive style when dealing with bankruptcy and commercial cases. Due to his professional competence and personal attainments, Feng holds concurrent posts including but not limited to: vice president of Chaoyang district for the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese (ACFROC); committee member of Chaoyang District CPPCC; committee member of Beijing CPPCC; standing vice president of the Chamber of Commerce of Zhejiang’s Beijing branch; and research supervisor at the University of International Relations. |
高树勋 Gao Shuxun 德和衡律师事务所 合伙人,北京 Partner DHH Law Firm Beijing |
主要执业领域:公司;金融保险;投融资与并购;房地产与建筑工程 Key practice areas: Corporate; Financial insurance; Investment-financing and M&A; Real estate & construction |
葛振桦 Grace Ge 汇业律师事务所 主任,武汉 Director Hui Ye Law Firm Wuhan |
电话 Tel: +86 27 8550 0036 电邮 Email: gezhenhua@huiyelaw.com 主要执业领域:仲裁与替代争议解决;商事诉讼;建筑工程;房地产 Key practice areas: Arbitration & ADR; Commercial litigation; Construction engineering; Real estate |
Attorney at Law Grace Ge is a member of Hui Ye Law Firm Management Committee and Director of the firm’s Wuhan office, providing clients with professional services in foreign investment, finance, real estate and construction. Ge’s insight on international arbitration, integrating business resources and networking, has earned her numerous honours including Core Arbitrator of Wuhan Arbitration Commission, and Talented Attorney at Foreign Affairs in Wuhan. Her outstanding application of law in commercial cases concerning foreign affairs has been highly recognised and appreciated by clients and other attorneys. Besides excellent career achievements, Ge plays an important role in social networking, as director and deputy secretary-general of the 6th Wuhan Lawyers Association; adjunct instructor of Huazhong University of Science and Technology Law School; executive vice president of Wuhan Alumni Association of Huazhong University of Science and Technology; and president of the Law Branch of Wuhan Alumni Association of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. |
何春艳 He Chunyan 汉坤律师事务所 合伙人,北京 Partner Han Kun Law Offices Beijing |
电话 Tel: +86 10 8525 4631 电邮 Email: chunyan.he@hankunlaw.com 主要执业领域:合规;争议解决 Key practice areas: Compliance; Dispute resolution |
何春艳参与处理多起相关领域全国范围内的标杆性案件,包括某全国著名饮料公司控制权争夺及股权争议系列案件,也是最高院成立以来的首批一审民商事案件;涉及VIE架构的上市公司并购中,首例司法认定股东未披露境外股权代持信息不构成损害公司利益案件;某全国著名酒业上市公司核心资产的“明代酒窖”权属纠纷案,标的金额约三亿;某号称A股索赔第一案的上市公司证券虚假陈述民事赔偿案等。 何春艳曾获 LEGALBAND“中国律界俊杰30强”,DAWKINS资本市场–证券合规与诉讼中国顶级律师,并在中国政法大学实务专家讲堂《法律谈判》担任讲师。 何春艳关注商事诉讼及证券诉讼的理论研究,参与编写《中华全国律师协会律师办理证券虚假陈述民事赔偿诉讼业务操作指引》,并发表了较多相关领域的实务文章。 He Chunyan focuses her practice at Han Kun Law Offices on corporate litigation, securities litigation, securities compliance, and the resolution of general civil and commercial disputes. She has a solid foundation in civil and commercial law principles, provides general legal advisory services for many financial enterprises, and is especially skilled at handling major and difficult cases. Before joining Han Kun Law Offices, He practised for eight years with King & Wood Mallesons. |
侯彰慧 Maria Hou 中伦律师事务所 合伙人,北京 Partner Zhong Lun Law Firm Beijing |
电话 Tel: +86 10 5957 2336 电邮 Email: houzhanghui@zhonglun.com 主要执业领域:跨境并购;反垄断;外商投资国家安全审查 Key practice areas: Cross-border mergers & acquisitions; Antitrust; Foreign investment control |
侯彰慧也为多个外商投资项目提供国家安全审查法律服务并获得批准。在反垄断和竞争法领域,侯彰慧完成了百余个经营者集中申报项目,包括依视路集团与陆逊梯卡集团合并案等在国际市场有重大影响力的项目,并协助多家公司处理反垄断调查案件,涉及医药、互联网平台、汽车、农产品等行业。 Maria has more than 13 years’ working experience at top international and PRC law firms, advising clients from the US, Europe, Southeast Asia and China. Her practice focuses on cross-border transactions, representing overseas and Chinese investors and entrepreneurs in dozens of foreign direct investments, outbound direct investments, and M&A transactions. She has also worked as lead council for several mega-sized M&A and joint venture deals, such as the Beijing Universal Theme Park joint venture project. Maria also advises clients on national security review issues, and has obtained national security approval for scores of foreign investment projects in China in the fields of petrochemicals, auto parts, fintech and electronics, among others. In antitrust and competition law, Maria has successfully completed more than 100 merger filings, including the merger between Essilor and Luxottica (conditionally approved in China) and some other high-profile deals. She also advises clients on antitrust compliance issues and represents companies in antitrust investigations. |
黄建新 Huang Jianxin 晟典律师事务所 高级合伙人,深圳 Senior Partner SD & Partners Shenzhen |
电话 Tel: +86 186 7551 7923 电邮 Email: huangjianxin@shengdian.com.cn 主要执业领域:资本市场;企事与商事;私募股权、风险投资与基金;争议解决 Key practice areas: Capital markets; Corporate & commercial; Private equity, venture capital & funds; Dispute resolution |
黄建新具有扎实的法律专业功底,对商业底层逻辑具有深刻的洞察与理解。在资本市场、企事与商事、股权投融资、私募基金等领域,为华润、中航、粤海、华侨城、深重投、深业集团、人才安居集团、中国水务集团、特一药业、腾邦集团、都市丽人、华泰证券、富德基金、海岸集团、东启等众多国企、上市公司、金融机构及大中型民企客户,提供创造商业价值的法律解决方案。 因为专业、敬业与诚恳,黄建新律师赢得了客户、同行及舆论的广泛好评,曾得到《南方都市报》的整版篇幅报道。 黄建新还热心公益事业。在十五年的执业生涯里,通过多个官方渠道和社会公益平台,发起或参与了多项义工活动及公益捐款。因为长期捐助多名小学、初中、高中在读学生,黄建新曾获得广东省雏鹰助学促进会颁发的“杰出资助人”表彰。 Huang Jianxin, a senior partner of SD & Partners, is a director of the Shenzhen Legal Culture Research Association, arbitrator of the Beihai Court of International Arbitration, and a contributor to The Practice of Chinese Administrators (Law Press, March 2015). Huang has a solid legal professional foundation, as well as a deep insight into and understanding of the underlying logic of business. He provides legal solutions to create commercial value for China Resources, AVIC International, GDH, OCT Group, Shenzhen Major Industry Investment Group, Shum Yip Group, Shenzhen Talents Housing Group, China Water Group, Teyi Pharmaceutical, Tempus Group, Cosmo Lady, HTSC, Funde Fund, Coastal Group, Tonki and many other SOEs, listed companies, financial institutions, and large and medium-sized private enterprises in the capital market, corporate and commercial affairs, equity investment and financing, private equity funds and other fields. Huang has won wide acclaim from clients, peers and the public for his professionalism, dedication and sincerity, and was once covered in a full-page report by Southern Metropolis Daily. Huang is also public-spirited. During his 15 years of practice, he has initiated or participated in a number of volunteer activities and donations via various official channels and public benefit platforms. With his long-term donations to a number of students in primary schools, junior high schools and senior high schools, Huang was awarded the “Outstanding Sponsor” by the Guangdong Eyas Students Aid Promotion Association. |
黄兴超 Huang Xingchao 安杰世泽律师事务所 合伙人,北京 Partner AnJie Broad Law Firm Beijing |
电话 Tel: +86 185 1372 7323 电邮 Email: huangxingchao@anjielaw.com 主要执业领域:争议解决;重组与破产;企事与商事 Key practice areas: Dispute Resolution; Restructuring and Insolvency; Corporate and Commercial Consultant |
黄兴超参与编著《金融机构资管业务法律纠纷解析》(2017年11月出版);为陕西律协、河南律协、贵州律协、苏州律协等组织的青年律师训练营提供培训;接受律好学堂邀请联合推出《民商事诉讼实务经验及技巧分享》课程;为航天科工集团、保利集团、天津银行、中原银行等就出庭艺术和商事争议争端的解决进行系统交流,赢得主办方、参与群体的一致好评。 黄兴超2021年先后荣膺“LEGALBAND客户首选:新锐合伙人15强”称号、第二届金线奖(金融类司法案例)、21世纪金牌律师评选:2021年度金融争议解决领域金牌律师。 Huang Xingchao has more than 10 years’ law experience, focusing on commercial and financial dispute resolution, and providing high-quality legal resolution in related areas. In the past five years alone he has achieved more than 50 winning rulings from the Supreme People’s Court, with the value of cases he represented adding up to tens of billions of renminbi. His winning cases have been highlighted by The Civil Trial Guidance and Reference, Gazette of the Supreme People’s Court and other legal journals, and have greatly influenced juridical practice in corresponding legal areas. He took a leading role in authoring The Practical Analysis on Assets Management Litigations of Financial Institutions (2017), and has also been invited as a speaker training young lawyers by the Shanxi Province Lawyers Association, Henan Province Lawyers Association, Guizhou Province Lawyers Association and Suzhou Province Lawyers Association. He has partnered launching a series online and offline sessions of Civil and Commercial Litigation Experience and Skill Sharing, and also won high praise for speeches regarding commercial dispute resolutions to China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation, Poly Group, Bank of Tianjin, Zhongyuan Bank and other clients. In 2021, Huang Xingchao was recognised with the LEGALBAND Client Choice: Top 15 Rising Partners award, The Second Golden Line Award (Financial Judicial Cases), and 21st Century Star Lawyer Selection: Year 2021 ‒ Star Lawyer in Financial Dispute Resolution. |
黄哲 Huang Zhe 中联律师事务所 合伙人,大连 Partner SGLA Law Firm Dalian |
电话 Tel: +86 411 8252 0188 电邮 Email: zhe.huang@sgla.com 主要执业领域:房地产与建设工程;公司商事;企业法律顾问 Key practice areas: Real estate & construction; Corporate & commerce; Corporate legal counsel |
黄哲同时担任十余家大型国有企业常年法律顾问,常年为顾问单位提供合同审查、税收筹划、重大诉讼案件代理等法律服务。 黄哲常年担任辽宁省建筑房地产法律专家库成员、辽宁省律师协会房地产与建设工程法律专业委员会委员,辽宁省律师协会企业法律顾问专业委员会委员、大连市绿色建筑行业协会理事和监事,以及大连广播电视台传媒有限公司特聘律师。 黄哲多次荣获辽宁省律师协会专业研究奖,中世律所联盟建设工程法律服务大奖,大连市优秀青年律师,ALB China“环渤海地区15佳律师新星”,China Business Law Journal《商法》中国业务法律新星等奖项。 Huang Zhe has more than 10 years’ legal experience and has represented more than 100 civil and commercial litigation cases tried by the Supreme People’s Court and the Higher People’s Court. She is particularly accomplished at dealing with disputes cases, with advanced significance in real estate and construction engineering, corporate business and other fields. At the same time, she serves as a perennial legal adviser to more than 10 large state-owned enterprises, and provides legal services such as contract review, tax planning and major litigation case agency for consultant units. Huang Zhe serves as a member of the Liaoning Provincial Architectural Real Estate Legal Expert, a member of the Liaoning Provincial Lawyers Association Real Estate and Construction Engineering Law Professional Committee, a member of the Liaoning Provincial Lawyers Association Corporate Legal Consultant Professional Committee, a director and supervisor of Dalian Green Construction Industry Association, a Dalian Broadcasting Officer, and a Dalian Broadcasting Television Media special lawyer. She has won the Professional Research Award of Liaoning Lawyers Association many times, the Legal Service Award of China World Law Foundation Construction Engineering, A Dalian Outstanding Young Lawyer, and one of ALB’s China Regional Ranking Circum-Bohai Sea Area Rising Lawyers, and a China Business Law Journal Rising Star. |
霍超 Huo Chao 海问律师事务所 合伙人,北京 Partner Haiwen & Partners Beijing |
主要执业领域:资本市场;投融资;并购;私募股权、风险投资与基金 Key practice areas: Capital markets; Investment & financing; M&A; Private equity-venture capital & funds |
姜璐璐 Joanna Jiang 中伦律师事务所 合伙人,上海 Partner Zhong Lun Law Firm Shanghai |
电话 Tel: +86 135 8575 1436 电邮 Email: jianglulu@zhonglun.com 主要执业领域:投融资;并购;私人客户;私募股权、风险投资与基金 Key practice areas: Investment & financing; M&A; Private client; Private equity, venture capital & funds |
在私人财富规划领域,她擅长为企业家等高净值客户提供全案服务方案,包括,家族企业架构优化重组与税务筹划、家族信托、境外投资合规、风险隔离、传承规划等。获国际信托高级证书优秀等级。 荣获英国法律评级机构《法律500强》亚太榜单2019年特别推荐,获连续三年为The International Comparative Legal Guides 撰写私募股权、并购中国法章节,中欧国际商学院校友。 Joanna Jiang focuses on M&A, PE/VC investments, Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) and wealth management, representing clients including Goldman Sachs, OCBC, Tasly Group, Lily & Beauty, and biopharma and high-tech startups. In private wealth management, she has extensive knowledge in cross-border structures, trust and estate planning, and business succession planning. Her practice centres on handling complex and tricky issues such as structuring corporate and trusts to mitigate future risks and tax exposures. Attentive to clients, she knows how to identify their needs and offer innovative solutions. She obtained the STEP Advantage Certificate in Trusts: Law and Practice (International) with a merit grade, and was recommended in The Legal 500 Asia-Pacific 2019. Joanna was also invited to contribute the China chapter of the International Comparative Legal Guides: PE and M&A in the 2016 to 2019 editions. She is an alumna of the China Europe International Business School. |
雷天啸 Lei Tianxiao 君合律师事务所 合伙人,北京 Partner JunHe Beijing |
主要执业领域:资本市场;跨境投资;投融资;并购 Key practice areas: Capital markets; Cross-border investment; Investment & financing; M&A |
李新立 David Li 兰迪律师事务所 高级合伙人,上海 Senior Partner Landing Law Offices Shanghai |
电话 Tel: +86 21 2028 3477/+86 138 1643 7973 电邮 Email: David.li@landinglawyer.com 主要执业领域:跨境(涉外)争议解决;跨境投资;跨境贸易 Key practice areas: Cross-border dispute resolution; Cross-border investment; Cross-border trade |
李新立曾经在英国和美国参加律师培训,精通英文,熟悉英国法和美国法,熟悉英美法体系下的诉讼和仲裁规则。他经常代表境内外客户处理国际货物买卖、外贸代理、国际投资、国际结算、海商海事、建设工程等方面的争议,包括在中国法院和中国仲裁机构审理的案件,以及在国外法院及国际仲裁机构审理的案件。他还擅长通过谈判解决纠纷,很多棘手的案件通过谈判得以解决。 李新立在处理案件中表现出的专业勤勉得到了客户的高度认可。由于李新立团队及兰迪所其他团队在国际贸易领域的突出表现。兰迪所于2021年获得《商法》卓越律所大奖“国际贸易”专项大奖。 李新立服务过的客户包括中国航发商用发动机有限责任公司、上海纺织(集团)、东方国际集团、东方高尔夫集团、沈阳鼓风机电设备进出口有限公司、号百控股股份有限公司、中化医药有限公司、PARCO(日本)等大型企业。 David Li is senior partner at the Shanghai office of Landing Law Offices, and also director of the firm’s Department of International Trade & Investment. With a Bachelor of Economics from Nankai University and a Juris Master from East China University of Political Science and Law, David was selected in the first batch of “Shanghai Foreign-Related Legal Talent Pool” of the Shanghai Law Society. He is also admitted as an “international lawyer” by the Shanghai Bar Association, a part-time Professor of East China University of Science and Technology, and an arbitrator with the Guangzhou Arbitration Commission, Hainan International Arbitration Court and Nanchang Arbitration Commission. He also handles many cases before courts of various levels in China, and deals with procedural issues between Chinese courts and foreign arbitration institutions or courts. As such, he has handled many arbitration cases in the CIETAC, SHIAC and other international arbitration centres as a representing attorney. Adept at negotiation and reconciliation, he has successfully facilitated many cases to reach reconciliation. Owing to his team’s outstanding work, China Business Law Journal awarded Landing Law Offices the Award of International Trade in 2021. David’s clients include AECC Commercial Aircraft Engine, Shanghai Textile Group, Oriental Golf Group, SBW Electro-mechanics Import & Export Corporation, Besttone Holding, Sinochem Pharmaceutical and PARCO (Japan). |
李伟华 Wallace Li 大成律师事务所 合伙人,上海 Partner Dentons China Shanghai |
电话 Tel: +86 135 8161 1762 电邮 Email: weihua.li@dentons.cn 主要执业领域:娱乐与体育;知识产权 Key practice areas: Entertainment & sports; Intellectual property |
现为大成律师事务所上海办公室合伙人,大成所上海影视文化娱乐及体育行业组牵头人。具有13年知识产权律师执业经验,代理过数百件知识产权诉讼案件。曾上榜LEGALBAND、the Legal 500、CLECSS推荐律师及第八届浦东新区十大杰出青年律师新星奖等荣誉,同时在上海交通大学、西北工业大学、上海大学、华东理工大学、上海政法学院等知名法学院担任兼职硕士生导师、特聘研究员或授课教师等。 Wallace Li is a partner at Dentons China and leader of the firm’s entertainment and sports sector at its Shanghai office. He graduated from the School of Intellectual Property at Shanghai University and the Emory University School of Law, respectively, obtaining Master’s degrees in law in China and the US, and has since accumulated 13 years’ experience practising intellectual property law, representing hundreds of intellectual property litigation cases. Among accolades, he has been listed as a Recommended Lawyer by LEGALBAND, Legal 500 and CLECSS, and won the 8th Pudong New Area’s Top Ten Outstanding Young Lawyer Rising Star Award. Meanwhile, he serves as a part-time postgraduate tutor, and specially-appointed researcher and lecturer at renowned law schools including Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Shanghai University, East China University of Science and Technology, and Shanghai University of Political Science and Law. |
李文奇 Li Wenqi 国浩律师事务所 合伙人,北京 Partner Grandall Law Firm Beijing |
电话 Tel: +86 135 8161 1762 电邮 Email: liwenqi@grandall.com.cn 主要执业领域:银行与金融;破产重整与清算;民商事争议解决 Key practice areas: Banking & finance; Bankruptcy reorganisation & liquidation; Civil & commercial dispute resolution |
李文奇毕业于中国政法大学,现为国浩律师事务所北京办公室合伙人。他具有扎实的法学功底、深厚的法学素养和优秀的庭辩能力,长期深耕于商事争议解决领域,曾为金融领域多个极具社会影响力的重大系列案件提供综合争议解决方案,积累了处理重大疑难商事争议、大型债务危机化解的丰富经验。 李文奇系《金融机构资管业务法律纠纷解析》编者,担任北京市律师协会银行金融法律专业委员会委员,在金融资管领域内保持领先优势;系《诉讼可视化》执行主编,善于利用可视化工具精准把握争议焦点。李文奇曾为建设银行、邮储银行、兴业银行、民生银行、北京银行、人保财险、大地保险、华融证券、北京信托、西藏信托、中核集团、中国石油、京能集团等金融机构、大型知名央企、国企提供法律服务,代理当事人在最高院及各省高院出庭案件近百次,了解商事交易逻辑,熟悉民商事诉讼、仲裁流程及裁判思路。李文奇曾受邀与吉林省法院系统、南京法院系统、民生银行总行、中核集团、中石化系统、中国人民大学汉青金融学院等机构进行专题交流和培训,相关课程广受好评。李文奇代理的信达资管浙江分公司与中国水利电力公司等应收账款质权纠纷案入选2022年度全国法院十大商事案件”;作为重整投资人法律顾问参与的株洲华晨破产重整项目、代理的绿地置业青岛公司与山东烟草投资公司纠纷以及武汉金凰珠宝假黄金财险纠纷案,分别入选《商法》“2022年度杰出交易大奖(境内交易)”和“2021年度杰出交易奖(争议与调查板块)”。Li Wenqi graduated from the China University of Political Science and Law with a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Law, and is now a partner at the Beijing office of Grandall Law Firm. With a solid legal foundation, profound legal literacy, and excellent debating capacity, she has been deeply engaged in the field of commercial dispute resolution. She has provided comprehensive dispute solutions for numerous cases with great social influence, and has accumulated rich experience in dealing with major, difficult commercial disputes, and resolving large debt crises.Li is the editor of The Analysis of Legal Disputes of Financial Institutions. She is also a member of the Banking and Financial Legal Committee of the Beijing Lawyers Association, maintaining a leading position in the field of financial and capital management. As executive editor of Litigation Visualisation, she is also skilled in using visualisation tools to grasp the focus of disputes accurately.Li has provided legal services to many financial institutions and well-known SOEs, and has represented hundreds of cases before the Supreme People’s Court and the Higher People’s Courts. In addition, she has been invited to conduct seminars and lectures for institutions, which have been highly praised.A dispute over the right of pledge of receivables between Xinda Capital Management Zhejiang branch and China Water Resources and Electric Power Company, represented by Li, was selected as one of the top 10 commercial cases of the National Courts in 2022. The case of Zhuzhou Huachen’s restructuring, in which Li was legal adviser to the reorganisation investor, was rated among the Deals of the Year 2022(Domestic)by China Business Law Journal. The cases of Greenland, Shandong Tobacco equity transfer dispute and Kingold’s fake gold bars dispute were also both selected as Deals of the Year 2021 (Disputes & Investigations)by China Business Law Journal. |
李昕蔚 Li Xinwei 国浩律师事务所 合伙人,北京 Partner Grandall Law Firm Beijing |
电话 Tel: +86 10 6589 0738 电邮 Email: lixinwei@grandall.com.cn 主要执业领域:跨境投资;能源与自然资源;基础设施;并购 Key practice areas: Cross-border investment; Energy & natural resources; Infrastructure; M&A |
李昕蔚在能源与自然资源行业领域经验丰富,为众多知名境内外企业复杂的能源收购、出售及再融资业务提供法律服务,曾参与众多大型的能源、基础设施及海外投资项目及交易,善于在复杂的项目以及交易中进行交易结构设计及交易文件谈判,向客户提供全面高效的法律问题解决方案,其专业的服务得到了客户的广泛认可。 李昕蔚毕业于美国威廉玛丽学院并取得法学硕士学位,曾为中国中车、大唐集团、协鑫集团、华电集团、国家电投、中冶集团、中广核的投资、融资、并购等业务提供法律服务。 李昕蔚多次被《Corporate Intl》Global Awards评为“中国年度能源律师”律师(2021-2022)、被《Global Law Experts》Annual Awards评为 “中国年度能源与自然资源律师”律师(2021-2022)、被《Finance Monthly》评为“Deal Maker” (2020-2021),并入选2021 Corporate INTL Who’s Who Adviser Handbook以及北京市律师协会涉外律师人才库。 Li Xinwei is a partner at Grandall Law Firm (Beijing) with extensive experience in completing complex transactions, including M&As, major infrastructure and PPP projects, overseas investments, financing, and general corporate transactions. His achievements and expertise are highly lauded and valued, especially in the energy & natural resources, advanced manufacturing and technology sectors. Known as a deal maker with innovative ideas and capable of completing complicated transactions with efficiency, Li is well-respected by his peers. His clients know and trust his skills and professionalism, which are widely recognised. His clients include CRRC, China Datang Corporation, GCL Group, China Huadian Corporation, State Power Investment Corporation, China Metallurgical Group Corporation, and China General Nuclear Power Group, all leaders in their sectors. Li has an LLM from William and Mary Law School. He has been lauded in the Corporate Intl Global Awards and Global Law Experts Annual Awards for his work in the energy and natural resources sector. He was also designated as a Deal Maker by Finance Monthly (2020-2021). A member of the Beijing Lawyers Association, he has been recognised for his experience working on international transactions and is included in the prestigious Foreign Lawyer Talent Pool. |
李莹晖 Li Yinghui 至合律师事务所 高级合伙人,上海 Senior Partner Zhihe Partners Shanghai |
主要执业领域:企事与商事;政府与公共政策;房地产;证券化与结构化融资 Key practice areas: Corporate & commercial; Government & public policy; Real estate; Securitisation & structured finance |
廖学勇 Liao Xueyong 通商律师事务所 合伙人,上海 Partner Commerce & Finance Law Offices Shanghai |
电话 Tel: +86 21 6019 3271 电邮 Email: liaoxueyong@tongshang.com 主要执业领域:资本市场;并购;私募股权、风险投资与基金;科技、媒体与电信 Key practice areas: Capital markets; M&A; Private equity, venture capital & funds; Technology, media and telecommunications |
廖学勇参与和主导过数十个IPO及上市公司重组项目,数百个股权激励、投融资及并购项目,包括多个具有代表性/跨业务领域的复杂上市、交易项目。多年来其以出色的沟通协调能力、精湛的法律技术及建设性解决方案受到获得客户、合作伙伴的广泛好评和认可。廖学勇此前被LEGALBAND列入中国律界俊杰榜三十强,目前兼任上海市律师协会科创板业务研究委员会委员、华东政法大学国际金融法律学院青年导师。 Liao Xueyong focuses on legal services in areas of domestic listing, private equity/venture investment, corporate financing and restructuring, and M&A in sectors including equipment manufacturing, integrated circuits and semiconductors, driverless and automotive manufacturing, life sciences and healthcare, artificial intelligence, corporate services, and new energy. Liao has participated in and led dozens of IPOs and listed companies’ financing and restructuring projects, and hundreds of equity incentive, investment and financing, and M&A projects including a number of complex IPOs and transaction projects within representative/cross-business areas. He has provided valuable legal services to clients over the years, with excellent communication and co-ordination skills, and superb legal skills and constructive solutions that have been extensively praised and recognised by clients and collaborative partners. |
林敏 Limy Lin 海华永泰律师事务所 高级合伙人,上海 Senior Partner Hiways Law Firm Shanghai |
电话 Tel: +86 21 5877 3177 电邮 Email: linmin@hiwayslaw.com 主要执业领域:合规;国际贸易与双边投资协定;诉讼 Key practice areas: Compliance; International trade & bilateral investment treaties; Litigation |
林敏于2013年获得复旦大学法律硕士学位。从业以来,林敏获得多项荣誉以及社会职务,例如2017-2020年度上海市长宁区优秀女律师,以及被聘为华东理工大学硕士研究生行(企)业导师。 2018年初,林律受德凯律师事务所高级合伙人邀请,于该所华盛顿办公室进行了一段时间的访问和工作。 从业十年来,林敏迄今为止已经代理了近百起贸易救济案件,代理中国企业应对包括美国、欧盟、东南亚、南美等国家和地区对中国产品发起的反倾销、反补贴、保障措施等调查,代理的客户中有像宝武集团这样的大型国企,也有像福耀集团这样的大型民营企业,其中也不乏一些中小型的民营企业。除了贸易救济类型的案件之外,林敏同时在公司法和劳动法方面也具备丰富的执业经验,近年来担任多家大型外资及民营企业的常年法律顾问,处理客户日常法律事务、为客户制定合规指引及制度、为其员工提供合规培训,处理与公司业务相关的诉讼事项等。 Limy Lin mainly focuses on trade law, corporate law and labour law. In her daily work, she deals with legal affairs of trade and compliance for Chinese enterprises in the US, EU and other countries and regions, and is highly praised by her clients for her professional ability and dedication. She received a Master’s of Law from Fudan University in 2013. Throughout her career so far, Limy has received many honours and public positions such as Outstanding Female Lawyer of Changning District of Shanghai from 2017-2020, and part-time supervisor for master’s students in East China University of Science and Technology. In 2018, invited by the senior partner of Grunfeld Desiderio Lebowitz Silverman Klestadt, Limy visited and worked in their branch office in Washington DC for a period. In her 10 years’ practice, Limy has handled nearly 100 cases regarding trade remedy, representing Chinese enterprises to respond to anti-dumping, anti-subsidy, safeguard measures and other investigations against Chinese products by the US, EU, Southeast Asia, South America and other countries and regions. Among clients she has represented are large-scale SOEs like Baowu Group, and large-scale private enterprises such as Fuyao Group, along with small and medium-sized private enterprises. In addition to many cases regarding trade remedies, Limy also has extensive experience in company law and labour law. In recent years, she served as legal adviser for many large-scale foreign and private enterprises dealing with their daily legal affairs, formulating compliance guidelines and systems, providing compliance training for their employees, and handling litigation related to their company business. |
刘凯 Liu Kai 植德律师事务所 合伙人,上海 Partner Merits & Tree Law Offices Shanghai |
电话 Tel: +86 21 5253 3533 电邮 Email: kai.liu@meritsandtree.com 主要执业领域:仲裁与替代争议解决;商事诉讼;争议解决;重组与破产 Key practice areas: Arbitration & ADR; Commercial litigation; Dispute resolution; Restructuring & insolvency |
从业以来,刘凯一直专攻争议解决领域,具有丰富的实践经验和扎实的理论功底,办理了多起具有代表性的诉讼和仲裁案例,擅长为客户提供专业、优质及高效的争议解决方案,尤其擅长处理公司治理纠纷、对赌纠纷、营业信托纠纷、资产管理业务纠纷、私募基金业务纠纷、证券业务纠纷、金融借款合同纠纷、融资租赁合同纠纷、委托理财纠纷、经纪合同纠纷、选手转会纠纷、解散纠纷、破产衍生诉讼案件以及互联网新型纠纷等,处理过相关案件数百起。 刘凯先后为众多知名基金、资产管理公司、银行、证券公司、投资公司、信托公司、融资租赁公司、电竞公司、影视公司、互联网公司等(其中包括多家知名上市公司)提供法律服务,所涉行业包括银行与金融、TMT、教育、房地产、工业制造、零售与消费、文娱体育等。 刘凯在破产重整领域具有丰富的经验,代表债权人、债务人、战略投资人等多个主体参与破产重整,组织律所申报并获得上海市企业破产案件管理人资格,并担任多个破产清算、破产重整项目的负责人。 刘凯荣获2022年Benchmark Litigation China 商业纠纷“未来之星”,其在争议解决领域的建树颇受关注和认可。 Liu Kai is a partner at Merits & Tree. His main practice areas include dispute resolution, restructuring and insolvency, family law and wealth management, and he has rich experience in dispute resolution. He is based in the Shanghai office. Liu specialises in dispute resolution, in which he has accumulated rich practical experience and theoretical knowledge. He has handled several representative litigation and arbitration cases. He is skilled in providing clients with professional, high-quality and efficient dispute resolution strategies, especially disputes related to corporate governance, VAM agreements, business trusts, asset management, private equity, securities, financial loans, financial leasing, entrusted financial management, brokerage, player transfers, dissolutions, bankruptcy derivative litigation, as well as new types of disputes related to the internet. Liu has handled hundreds of related cases. He has provided legal services to numerous well-known funds, asset management companies, banks, securities companies, investment companies, trust companies, financial leasing companies, film and television companies, internet companies (including several famous listed companies), and industries involved including banking and finance, TMT, education, real estate, manufacturing, retail and consumption, entertainment and sports. Liu has extensive experience in bankruptcy reorganisation. He has often represented creditors, debtors, strategic investors and other entities. He has led the firm to apply for and obtain the qualification of Bankruptcy Administrator in Shanghai, and is now in charge of several bankruptcy liquidation and reorganisation projects. Liu was awarded the Future Star for commercial disputes of Benchmark Litigation China in 2022. His achievements in the field of dispute resolution are highly regarded and recognised. |
刘善理 Liu Shanli 建达律师事务所 合伙人,福州 Partner Jian Da Law Firm Fuzhou |
主要执业领域:建筑工程;企事与商事;争议解决;房地产 Key practice areas: Construction engineering; Corporate & commercial; Dispute resolution; Real estate |
刘天顺 Liu Tianshun 中伦律师事务所 合伙人,上海 Partner Zhong Lun Law Firm Shanghai |
电话 Tel: +86 21 6061 3666 电邮 Email: liutianshun@zhonglun.com 主要执业领域:资本市场;并购;私募股权、风险投资与基金;科技、媒体与电信 Key practice areas: Capital markets; M&A; Private equity, venture capital & funds; Technology, media and telecommunications |
刘天顺专注于私募股权和投资基金、跨境投资并购及境外资本市场领域,长期为众多国内外知名基金如全国社保基金、软银愿景基金、L Catterton、上达资本、祥峰资本、海纳创投、远东宏信、建发新兴投资、混沌集团、Picus Capital等私募和风险投资基金及独角兽公司服务,侧重于互联网电信和科技、健康与生命科学、先进制造业和人工智能、电商零售和新消费等领域,善于处理具有复杂创新型交易架构的跨境项目,完成了多起具有重大市场影响力的交易,如京东收购腾讯电商业务、商汤科技C/C+轮融资、瓜子二手车D轮融资等。
此外,刘天顺亦长年参与境外资本市场法律服务,主办同程艺龙香港上市项目、京东美国上市项目、迅雷美国上市项目、中国一化香港上市项目、寺库美国上市、浩泽香港上市项目等美国和香港境外上市项目,智联招聘私有化等私有化退市项目,以及代表京东在新加坡发债等海外发债项目。 刘天顺亦代表众多跨国公司处理其在中国的国际展会、零售、医疗、高端制造等方面的业务经营重组以及各类并购项目。他凭借对中美两地法律体系的专业知识和娴熟的沟通技巧,丰富的实务经验及敏锐的市场洞察力,深刻理解客户的核心商业诉求,在复杂多变的商业和监管环境下协助客户设计切实可落地的交易架构并最终促成交易。 Liu Tianshun works extensively in the area of private equity and venture capital, mergers and acquisitions, overseas listings and offshore bonds. He regularly advises major private equity and venture capital funds including the National Social Security Fund, SoftBank Vision Fund, L Catterton, Ascendent Capital, Vertex, SIG, C&D Emerging Capital, Chaos Group and Picus Capital for their investments in various sectors including telecommunications and media, health and life sciences, AI and advanced manufacturing, retail and new consumption. Liu’s practice also focuses on offshore capital markets including overseas listings such as Tongcheng-Elong, China First Chemical Holdings and Ozner Water International Holding on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong; and JD.com, Xunlei and Secoo Holding on the Nasdaq. He has also represented on privatisation matters such as the going-private transaction of Zhaopin, and JD’s public offering of notes in Singapore – as well as representing many notable companies and investors in connection with their M&A and corporate restructurings in China in the exhibition, healthcare and advanced manufacturing sectors. With his professional knowledge of legal systems of China and the US, along with skilled communication, extensive practical experience and keen market insight, Liu is particularly strong in understanding the client’s core business needs, assisting to design practically achievable structures and ultimately facilitating deals in a complex and variable business and regulatory environment. Liu was named by CLECSS among the Top 10 Young Lawyers in 2019, ranked by Legal 500 among Specifically Recommended Lawyers in 2020, and endorsed by Asia Legal Business among ALB China Top 15 Rising Lawyers in 2022. |
龙劲韬 Long Jintao 盈科律师事务所 高级合伙人,广州 Senior Partner Yingke Law Firm Guangzhou |
主要执业领域:商事诉讼;政府与公共政策;房地产;城市更新 Key practice areas: Commercial litigation; Government & public policy; Real estate; Urban renewal |
陆文昕 Vincent Lu 海华永泰律师事务所 高级合伙人,上海 Senior Partner Hiways Law Firm Shanghai |
电话 Tel: +86 21 5877 3177 1013 电邮 Email: vincent_lwx@hiwayslaw.com 主要执业领域:商事诉讼;投融资;私募股权、风险投资与基金;房地产 Key practice areas: Commercial litigation; Investment & financing; Private equity, venture capital & funds; Real estate |
陆文昕先后为中国商飞、中车资本、万科集团、旭辉集团、平安不动产、汇添富资本、长江财富、国和资本、中联投控股、胜科能源等知名企业提供法律服务。 他曾参与包括上海虹桥综合交通枢纽项目、中国商飞总部大楼项目等重大不动产项目,并为包括万科集团、日月光集团、平安不动产、旭辉集团、光大安石等知名房地产投资机构的大量并购、资产处置或其他类型的投融资项目提供服务。 陆文昕同时在商事诉讼领域具有丰富经验,其主办的中国企业应对意大利“黄金权力”调查一案吸引了众多境外媒体的目光,其在最高人民法院的有关中国有限合伙企业前沿问题的胜诉案例也被业内人士所关注。 Vincent Lu graduated from the University of Manchester and East China University of Political Science and Law, and is senior partner and director at the International Business Committee of Shanghai Hiways Law Firm. He also serves as a mediator for the Foreign-related Civil and Commercial Dispute Mediation Centre of Changning district. Lu has successfully provided legal services for many well-known enterprises including Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC), CRHC, Vanke Group, CIFI Group, Ping An Real Estate, China Universal Capital, Shanghai Changjiang Wealth & Asset Management, Guohe Capital, China Corporate United Investment Holding, and Sembcorp Energy. He has also advised on many major real estate projects such as the Hongqiao Comprehensive Transportation Hub in Shanghai, and the COMAC Headquarters Building Project. He has provided legal services involving a large number of mergers and acquisitions, asset disposals and other types of investment and financing projects for well-known real estate investment institutions including Vanke Group, Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Ping An, CIFI Group, and EBA Investments. Lu also has extensive experience in the field of commercial litigation. The case in which he represented Chinese enterprises responding to an investigation by the Italian government based on the “Golden Power” regime caught the eyes of many foreign media, and his winning case on cutting-edge issues of Chinese limited partnerships in the Supreme People’s Court also attracted the attention of legal professionals. |
卢在光 Lu Zaiguang 汉坤律师事务所 合伙人,北京 Partner Han Kun Law Offices Beijing |
电话 Tel: +86 10 8525 4623 电邮 Email: zaiguang.lu@hankunlaw.com 主要执业领域:资本市场;企事与商事;并购; 私募股权、风险投资与基金 Key practice areas: Capital markets; Corporate & commercial; M&A; Private equity, venture capital & funds |
卢在光毕业于吉林大学,取得法学学士和民商法法学硕士学位。其后,他就读于美国康奈尔大学,并于2010年获得法学硕士学位。 Lu Zaiguang joined Han Kun Law Offices in 2010, and focuses on venture capital and private equity financing, overseas listings and public offerings, foreign direct investment in high-tech fields, and mergers and acquisitions. Lu has represented a number of companies to complete IPOs in the US and Hong Kong markets, has participated in a great number of complex equity and asset acquisitions and merger deals, and has helped many companies to complete domestic and overseas investments and financing transactions. Lu assists clients in designing transaction structures, drafting transaction documents, participating in negotiations, and handling Chinese law-related issues arising in transactions. Lu mainly represents clients from industries including financial services, education, retail, transportation, TMT, healthcare and entertainment. Lu graduated from Jilin University with an LLB and an LLM in Civil and Commercial Law. He also received an LLM from Cornell University Law School in 2010. |
马铭蔚 Ma Mingwei 虹桥正瀚律师事务所 合伙人,上海 Partner Zhenghan Law Firm Shanghai |
主要执业领域:银行与金融;商事诉讼;争议解决;诉讼 Key practice areas: Banking & finance; Commercial litigation; Dispute resolution; Litigation |
牟菲 Mu Fei 浩天律师事务所 高级合伙人,北京 Senior Partner Hylands Law Firm Beijing |
电话 Tel: +86 138 1095 2162 电邮 Email: mufei@hylandslaw.com 主要执业领域:仲裁与替代争议解决;银行与金融;商事诉讼;争议解决 Key practice areas: Arbitration & ADR; Banking & finance; Commercial litigation; Dispute resolution |
牟菲为浩天律师事务所资产管理行业委员会的牵头合伙人,对商事争议解决领域的法律事务拥有深入的研究与实践,其尤为擅长处理银行与金融、资产管理、投融资纠纷、公司控制权争夺等相关的仲裁和诉讼案件,在过去一年中处理的案件标的已超百亿元。牟菲近年来为大型国有投资平台、国内知名银行、基金管理公司、信托公司、保险公司以及融资租赁公司等企业提供争议解决法律服务。得益于多年法院审判工作的经验积累,牟律师对中国法律以及司法程序理解深刻,能够在处理相关案件时为客户设计出极具创新性和实操性的法律解决方案,帮助客户在最短时间内赢得案件的主动权。牟菲特别擅长客观分析诉讼风险,合理预判案件走势,抽丝剥茧解决疑复杂难法律问题,为客户提供卓有实效的争议解决方案。2018年、2019年连续两年均被《商法》列入“The A-List法律精英”100强榜单。2022年被列入2022年度LEGALBAND风云榜:仲裁律师15强。
Mu Fei, a senior partner at Hylands Law Firm, is particularly expert in arbitration and litigation cases relating to banking and finance, asset management, investment and financing disputes, and disputes over control of companies. In recent years, she has been awarded The A-List Elite 100 Lawyers of China Business Law Journal; the LEGALBAND Power List: Top 15 Arbitration Lawyers; and other awards in legal services ratings. An arbitration expert in the field of financial disputes, Mu’s outstanding ability is due to her experience as a former judge in the Beijing Intermediate People’s Court. It has become a subconscious ability for her to catch the main points of a case, while a judge’s neutral and equitable mindset has developed her habit of considering the whole picture. Therefore, she always provides her clients with a sound analysis of the risks of litigation, accurate predictions of case trends, and a path to resolution of difficult issues. At Hylands, Mu plays an important role in internal governance and business pioneering. Internally, she heads the Partner Development Committee, and is highly respected for her experience in attracting excellent partners to the firm, and for her commitment to helping internal partners to develop their careers. Externally, she is the lead partner of the Asset Management Industry Committee, a new department of more than 200 lawyers formed in response to the trend of cross-sector regulation of asset management. Moreover, Mu leads the development of this team throughout the process of team formation, specialisation, platform building and resource planning. |
潘慧 Pan Hui 若辉律师事务所 合伙人,呼和浩特 Partner Ruo Hui Law Firm Hohhot |
主要执业领域:民商事诉讼;金融资产管理;企业顾问;建设工程 Key practice areas: Civil & commercial litigation; Financial asset management; Corporate counsel; Construction |
潘俊林 Pan Junlin 君合律师事务所 合伙人,北京 Partner JunHe Beijing |
主要执业领域:知识产权 Key practice areas: Intellectual property |
彭筱剑 Rachel Peng 君伦律师事务所 高级合伙人,上海 Senior Partner Joius Law Firm Shanghai |
电话 Tel: +86 139 1732 4836 电邮 Email: rachel.peng@joius.com 主要执业领域:仲裁与替代争议解决;银行与金融;争议解决;政府与公共政策 Key practice areas: Arbitration & ADR; Banking & finance; Dispute resolution; Government & public policy |
彭筱剑在争议解决领域具有较强的专业能力,尤其擅长处理疑难复杂案件,多次在客户一审或二审已败诉的情况下介入案件,成功地在二审或再审中逆势翻盘,标的金额巨大,为客户取得胜诉判决,赢得客户高度评价。值得一提的是,为知名台资银行台新国际商业银行股份有限公司跨境催收的保证合同纠纷案件,在其他律所代理一审、二审均败诉的情况下,赢得最高院再审提审并发回重审的裁定,并在发回重审案件中取得胜诉判决;另曾代理中国长城资产管理股份有限公司逾七亿元标的金融借款合同纠纷案件获得胜诉,入选上海市高级人民法院优秀案例精选。 作为涉外业务的分管合伙人,彭筱剑具有中英文自如切换的工作能力,以英文为仲裁语言参加仲裁。她曾代理多起疑难复杂的涉外仲裁案件并胜诉,客户涉及法国、日本、韩国等国的知名企业。 此外,凭借着银行与金融领域10余年的资深经验,并依托君伦公司制的管理模式,彭筱剑带领团队为20余个金融机构,诸如银行、融资租赁公司、四大国有资产管理公司之华融资管、长城资管、东方资管以及央企华润资管等提供优质法律服务,涵盖50余个非诉项目及诸多诉讼案件。 Rachel Peng is senior partner at the Shanghai office of Joius Law Firm and head of the firm’s dispute resolution department. She graduated from East China University of Political Science and Law, and has been practising for 14 years. Peng is a member of the Shanghai Law Association’s Research Committee of Government Legal Counsel, and a member of the Shanghai Association of Bankruptcy Administrators’ Bankruptcy Conciliation Practice Study Committee, as well as a Jing’an District Excellent Young Job Expert for 2020, and Shanghai Changning District Outstanding Young Lawyer for 2013-2016. She also has an SSE Independent Director Qualification, providing legal counsel-related services for many government departments and public institutions. Peng has strong expertise in the field of dispute resolution, and is especially adept at handling difficult and complex cases. In many cases, she became involved when clients had lost the first or second trial, and successfully reversed the rulings in second trial or retrial. She has also obtained successful verdicts in cases with a huge amount of subject matter, winning high praise from clients. It is worth mentioning that in a cross-border dispute of a warranty contract for Taishin International Bank, a well-known bank in Taiwan, she won the ruling of the Supreme People’s Court to retrial, and obtained a successful verdict in the remanded case, even though other law firms had lost the first and second trial. As a co-partner in charge of foreign-related business, Peng is renowned as participating in arbitrations in fluent English, and has won many foreign-related arbitration cases involving well-known companies in France, Japan, South Korea and other countries. With more than 10 years’ experience in the field of finance, she has led the team providing high-quality legal services for more than 20 financial institutions, covering more than 50 non-litigation projects and lots of litigation cases. |
祁战勇 Qi Zhanyong 道可特律师事务所 高级合伙人,北京 Senior Partner DOCVIT Law Firm Beijing |
电话 Tel: +86 139 1075 0121 电邮 Email: qizhanyong@dtlawyers.com.cn 主要执业领域:基础设施;投融资;项目融资;信托与基金 Key practice areas: Infrastructure; Investment & financing; Project finance; Trust & fund |
祁战勇在道可特律师事务所担任高级合伙人期间,已为多家保险公司、保险资产管理公司、保险私募基金市场化机构等提供保险资金设立债权投资计划、股权投资计划、私募基金、信托计划、资产支持计划及相关结构产品的法律服务。 他的客户包括泰康资产、平安资产、国寿资产、平安养老、交银康联资产、工银安盛资产、招商信诺资产、太平资本、建信保险资产、光大永明资产、生命资产、华安资产、中意资产、百年资管、阳光保险集团、民生通惠资产、中英益利资产、安联资产、中信保诚资产等保险公司、保险资产管理公司,以及各类信托公司及投资公司。 As a senior partner at Beijing DOCVIT Law Firm, Qi Zhanyong provides legal services for a number of insurance companies, insurance asset management companies, and insurance private equity fund market-oriented institutions to establish debt investment plans, equity investment plans, private equity, trust, asset-backed plans and related structural products. His high-profile client list includes: Taikang Asset Management Co (AMC); Ping An AMC; China Life AMC; Ping An Pension Insurance; BoCommLife AMC; ICBC AXA life AMC; China Merchants Cigna AMC; Taiping Capital AMC; CCB Life AMC; Sun Life Everbright AMC; Sino Life AMC; Sino safe AMC; Generali China AMC; Centennial Insurance AMC; Sunshine Insurance Group; Minsheng Tonghui AMC; Zhongying Yili AMC; Allianz AMC; CITIC Prudential AMC; and other insurance companies, insurance asset management companies, as well as various trust companies and investment companies. Qi graduated from the China University of Political Science and Law, and worked as a practising lawyer in a Red Circle law firm before joining a large insurance asset management institution. He was seconded by the Insurance Asset Management Association of China from early 2019 to early 2021 as leader of the inspection team of the first department of the association’s innovation and development department, responsible for verification and registration of debt investment plan products, revision of new regulations, formulation of industry standardisation texts, and research of innovative products of equity investment plans. His professional recognition has included Top 20 Most Popular Training Expert Lecturers of the IAMAC; 2022 ALB China Law Awards Project Finance Transaction of the Year; and Establishment and Opening of Universal Beijing Resort selected among China Business Law Journal’s 2021 Outstanding Transactions. His main publication was the Handbook for Practical Discussion of Business Related to the Investment and Use of Insurance Funds. |
邱萍萍 Qiu Pingping 天达共和律师事务所 合伙人,武汉 Partner East & Concord Partners Wuhan |
电话 Tel: +86 27 8730 6528 电邮 Email: qiupingping@east-concord.com 主要执业领域:商事诉讼;争议解决;劳动法与雇佣法;并购 Key practice areas: Commercial litigation; Dispute resolution; Labour & employment; M&A |
邱萍萍代理多家国有企业及上市公司处理疑难复杂的商事诉讼及仲裁案件,曾带领团队为多家企业竞业限制及不正当竞争事宜提供法律服务,为客户成功争取到远高于当地同行业标准的赔偿额度,协助客户有效维护商业秘密及商业信誉,获评2023年度LEGALBAND客户首选:劳动法律师15强。 Qiu Pingping graduated from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law and is a partner at East & Concord Partners, concurrently serving as an arbitrator of the Wuhan Labour and the Personnel Dispute Arbitration Commission, and the Wuhan Qiaokou District Labour and Personnel Dispute Arbitration Commission. Since practising in law, Qiu has focused on major commercial dispute resolution, corporate and M&A, labour and employment. She has provided legal services for Fortune Global 500 companies including Jingdong Group, China Baowu Steel Group, China National Offshore Oil Corporation, Carrefour and General Electric. She also represents large state-owned enterprises, listed companies and public institutions including Cinda Asset, Ping An Bank, Hubei United Investment, Beijing Sifang Automation, Tuna Corporation, Credit Ease, Central China Normal University, Wuhan Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Wuhan Institute of Virology of CAS. She covers fields ranging from the internet, real estate, medicine and finance to consumer goods, logistics, insurance, environmental protection, energy and manufacturing. Qiu has represented many state-owned enterprises and listed companies in difficult and complex commercial litigation and arbitration cases, and has led teams providing legal services for many enterprises’ non-restriction and unfair competition issues, successfully winning compensation higher than local industry standards for clients, while maintaining clients’ business secrets and business reputation from being damaged. Among her accolades, Qiu was ranked among the Client Choice: Top 15 Labour & Employment Lawyers by LEGALBAND in 2023. |
任华 Ren Hua 竞天公诚律师事务所 合伙人,北京 Partner Jingtian & Gongcheng Beijing |
电话 Tel: +86 10 5809 1330 电邮 Email: ren.hua@jingtian.com 主要执业领域:资本市场;外商直接投资;并购;私募股权、风险投资与基金 Key practice areas: Capital markets; Foreign direct investment; M&A; Private equity, venture capital & funds |
2010年,任华加入竞天公诚律师事务所,2015年即被LegalBand评选为中国最优秀的30位30岁以下的年轻律师之一,2018年经本所批准成为合伙人。 任华在境内外证券发行上市、境内外投资并购以及私募投资领域拥有丰富的经验,代表性业绩包括绝味食品2023年非公开发行、盛天网络2022年非公开发行;先声药业、燃石控股(BNR)、隆鑫通用、暴风集团、万洲国际、云游控股、恒泰证券、远大中国、奥威控股、大自然地板等境内外IPO项目,以及置信电气收购武汉南瑞重大资产重组项目、绿景地产借壳新泽控股项目、中国矿业收购祥顺矿业少数股权项目、华讯方舟A股借壳恒天天鹅项目、华东数控发行股份购买大机集团相关资产项目、苏宁电器集团收购江苏国信舜天足球俱乐部100%股权项目、南方电网收购香港青山发电厂股权项目、奇虎360金融收购宁波诺博(私银家)之金融业务板块整合项目(360金融前身)等境内外并购重组/私募基金投资项目。 Ren Hua graduated from Peking University Law School and Kyushu University Law School in Japan, and was admitted to the PRC Bar in 2008. In 2010, Ren joined Jingtian & Gongcheng, and was selected by LegalBand as one of the top 30 young lawyers under 30 in China in 2015. He was approved as a partner by the firm in 2018. Ren has extensive experience in domestic and oversea IPOs, domestic and foreign investment, M&A, and private equity investment. His representative IPO projects include Simcere Pharma (02096.HK); Bruning Rock (BNR); Loncin Motor (603766); Storm Group (300431); WH Group (00288.HK); Forgame Holdings (00484.HK); Hengtai Securities (01476.HK); Yuanda China (02789.HK); Aowei Holdings (01370.HK); and Nature Flooring (02083.HK). Representative M&A restructurings and private equity investment projects include the 2023 Private Placement of Juewei Food; the 2022 Private Placement of Shengtian Network; the acquisition of major assets of Wuhan Nanrui by Zhixin Electric (600517); the reverse merger of Xinze Holdings (000502.HK) by Lvjing Real Estate; the acquisition of a minority stake in Xiangshun Mining by China Mining (00340.HK); the reverse merger of Hengtian Swan (000687) by Huaxun Ark; the purchase of related assets of Daji Group by Huadong Automation (002248); the acquisition of 100% equity interest in Jiangsu Guoxin Shuntian Football Club by Suning Electrical Group; Southern Power Grid’s acquisition of equity interest in Hong Kong Castle Peak Power Plant; and Qihoo 360 Financial’s acquisition of Ningbo Noble’s financial business segment (the predecessor of 360 Financial). |
任建南 Ryan Ren 海问律师事务所 合伙人,北京 Partner Haiwen & Partners Beijing |
电话 Tel: +86 10 8560 6807 电邮 Email: renjiannan@haiwen-law.com 主要执业领域:资本市场;外商直接投资;并购;私募股权、风险投资与基金 Key practice areas: Capital markets; Foreign direct investment; M&A; Private equity, venture capital & funds |
任建南协助众多发行人及保荐机构在中国内地、中国香港、美国等地的证券发行上市及后续融资提供法律服务,也为顶尖跨国企业、世界五百强企业、知名互联网科技企业的境内和跨境交易提供法律服务。任建南广泛而活跃地代表境内外投资基金进行少数股权投资交易,也伴随众多创始人及其创业企业进行股权融资、结构重组及后续的上市发行。依托于海问的一体化优势,在为客户提供日常法律服务的过程中,任建南能够在争议解决、反垄断、税务、劳动、合规、财富管理等多领域为客户提供全方位综合法律服务。 任建南在相关领域主办了多起具有代表性的交易,包括奇耐亚太人民币27.35亿元要约收购鲁阳节能交易荣获《商法》“2022年度杰出交易大奖”,帝亚吉欧人民币60.84亿元要约收购水井坊交易荣获《中国法律商务》(China Law & Practice)“2019年度最佳并购交易大奖”及《国际金融法律评论》(IFLR)“2019年度并购交易大奖”,万达电影人民币105亿元重大资产重组交易荣获《商法》“2019年度杰出交易大奖”。 任建南于2011年毕业于对外经济贸易大学法学院,拥有法学学士学位。 Ryan Ren has extensive experience in the areas of capital markets, mergers and acquisitions, private equity and venture capital investment, foreign direct investment, securities and corporate governance. With his pioneering legal thinking, Ren specialises in representing clients in complex domestic and cross-border mergers and acquisitions, the acquisition of listed companies, joint ventures and cross-border restructurings. Ren has provided legal services to many issuers and sponsors in securities offerings and subsequent financing in mainland China, Hong Kong and the US. He has also provided legal services to domestic and cross-border transactions of top multinational companies, Fortune Global 500 companies and well-known internet technology enterprises. He has extensively and actively represented domestic and foreign investment funds in minority equity transactions, and has accompanied numerous founders as well as their startups in equity financing, restructuring and subsequent IPOs. Relying on Haiwen’s advantages in integrated services, Ren is able to provide comprehensive and one-stop legal services in the areas of dispute resolution, antitrust, taxation, labour and employment, compliance, wealth management and other areas during the course of serving clients. Ren has advised on a number of representative deals including: Unifrax’s acquisition of shares in Luyang, which won the Cross-border Deal of the Year of 2022 by China Business Law Journal; Diageo’s acquisition of shares in Swellfun which won the M&A Deal of the Year of 2019 by both China Law & Practice and the International Financial Law Review; and Wanda Film’s material assets restructuring transaction, which has won the M&A Deal of the Year of 2019 by China Business Law Journal. Ren received his LLB degree from the University of International Business and Economics in 2011. |
桑禄 Sang Lu 志霖律师事务所 合伙人,北京 Partner Zhilin Law Firm Beijing |
主要执业领域:资本市场;争议解决;投融资;并购 Key practice areas: Capital markets; Dispute resolution; Investment & financing; M&A |
石钛戈 Casper Sek 竞天公诚律师事务所 合伙人,北京 Partner Jingtian & Gongcheng Beijing |
电话 Tel: +86 138 1116 9671 电邮 Email: shi.taige@jingtian.com 主要执业领域:数据保护;投融资;并购;科技、媒体与电信 Key practice areas: Data protection; Investment & financing; M&A; Technology, media and telecommunications |
Casper Sek is a partner at Jingtian & Gongcheng, based in Beijing, with rich experience in cybersecurity and data protection, transactions and compliance affairs. He has handled a number of legal challenges involving cybersecurity and privacy protection, including co-ordination of data protection across jurisdictions, and regulatory compliance of IT outsourcing in intensely regulated industries. He advises clients engaged in the internet and telecommunications businesses on matters such as data security, personal information protection, data transfer security assessment, cybersecurity review, and cybersecurity classified protection and compliance. Casper also represents clients in TMT, biomedical, industrial parks, pharmaceuticals, energy, education and other industries on PE and M&A deals. Recognised by LegalBand as among the Top 15 Chinese Cybersecurity and Data Compliance Lawyers in 2020, he is a certified information privacy professional (CIPP/E) and is admitted to both the PRC and New York bars. |
沙千里 Sha Qianli 磐明律师事务所 合伙人,上海 Partner Brightstone Lawyers Shanghai |
电话 Tel: +86 21 6881 5499 电邮 Email: qianli.sha@brightstonelawyers.com 主要执业领域:资本市场;跨境投资;并购;私募股权、风险投资与基金 Key practice areas: Capital markets; Cross-border investment; M&A; Private equity, venture capital & funds |
沙千里曾为多个具有市场影响力的项目提供法律服务,包括浙江森马服饰IPO项目、复星医药H股上市、安信信托非公开发行股票项目、复地集团股份有限公司公开发行公司债项目等。沙千里凭借深厚的专业素养、敏感独到的商业思维、勤勉尽责的工作态度受到企业客户、同行、市场的高度认可。 此外,沙千里尤其擅长私募股权投资业务。基于其对相关产业政策和实务操作的精通,沙千里在复杂交易架构的设计以及资本运作方面有着极其丰富的经验。他为海通直投、央视基金、尚融资本、德同资本等行业领先的私募股权投资基金提供基金设立、投资、项目退出等法律服务。 Sha Qianli is a partner of Brightstone Lawyers, and managing partner for semiconductor and new energy industry, with extensive experience in private equity and venture capital, domestic and overseas securities issuance and listing, corporate M&A and restructuring, and cross-border investment. Sha provides legal services in a wide range of industries including biomedical, medical, integrated circuit, semiconductor, chip, automotive and new energy, providing professional and efficient legal services for many multinational enterprises, state-owned enterprises and large private enterprises. Sha has provided legal services for a number of projects with a market impact, including: the IPO of Zhejiang Semir Garment; the H-share listing of Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group); the non-public offering of shares of Anxin Trust Co; and the public offering of corporate bonds of Shanghai Forte Land Company. He is highly recognised by clients, peers and the market for his profound professionalism, sensitive and unique business thinking, and diligent and responsible work attitude. Sha also specialises in private equity investments. Based on his proficiency in relevant industrial policies and practical operations, he is extremely experienced in the design of complex transaction structures and capital operations, providing legal services for fund establishment, investment and project exit for industry-leading private equity funds such as Haitong, Yangshi Fund, SHANG Finance and Detong Capital. |
尚世鸣 George Shang 君合律师事务所 合伙人,上海 Partner JunHe Shanghai |
电话 Tel: +86 21 2208 6203/+86 150 2672 8505 电邮 Email: shangshm@junhe.com 主要执业领域:资本市场;私募投融资;企业并购 Key practice areas: Capital market; PE/VC; Corporate and M&A |
尚世鸣拥有逾12年的执业经验。自加入君合所以来,尚世鸣一直专注于资本市场与投融资业务,擅长并熟悉A股上市、境外上市、私募投融资、并购重组等各项业务。尚世鸣服务的客户所涉猎的业务领域十分广泛,包括芯片半导体、新能源、消费零售、物流供应链、医疗器械、娱乐传媒、电信基础设施(数据中心)等。尚世鸣曾在2022年被Asian Legal Business评选为 “ALB中国长三角地区十五佳律师新星”。 在境内公开资本市场领域,尚世鸣主办及参与的代表性项目包括:概伦电子A股科创板上市、优刻得科技A股科创板上市、彤程新材料集团A股主板IPO项目、上海剑桥科技A股主板IPO项目及2019年非公开发行股票项目、上海晨光文具A股主板IPO项目、春秋航空A股主板IPO项目、维宏电子A股创业板IPO项目、应流股份A股主板IPO项目及2016年非公开发行股票项目、三湘股份非公开发行股票项目、苏宁云商非公开发行股票项目(暨与阿里巴巴战略合作项目)、圆通速递A股主板重组上市项目、亿晶光电A股主板重组上市项目等。 在海外公开资本市场(包括美国、香港)业务领域,尚世鸣主办及参与的代表性项目包括:小鹏汽车美股上市及香港双重首次上市、中通快递美股上市及联交所二次上市、荔枝纳斯达克上市、微盟集团香港主板上市、浦江国际香港主板上市、信义能源香港主板分拆上市、触宝科技纽交所上市、金斯瑞生物香港主板上市、BBI生命科学香港主板上市、海昌海洋公园香港主板上市、金轮天地香港主板上市、雅仕维香港主板上市、汇星印刷香港主板上市等。 在私募股权投融资领域,尚世鸣主办及参与的代表性项目包括:代表宁夏汉尧富锂科技引入中信金石、洪泰基金、申万投资等战略投资人;代表华润资本投资匹克体育(PEAK);代表资生堂资悦基金投资创建医疗;代表珍岛股份完成引入北拓资本等Pre-IPO投资人;代表英式股份完成引入华润资本等Pre-IPO投资人;代表云象区块链引入复星资本;代表快准车服完成红筹重组并引入元生资本;代表优刻得(UCloud)引入中移资本、中移创投等战略投资人项目;代表微盟集团引入GIC等Pre IPO投资人;代表鼎晖创投(CDH)投资禧云国际;代表凯辉资本(Cathy Capital)投资壹米滴答项目;代表红杉资本投资Urban Revivo;代表元禾重元基金及国开金融联合投资山石网科项目,代表嘉御基金(VKC)投资Ones项目等。 除上述之外,尚世鸣还在诸多项目中为华润资本、资生堂资悦基金、华平资本(Warburg Pincus)、红杉资本(Sequoia Capital)、安宏资本(Advent)、高盛(Goldman Sachs)、元禾重元(ORIZA)、凯辉资本(Cathy Capital)、鼎晖(CDH)、嘉御基金(VKC)等国内外知名投资机构提供各类投资法律咨询服务,参与了大量投融资项目的结构设计、谈判、文件起草和出具法律意见书等工作。 George Shang is a partner at JunHe based in the firm’s Shanghai office. Since starting his career in JunHe in 2011, Shang has been dedicated to providing diversified legal services in the fields of capital markets, mergers and acquisitions, and corporate finance. He has extensive expertise in transactions of IPO financing, private equity investment, mergers and cross-border restructurings. Shang has experience across a wide spectrum of industry sectors including energy, retail, TMT, logistics, healthcare, catering, telecommunications infrastructure, culture and media. He was selected as one of the Top 15 Rising Stars in Yangtze River Delta by Asian Legal Business in 2022. In the A-share market, representative deals advised by Shang include: Primarius EDA in its SSE Star market IPO; UCloud in its SSE Star market IPO; Red Avenue in its SSE main board market (MBM) IPO; CIG Shanghai in its MBM IPO and private placement in 2019; Shanghai M&G Stationary in its MBM IPO; Spring Airlines in its MBO IPO; Weihong Electronic in its SZSE growth enterprise market (GEM) IPO; Yingliu Group in its MBM IPO and private placement in 2016; Sanxiang Impression in its private placement in 2015; Suning in its private placement in 2016 (the strategic co-operation with Alibaba); YTO in its reverse merger of Dalian Trands; and Changzhou Eging in its reverse merger of Ningbo Haitong. Shang also has extensive experience in overseas capital markets. His representative deals include: Xpeng Motors’ US and HK IPO; ZTO Express’ US IPO and HK secondary listing; LIZI’s US IPO; Weimob’s HK IPO; Pujiang International’s HK IPO; Xinyi Energy’s HK IPO; TouchPal’s US IPO; Genscript’s HK IPO; and BBI Life Science’s HK IPO. In private equity/venture capital, Shang has provided innovative advice to many prestigious funds such as China Resources Capital, Shiseido Ziyue fund, Warburg Pincus, Sequoia Capital, Standard Chartered, Advent international and Goldman Sachs in relation to deal structure design, negotiation and documentation. |
邵旦宁 Shao Danning 竞天公诚律师事务所 合伙人,上海 Partner Jingtian & Gongcheng Shanghai |
电话 Tel: +86 21 2613 6332 电邮 Email: shao.danning@jingtian.com 主要执业领域:资本市场;跨境投资;并购;私募股权、风险投资与基金 Key practice areas: Capital markets; Cross-border investment; M&A; Private equity, venture capital & funds |
邵旦宁擅长私募股权/风险投资、公司并购、境内外上市、基金设立备案和跨境投资等方面的法律工作,长期为大型国有或民营集团、私募基金和初创企业提供法律服务,经验十分丰富并得到客户的广泛好评和认可。邵旦宁近年来负责和主办了多个具有市场影响力和创新性的境内外投融资、并购和境外上市项目,涉及科技、媒体和电信、医疗健康、消费零售、智能制造、半导体、大消费、无人驾驶、汽车和新能源等多个领域。 Shao Danning graduated from Zhejiang University (LLB and BBA) and Vanderbilt University (LLM). He has been practising law since 2014 and is now a partner at Jingtian & Gongcheng. Shao specialises in PE/VC, M&A, capital markets, fund formation, cross-border investment and other legal practice areas. He advises and has been widely praised and recognised by his clients including large state-owned/private corporate groups, private equity funds and startups. Shao has advised on and been responsible for numerous influential and innovative market cases in various fields including TMT, healthcare, pharma, medical devices, consumer retail, intelligent manufacturing, semiconductor, driverless vehicles, automotive and new energy. |
沈澄 Charles Shen 汇业律师事务所 合伙人,上海 Partner Hui Ye Law Firm Shanghai |
主要执业领域:合规;争议解决;电商、金融科技、区块链与虚拟货币;科技、媒体与电信 Key practice areas: Compliance; Dispute resolution; E-commerce fintech blockchain & cryptos; Technology media and telecommunications |
石磊 Raymond Shi 汉坤律师事务所 合伙人,北京 Partner Han Kun Law Offices Beijing |
主要执业领域:A股与境外资本市场;私募股权/风险投资;并购;企业重组 Key practice areas: A share & overseas capital markets; PE/VC investments; M&A; Corporate restructuring |
宋继聪 Vincent Song 汉坤律师事务所 合伙人,上海 Partner Han Kun Law Offices Shanghai |
电话 Tel: +86 21 6080 0913 电邮 Email: vincent.song@hankunlaw.com 主要执业领域:资本市场;医疗保健与生命科学;并购,Private equity, venture capital & funds 私募股权、风险投资与基金 Key practice areas: Capital markets; Healthcare & life sciences; M&A; Private equity, venture capital & funds |
Vincent Song joined Han Kun Law Offices in 2011. Song specialises in venture capital and private equity financing, mergers and acquisitions, fund formation, and overseas listings. Song has represented a large number of venture capital funds, private equity funds and entrepreneurs in their investment and financing projects, has participated in numerous complex equity and asset acquisitions and merger deals, and has been significantly involved in the formation of, and fundraising for, numerous onshore and offshore private equity funds. In addition, Song has represented issuers and underwriters in certain Chinese company initial public offerings on overseas stock exchanges. Song has represented clients in a wide variety of industries including TMT, healthcare, culture and entertainment, education, consumer goods, internet finance and logistics. |
孙立君 Sun Lijun 融力天闻律师事务所 管委会委员、高级合伙人,上海 Member of the Management Committee, Senior Partner Ronly & Tenwen Partners Shanghai |
电话 Tel: +86 21 6840 7858 电邮 Email: sunlijun@rtlawyer.com.cn 主要执业领域:商事诉讼;知识产权;私募股权、风险投资与基金;房地产 Key practice areas: Commercial litigation; Intellectual property; Private equity, venture capital & funds; Real estate |
孙立君有十多年的律师执业经验,专业特长是公司商事、金融、不动产和建设工程、知识产权等领域,擅长重大疑难复杂诉讼案件,代理的商业案件曾经被国家媒体报道,代理的援助案件曾经被中国司法部列为典型案例并召开新闻记者招待会,曾入编江平教授作序的《中国当代律师》。 孙立君同时担任多家跨国公司、制造业公司、贸易公司、政府等单位的常年法律顾问,为服务单位提供包括风险防控、合规审查、诉讼仲裁、法律文件起草及审阅等多类型的法律服务。 孙立君自执业初始至今十多年时间中,曾经代理过上百个法律援助案件,多个案件收入12348中国法网案例库;也代理过几百件民商事诉讼案件,孙立君律师一直坚持在实战中反复磨砺。 他说,案件就像是这大千世界的缩影,各种情况层出不穷,原告在争取获胜的同时被告也在极力抗辩,所以案件的推进经常步履蹒跚,但是锲而不舍的努力和专业的知识以及丰富的经验是最终赢得案件并维护当事人合法权益的保障。 孙立君于2022年获评ALB《亚洲法律杂志》中国长三角地区十五佳律师新星;2021年入围ALB《亚洲法律杂志》中国沿海地区青年律师大奖;2017年获评闵行区第三届十大优秀青年律师;2016年获评闵行区优秀信访第三方参与者。 Sun Lijun is a member of the civil and commercial litigation research committee at the Shanghai Lawyers Association, a member of the Shanghai Lawyers Law Research Institute, a member of Minhang district’s Intellectual Property Legal Advisory Group, a legal mentor of Zero Bay Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship Cluster, and a legal mentor of Liangu Emerging Technology Industrial Park. He has more than 10 years’ experience in law, specialising in corporate business, finance, real estate and construction engineering, and intellectual property. Accomplished in major and complex litigation cases, his representation in commercial cases has been reported by national media, and his aid cases have been cited by the Ministry of Justice of China. He is also the author of a book titled Contemporary Lawyers of China, prefaced by Professor Jiang Ping. Sun serves as a perennial legal consultant for many multinational companies, manufacturing companies, trading companies, government and other units, providing service units with multiple types of legal services including risk prevention and control, compliance review, litigation and arbitration, and legal document drafting and review. Sun Lijun has represented hundreds of legal aid cases in more than a decade since the beginning of his practice, many of them in the case database of 12348 China Legal Network. Having also represented hundreds of civil and commercial litigation cases, he firmly believes in “repeated practice in practice”. In professional recognition, he was named among ALB China’s 2022 Top 15 Rising Lawyers in Yangtze River Delta; ALB China’s 2021 Young Lawyers of the Year: The Coastal Areas (shortlisted); Minhang district’s 2017 Top Ten Outstanding Young Lawyers; and Minhang district’s 2016 Outstanding Third-Party Participant of Petition. |
孙凭慧 Sun Pinghui 正策律师事务所 合伙人,上海 Partner Joint-Win Partners Shanghai |
电话 Tel: +86 138 1687 2836 电邮 Email: sunpinghui@joint-win.com 主要执业领域:国际贸易、海事海商、涉外投资 Key practice areas: International Trade, Maritime Affairs and Foreign Investment. |
孙凭慧向中国出口信用保险公司、邓白氏华夏、上海市进出口商会、广东省商务厅、安徽省商务厅、深圳市商务局、滁州市司法局、阿里巴巴、特易资讯以及法天使等各政府部门、平台企业提供公司合规、国际贸易、航运物流以及涉外投资等专业法律培训十余年,每年受邀举办风控讲座数十场,在业内享有较高知名度。 孙凭慧担任《中国航务周刊》法律栏目特邀律师,在专业期刊发表几十篇专业文章。参与编译《中国民航法律案例精解(英文版)》一书。 孙凭慧在国际贸易及物流、跨境投资相关法律领域服务十余年,拥有丰富的行业执业经验。通过对于不同行业客户需求的深刻洞察,为涉外企业提供量身定制的法律意见,并解决新时期不断涌现的新问题。特别是针对近年来,各国逆贸易全球化的思潮而引起的新型贸易摩擦、供应链金融、知识产权保护、境内外合规等热点问题,提出了很多独到的见解和法律解决方案,为企业走出去提供全程法律服务,为中国企业的全球化发展保驾护航。 Sun Pinghui serves as a legal consultant for dozens of well-known domestic and foreign joint ventures, foreign trade companies, international logistics companies and insurance enterprises such as Friesland Group, Konka Group, Gansu Construction Investment Group, China State Decoration Group, Jiangsu Hengtong Group, Shanghai Renxin Group and Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance (China) Company Limited, providing all-process legal services for compliance, cross-border transactions, investment and financing businesses. She has created a unique legal service concept of “prevention before the event, control during the event and follow-up after the event”, sorted out business processes, pinned down risk nodes, and created a personalised risk prevention system for enterprises. She has provided professional legal training courses to various government departments and enterprises, such as China Export and Credit Insurance Corporation, Dun & Bradstreet, Shanghai Import and Export Chamber of Commerce, Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce, Anhui Provincial Department of Commerce, Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Chuzhou Municipal Bureau of Justice, Alibaba, TopEase and FaTianShi, etc. for more than 10 years. She has been invited to hold dozens of lectures on risk control every year and enjoys a high reputation. Sun is a legal contributor to China Shipping Gazette and published dozens of legal articles in professional journals. She participated in the compilation of the book Interpretation of Civil Aviation Law Cases of China (English Version). She has served in international trade, logistics and cross-border investment-related legal fields for more than 10 years, and has rich experience in practice. Through deep insight into the needs of clients in different industries, she can provide customised legal advice for foreign-related enterprises and solve the emerging new problems in the new era. In particular, she has provided many unique insights and legal solutions to hot issues such as new trade frictions, supply chain finance, intellectual property protection, and domestic & foreign compliance caused by the trend of anti-globalisation of trade in recent years. She will continue to provide all-process legal services for enterprises going abroad and escort them in globalisation development. |
王冬 Wang Dong 高文律师事务所 合伙人、专利律师,北京 Partner, Patent Attorney Globe-law Lawyers Beijing |
电话 Tel: +86 138 1155 5981 电邮 Email: wangdong@globe-law.com 主要执业领域:专利申请、无效和诉讼 Key practice areas: Patent Prosecution, Patent Invalidation and Litigation |
王冬长期专注于专利申请、无效和诉讼,涉及电子、通信、互联网等技术领域。王冬尤其擅长于将国外客户服务经验借鉴至国内客户服务,将专利无效和诉讼经验反哺至专利申请,进而从客户产品技术全局出发,助力客户构建专利技术壁垒。 在专利申请领域,王冬曾主办或审核千余件,按照专利技术领域划分,至少包括机电领域(艾默生、伯斯音响、上海必能信超声)、电子领域(英飞凌、麦斯卓、深圳华乙半导体)、电气领域(ABB、施耐德电气、安徽一天电气)、通信领域(诺基亚、中兴通讯、北航天宇长鹰无人机)、计算机领域(EMC、Adobe、埃森哲),以及互联网领域(谷歌、滴滴出行、两氢一氧)。此外,王冬还主办过北京航空航天大学、澳门科技大学等多家知名高校的专利申请项目。 在专利无效和诉讼领域,王冬主办或参与百余件。按照侵权产品特点划分,至少包括:外观设计类产品(食品包装罐、自行车变速器、Oral-B电动牙刷)、小型家电类产品(旋翼无人机、电动窗帘滑轨、食物垃圾处理器)、大型机电类产品(自动取款机、预制坯模制机、热轧金属实心辊)、高危高压类产品(高压输电故障处理装置、风能发电机腹板定位装置),以及使用操作类方法(脸部靠近触摸屏识别方法、二维码采集和分析方法)。 王东持有中国人民大学法学硕士(2015-2018)、北京航空航天大学工学硕士(2005-2008),以及北京理工大学工学学士(2001-2005) Wang Dong is a partner and patent attorney of Beijing Globe-Law Law Firm, specialising in patent prosecution in the technical fields of electronics, electrical and the internet. With his experience in patent invalidation and litigation, he is particularly accomplished at conducting patent prosecution and constructing patent technical barriers from the perspective of product technology. In patent prosecution he has drafted and reviewed more than 1,000 patents. These have included electro mechanics (Emerson, Bose, Branson Ultrasonics), electronics (Infineon, MEMS, One Connect), electrical (ABB, Schneider, One Sky), telecommunications (Nokia, ZTE, Beihang UAV), computers (EMC, Adobe, Accenture), and the internet (Google, Didi, HHO). In addition, he has served the patents process for various renowned universities including Beihang University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and Macau University of Science and Technology. In terms of patent invalidation and litigation, he has drafted or been involved in more than 100 cases of infringing products, including industrial designs from cans to toothbrushes, small and large devices from drones to food waste disposals and ATMs, high-risk equipment including wind turbine equipment, and operation methods from Face-ID unlocking to QR code analysing. Wang is a member of the China Democratic Founding Association, and also part-time Master of Law tutor at Southwest University of Political Science and Law. His thesis, “The Use Environment Features in Patent Claims”, was awarded among the Top 10 Essays of the Forum on Intellectual Property Law and Practice in China, and the All China Lawyers Association Intellectual Property Committee Annual Conference in 2019. With a Master of Laws degree from Renmin University, as well as an engineering master’s degree from Beihang University, he joined Beijing Globe-Law Law Firm in 2017. |
王凯 Wang Kai 君合律师事务所 合伙人,北京 Partner JunHe Beijing |
电话 Tel: +86 10 8553 7931 电邮 Email: wangk@junhe.com 主要执业领域:跨境投资;外商直接投资;合资企业;并购 Key practice areas: Cross-border investment; Foreign direct investment; Joint ventures; M&A |
王凯主要业务领域为跨境并购、外商直接投资和合资企业设立,其尤其擅长在外资来华投资项目和跨境并购交易中为境内外客户提供全面和细致的法律服务,包括交易结构设计、交易文件起草、项目谈判、以及行业政策相关的法律咨询。 王凯执业业务涉及的行业和领域主要包括汽车、医疗、养老、石油化工、公共交通等领域。特别是在整车生产行业,王凯近年来代表众多大型跨国车企,参与了大量传统燃油车生产企业的转型,以及新能源乘用车企业的新设、委托生产等工作,对于中国乘用车市场的相关产业政策和企业需求具有充分的了解,并能够将该等理解转化为对企业切实可行的法律意见。 王凯曾多次被The Legal500亚太榜单列为公司与并购领域的后起之秀及推荐律师。 Wang Kai joined JunHe in 2016, and is based in the firm’s Beijing headquarters. Before joining JunHe, he worked at a reputable foreign law firm’s Beijing office for six years. Wang specialises in cross-border M&A transactions, foreign direct investment, and the incorporation of joint ventures. He is especially adept at providing comprehensive and sophisticated services to both domestic and foreign customers in FDI projects and cross-border M&A deals. His services include the design of transaction structures, drafting transactional documents, project negotiations, and providing legal advice in relation to industrial policies. Wang’s practice focuses on the automotive, medical, aged care, petrochemical and public transport industries. In the automotive industry, he recently represented various multinational automotive companies and engaged in the reform of traditional ICE manufacturers, as well as the new establishment and contract production of NEV enterprises. He also has in-depth understanding of the industrial policies and corporate needs in China’s passenger vehicle market, translating this understanding into feasible legal advice for clients. |
汪令钦 Wang Lingqin 竞天公诚律师事务所 合伙人,上海/南京 Partner Jingtian & Gongcheng Shanghai/Nanjing |
主要执业领域:银行与金融;商事诉讼;房地产;重组与破产 Key practice areas: Banking & finance; Commercial litigation; Real estate; Restructuring & insolvency |
王旭 Sean Wang 大成律师事务所 家族办公室法律研究中心执行主任,北京 Executive Director of Family Office Legal Centre Dentons China Beijing |
电话 Tel: +86 136 7123 2807 电邮 Email: wang.xu@dentons.cn 主要执业领域:家庭法与私人财富管理;继承规划 (家族办公室);税务;信托与基金 Key practice areas: Family law and private wealth management; Succession planning (family office),Taxation; Trust & fund |
王旭现任大成律师事务所家族办公室法律研究中心执行主任、多家银行总行及金融机构法律及税务顾问,曾获国家全额奖学金公派留学资格赴英国研习跨境财富管理法律及税务知识,并获Distinction一等法学硕士学位,拥有国际信托及财富管理从业资格、国际信托管理认证等专业资质。2021-2022连续上榜亚太财富论坛 Wealth APAC|中国首席财富顾问TOP50,获评家族信托领域TIPTOP顶级顾问,并获2020财富管理“金臻奖”等诸多荣誉。
王旭专注于家族财富管理、跨境财富规划、税务合规及争议解决法律服务,在家族财富管理、境内外信托及税务领域享有较高的知名度。他曾受邀为中国银行总行、农业银行、工商银行、交通银行、建设银行、太平人寿、平安保险、中金公司等多家头部机构提供信托及税务培训、跨境财富规划培训及业务辅助,受到各大机构的一致好评。 王旭曾参与多个信托立法研讨、修法建议项目,同时担任北京科技大学(211/双一流)硕士生校外导师、MBA跨境法税课程特聘讲师、国家级核心期刊《金融博览(财富)》特邀供稿人、《南方财经》信托法特邀评论员、STEP国际信托与资产规划学会资深成员TEP。 王旭带领团队主办了多项典型案例,为上市公司实际控制人、超高净值人士提供境内财富管理、家族信托设立、税务合规及争议解决、慈善规划(慈善基金会及慈善信托)、离岸家族信托设立、移民换汇、跨境财富传承架构搭建、跨境税务规划、境外股权激励信托设立、企业架构调整等法律服务,其中家族信托类案件超50亿元、涉税争议解决及合规类案件涉案金额30余亿。 Sean Wang is executive director of the family office legal centre at Dentons China, the legal and tax adviser of many top-ranking banks’ head offices and financial institutions. He launched his career with a national full scholarship to study cross-border wealth management law and tax knowledge at University College London, obtaining his Master of Laws degree with distinction. In 2021-2022, he was ranked among the Wealth APAC TOP 50 Chief Wealth Advisers in China, rated as the “TIPTOP” adviser in the family trust sector, and won a series of honours including the 2020 Wealth Management Jinzhen Award as First-Class Tax Adviser. Wang has participated in a number of legislation discussions and law amendment projects, and serves as a mentor of graduate students at the University of Science and Technology Beijing and distinguished lecturer for the MBA cross-border law and tax course. He is also a specially invited contributor of the national core journal Financial View, specially invited commentator on trust law of Southern Finance, and the Trust and Estate Practitioner (TEP) of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP). He specialises in tax compliance, family wealth management and cross-border wealth planning, with a high reputation in family wealth management, and domestic and foreign trust and tax fields. He has been invited to provide training and consulting services on trust and tax, and cross-border wealth planning, to many top-ranking institutions including Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Taiping Life Insurance, PingAn Insurance and CICC. Wang leads his team to direct cases typically focused on tax compliance and dispute resolution, domestic wealth management, charitable planning, offshore family trust establishment, immigrant currency exchange compliance, construction of cross-border wealth inheritance structure, cross-border tax planning, ESOP trust, and other legal services. He is highly recognised by the actual controllers of listed companies and ultra-high-net-worth individuals. |
王晓雨 Wang Xiaoyu 天同律师事务所 合伙人、重庆办公室负责人,重庆 Partner, Head of Chongqing Office TianTong Law Firm Chongqing |
电话 Tel: +86 139 1186 9195 电邮 Email: wangxiaoyu@tiantonglaw.com 主要执业领域:商事诉讼;争议解决;诉讼 Key practice areas: Commercial litigation; Dispute resolution; Litigation |
王晓雨是一位诉讼标准化的倡导者和诉讼技能的传递者。在受聘担任无讼讲师期间,每年为近千名律师、法务提供诉讼技能培训,内容涵盖证据、出庭、诉讼标准化、诉讼可视化等。 王晓雨调任重庆办公室以来,与西南区域多家头部律师事务所建立了合作关系,希望集区域协同之力,为客户解决重大、复杂争议,共同推动专业分工及行业发展。王晓雨荣获2021年度LEGALBAND风云榜:区域明星15强。 王晓雨服务过的客户主要有:中国东方资产、中国核工业二四建设、中建交通、太平洋证券、民生银行、平安银行、龙滩水电、新海石化、雨润、重庆市九龙坡区人民政府、中石化重庆、重庆建工市政、成都一建、云南省能源投资集团、贵阳市工业投资集团等。 客户评价:“天同所指派办理区政府案的律师团队具有深厚的法律功底、出色的诉讼技巧、丰富的办案经验,同时在制定诉讼策略时综合考量了诉讼目标并达到了胜诉的效果,维护了政府的公信力。” 客户评价:“天同所最擅长的就是以幽默诙谐的方式告诉你:法律是一位严父,虽面无表情,不善言辞,但危险发生的时候永远在身边。” Wang Xiaoyu, focusing on commercial dispute resolution, specialises in either major first-instance cases involving complex legal relationships and evidence or difficult appeal and retrial cases, representing his clients in various typical cases handled by the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China (SPC) and provincial higher people’s courts among which the “TANG Changlong equity transfer dispute case” was designated as No. 67 guiding case by the SPC while the “Dali Lanlinge Real Estate Co Ltd loan contract dispute case” was published in the Civil Trial Guidance and Reference (Vol.1, 2020). Wang advocates litigation standardisation and shares his litigation skills, providing litigation skill training covering evidence, court appearance, litigation standardisation, litigation visualisation, and other fields for nearly 1,000 lawyers and legal counsellors each year as a lecturer in the Non-litigation Academy. Wang, after being transferred to the Chongqing office, has established co-operative relationships with several leading law firms in southwestern China, aiming at resolving major and complex client disputes and jointly promoting specialisation, co-operation, and industry development with regional synergy. He was among the Top 15 Regional Stars awarded by LegalBand in 2021. His main clients include China Orient Asset Management Co Ltd China Nuclear Industry 24 Construction Co Ltd China Construction Transportation, Pacific Securities, Minsheng Bank, Ping An Bank, Longtan Hydropower, Xinhai Petrochemical, Yurun, Chongqing Jiulongpo District People’s Government, Sinopec Chongqing, Chongqing Construction Municipal Engineering, Chengdu First Construction, Yunnan Energy Investment Group, Guiyang Industrial Investment Group, etc. One client’s feedback is “Thanks to the profound legal skills, excellent litigation skills, rich case-handling experience, and comprehensive consideration of litigation goals in the litigation strategy of TianTong lawyers representing us, we not only won the case but also maintained the government’s credibility”. Another client’s feedback is “TianTong is best at telling you in a humorous and witty way that law, though lacking facial expression or verbal communication like a stern father, is always by your side when danger occurs.” |
吴晓雪 Dana Wu 汉坤律师事务所 合伙人,上海 Partner Han Kun Law Offices Shanghai |
主要执业领域:资本市场;医疗保健与生命科学;并购;私募股权、风险投资与基金 Key practice areas: Capital markets; Healthcare & life sciences; M&A; Private equity-venture capital & funds |
武静 Wu Jing 道可特律师事务所 合伙人,北京 Partner DOCVIT Law Firm Beijing |
电话 Tel: +86 186 1286 8802 电邮 Email: wujing@dtlawyers.com.cn 主要执业领域:商事诉讼;合规;企事与商事;争议解决 Key practice areas: Commercial litigation; Compliance; Corporate & commercial; Dispute resolution |
武静曾主导多个大型非诉项目和多起大型公司控制权争夺纠纷,其主要承办的克罗地亚佩列沙茨大桥物流项目荣获《商法》2021年“年度杰出交易”。执业至今,武静代理争议解决案件百余件,标的金额超过百亿元,成功为客户挽回或争取经济利益数亿元;其主导的非诉类项目,资产规模合计超千亿,在满足客户商业需求的同时兼顾合法合规,她“极致专业、极致服务”的服务理念赢得了客户的一致认可。 武静积极关注行业动态,投身律所管理工作和品牌建设工作。武静曾组织开展律所法律服务产品创新大赛、青年律师训练营并组织员工培训,协助律所上海、深圳办公室的筹建与落地等工作,为律所一体化的管理和发展贡献良多。武静还协助律所扩大品牌、专业、市场影响力,为道可特的品牌建设贡献了力量。 武静积极投身社会公益,在疫情期间,武静与律所其他同事一道,为坚守在抗疫一线的快递员送去防疫物资,向“最美逆行者”致敬。同时,武静还以直播形式为广大中小企业提供租金减免、劳动纠纷等方面的免费法律指导,旨在为中小企业排忧解困,尽快恢复生产经营。 As a partner of DOCVIT Law Firm in Beijing, Wu Jing graduated from the Central University of Finance and Economics with a Bachelor of Law, and then from William & Mary College of the US with an LLM. She has been committed to providing high-end commercial legal services for large SOEs and internet platforms. She has the professional ability to manage large-scale litigation and non-litigation cases and projects, which makes her a compound legal talent with both litigation and non-litigation backgrounds. Wu has led a number of litigation and non-litigation projects. The logistics project of Pelješac Bridge in Croatia, led by Wu, was selected in China Business Law Journal’s Deals of the Year 2021. She has acted as an agent in more than 100 dispute resolution cases, worth a total amount of more than RMB10 billion (USD1.43 billion), and has successfully recovered hundreds of millions of renminbi for clients. The non-litigation projects led by her have a total asset size of more than RMB100 billion. Her service concept of “ultimate professionalism and ultimate service” has won the unanimous recognition of clients. As one of the young female leaders of DOCVIT, she actively follows industry trends and devotes herself to the management and brand building of the firm. As a leader of DOCVIT Media Awards Group, she helped the firm expand its brand and enhance its market influence. She also contributed a great deal to the brand building of the firm. Wu has actively devoted herself to public welfare. During the epidemic, she and other DOCVIT lawyers delivered medical materials to the couriers who stood on the front line of epidemic prevention. She also provided free legal guidance on rent reduction, labour disputes and other aspects for small and medium-sized enterprises in the form of a live broadcast. |
吴瑞丹 Wu Ruidan 若辉律师事务所 合伙人,呼和浩特 Partner Ruo Hui Law Firm Hohhot |
主要执业领域:银行与金融;企事与商事;投融资;信托与基金 Key practice areas: Banking & finance; Corporate & commercial; Investment & financing; Trust & fund |
吴成锋 Travis Wu 健伦君律师事务所 主任,广州 Director ELLALAN (Guangdong) Law Office Guangzhou |
电话 Tel: +86 185 8850 2248 电邮 Email: travis.wu@ellalan.com 主要执业领域:商事诉讼;企事与商事;争议解决;诉讼 Key practice areas: Commercial litigation; Corporate & commercial; Dispute resolution; Litigation |
吴成锋曾为众多境内及境外客户提供有效和优质的法律服务,并且长期深耕于诉讼领域,在房地产、股权转让合同纠纷等商事诉讼上具有独特及细致的见解,经常在一些重大疑难案件上找到突破口达到诉讼目的。 吴成锋执业以来一直为房地产、奢侈品、科技及文旅等行业的企业在一般公司法律事务和投融资交易中提供法律服务,使得其具备全面、敏锐的商业视野,在商业交易项目陷入僵局时能提供多元、有效的解决方案,并完善交易流程预防商业及法律风险。过去两年时间吴成锋在非诉领域成功经办了多宗资产并购、股权融资等标的较大的商业项目,他所表现出来的专注和全面得到客户的高度认可。 吴成锋服务过的代表性客户包括中国金融租赁有限公司、雅天妮集团、珠海中富实业、阿里巴巴、真彩文具、潘多拉(PANDORA)、蒂芙尼(Tiffany)、曼秀雷敦(Mentholatum)等。 Having practised law since 2015, Travis set up Ellalan (Guangdong) Law Office in June 2021 and leads the team. He was approved by the Law Society of Hong Kong as a registered foreign lawyer on 15 September 2022. He focuses on intellectual property, commercial litigation, real estate, cross-border investment and corporate governance matters, and has also gained extensive experience in the full range of litigation matters, advising on non-contentious matters including mergers & acquisitions and equity financing. On the commercial and transactional side, he assists clients in drafting and negotiating service agreements, employment agreements, distributorship agreements, non-disclosure agreements, e-commerce agreements, manufacturing agreements, and also conducts due diligence. Travis has acted and advised a large number of local and foreign companies in relation to their corporate/investment disputes in China, helping them to resolve their disputes through investigation, negotiation, mediation, litigation and arbitration. Highly praised by his clients for his comprehensive and client-oriented litigation strategy, his numerous notable representations have included assisting China Financial Leasing Company, Zhuhai Zhongfu Enterprise Company, Alibaba Group, Artini Holdings, Pandora, Tiffany & Co, Mentholatum and TrueColor, handling corporate governance and various legal disputes. |
熊宗鹏 Xiong Zongpeng 大成律师事务所 合伙人,北京 Partner Dentons China Beijing |
电话 Tel: +86 136 9921 6644 电邮 Email: zongpeng.xiong@dentons.cn 主要执业领域:商事诉讼;建筑工程;经济犯罪刑事辩护;争议解决 Key practice areas: Commercial litigation; Construction engineering; Criminal defence of economic crimes; Dispute resolution |
熊宗鹏曾在最高人民法院、各地高级法院、中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会、北京仲裁委等各级法院及仲裁机构代表大型国企、央企、事业单位及金融机构办理众多标的过亿乃至数十亿的案件,并取得了绝大多数案件的胜利。熊宗鹏律师的代表客户包括但不限于中建三局、中建四局、中铁物总、中信证券、首钢建设等行业龙头企业。熊律师擅长在重大、疑难、复杂案件处理过程中迅速找到突破口,为当事人挽回了巨额经济损失,其出色的庭审表现、专业服务能力及敬业精神获得了客户的一致好评。 此外,熊宗鹏还获得2022年度LEGALBAND“客户首选:新锐合伙人”15强、2019年度The Legal 500争议解决领域“明日之星”,并担任首都经济贸易大学校友导师及北方工业大学法律(法学)专业学位校外指导教师。 在调研中客户评价道:“在我接触的众多律师中,熊律师是给我印象尤为深刻的一位。作为一名优秀律师,熊律师具有出色的业务能力和沟通能力,以及高效的问题解决能力和积极的工作态度,能够让我们真正放心的将案件交给其处理。” Xiong Zongpeng focuses on civil and commercial dispute resolution, accumulating rich practical experience and achieving remarkable results through his tireless work, continual focus and in-depth research in the fields of real estate and construction projects, corporate equity and investment/financing, and execution proceedings and execution objection proceedings. He has represented large state-owned enterprises, public institutions and financial institutions in numerous cases involving hundreds of million and even billions in renminbi value in the Supreme People’s Court, local higher courts, CIETAC, BAC and other courts and arbitration institutions at all levels – winning the majority of cases. His representative clients include China Construction Third Engineering Bureau and Fourth Engineering Bureau, China Railway Materials Import & Export, CITIC Securities, Beijing Shougang Construction Group and other leading enterprises in the industry. Accomplished at quickly finding breakthroughs in handling major, difficult and complex cases, he has recovered huge economic losses for his clients, with his excellent trial performance, professional service ability and professionalism winning unanimous praise. Xiong also co-authored a book titled Rules and Decisions of Execution Objection Litigation, while Supreme Court cases he handled and won were also included in a book titled Comments on the Judgment Viewpoint and Practice of Civil and Commercial Cases of the Supreme People’s Court, which provides a useful reference for handling similar cases. His professional recognition has included ranking among the top 15 of LegalBand’s Customer Preferred: Emerging Partners in 2022, and Star of the Future in dispute resolution in The Legal 500 in 2019. Additionally, he has served as alumni tutor of CUEB and as off-campus law degree instructor of the NCUT. In a survey, one client commented: “Among many lawyers I have come into contact with, Xiong is the one who impressed me particularly. As an excellent lawyer, Xiong has excellent business and communication skills, as well as efficient problem-solving abilities and a positive working attitude, which enables me to truly feel confident in handing over my case to him.” |
徐皓月 Beverly Xu 君合律师事务所 合伙人,北京 Partner JunHe Beijing |
主要执业领域:娱乐与体育;知识产权;许可与特许经营;诉讼 Key practice areas: Entertainment & sports; Intellectual property; Licensing & franchising; Litigation |
徐启飞 Xu Qifei 海问律师事务所 合伙人,北京 Partner Haiwen & Partners Beijing |
主要执业领域:资本市场;资产证券化;并购 Key practice areas: Capital market; Asset securitisation; M&A |
易建胜 Yi Jiansheng 嘉源律师事务所 高级合伙人,北京 Senior Partner Jia Yuan Law Offices Beijing |
电话 Tel: +86 10 6641 3377 电邮 Email: yijiansheng@jiayuan-law.com 主要执业领域:境内融资;境外融资 ;并购 Key practice areas: Domestic Financing; Overseas Financing; M&A |
Yi Jiansheng has worked as a full-time lawyer at Jia Yuan Law Firm since 2007. He is currently a senior partner at Jia Yuan Law Firm, joint head of the domestic financing business line, head of the Xi’an branch, and a member of the risk control committee of Jia Yuan. He is mainly engaged in legal services for domestic and overseas listings and refinancings, acquisitions of listed companies, major asset restructurings of listed companies, mergers and acquisitions, and domestic and overseas bond issuances. Yi has chaired or participated in many financing projects both domestically and internationally, which have had a significant impact on the capital market. |
张海若 Zhang Hairuo 元合律师事务所 管理合伙人,北京 Managing Partner Yuanhe & Twelve Tables Beijing |
主要执业领域:争议解决;知识产权;许可与特许经营;诉讼 Key practice areas: Dispute resolution; Intellectual property; Licensing & franchising; Litigation |
张露 Jane Zhang 竞天公诚律师事务所 合伙人,北京 Partner Jingtian & Gongcheng Beijing |
电话 Tel: +86 10 5809 1150 电邮 Email: zhang.lu@jingtian.com 主要执业领域:资本市场;医疗保健与生命科学;私募股权、风险投资与基金;科技、媒体与电信 Key practice areas: Capital markets; Healthcare & life sciences; Private equity, venture capital & funds; Technology, media and telecommunications |
张露凭借多年在投资退出端(上市及并购)的持续深耕,同时为知名投资基金、跨国公司与行业领先企业的境内外投资、收购与重组等大型复杂交易提供全面可靠的法律服务以及创新性的商业解决方案,赢得了客户广泛好评。 张露先后被评为北京市律师协会涉外律师人才,LEGALBAND 2019年度中国律界俊杰榜三十强和The Legal 500 2023年度“TMT”领域特别推荐律师。 Jane Zhang graduated from the Faculty of Law at the University of Montreal with a Master’s Degree in International Business Law. She specialises in legal affairs related to securities and capital markets, private equity and venture capital, mergers and acquisitions, company compliance, particularly in the fields of healthcare and life sciences, consumer goods, new energy and new materials, hard and core technology, high-end manufacturing, TMT and education. Zhang has extensive practical experience and profound insights in these industries, having successfully handled more than 30 IPO projects with market influence, and she possesses rich practical experience and excellent service capabilities in areas such as interpretation of relevant industrial policies, restructuring/transactional structure design, capital operation, and compliance risk control. With many years of continuous cultivation in the investment exit end (listings and M&A), Zhang provides comprehensive and reliable legal services as well as innovative business solutions for well-known investment funds, multinational companies and industry-leading enterprises in domestic and foreign investment, mergers and acquisitions, and restructuring of large and complex transactions, and has won extensive praise from clients. Zhang has been appraised as a Foreign-related Leading Talent by the Beijing Lawyers Association, and was also ranked in the 30 Under 30 awards by LegalBand in 2019, and The Legal 500 2023 Featured Lawyer specially recommended for the TMT field by The Legal 500 in 2023. |
张坚键 Zhang Jianjian 海问律师事务所 合伙人,北京 Partner Haiwen & Partners Beijing |
电话 Tel: +86 21 6043 5053 电邮 Email: zhangjianjian@haiwen-law.com 主要执业领域:争议解决;重组与破产 Key practice areas: Dispute resolution; Restructuring & insolvency |
在破产重整领域,张坚键先后参与渤海钢铁集团及其关联公司程序合并重整案、北大方正集团实质合并重整案、紫光集团实质合并重整案、海南航空及其关联公司程序合并重整案、台海玛努尔核电设备重整案、沈阳机床及其控股集团公司程序合并重整案、新疆金特钢铁重整案、通化钢铁及其关联公司程序合并重整案、中航世新燃气轮机及其关联公司预重整及实质合并重整案(最高院十大具有代表性案例)、北京泰丰房地产开发重整案等。此外,张坚键还担任澄星股份的预和解引导人和专项法律顾问协助企业顺利完成破产和解,该案系国内第一例上市公司破产和解案。 在不良资产与不良债权领域,张坚键先后协助中国信达、中国华融、山东资管、橡树资本、贝恩资本、渤海银行等处置不良资产项目,其中,代表中国华融处置新华联债券回售转售并债务重组项目,系债券市场第一例债券回收转售的代表案例。 Zhang Jianjian is a partner of Haiwen & Partners with more than 14 years’ legal experience, and is widely recognised by clients and industries. Focused on bankruptcy and reorganisation, he has participated in consolidation and corporate reorganisation of numerous industrial and aviation groups including Bohai Steel, Founder Group, Hainan Airlines Holding, Taihai Manoir Nuclear Equipment, Shenyang Machine Tool, Xinjiang KingTe Iron & Steel, Tong Hua Iron & Steel, China Aviation Erection Engineering (Beijing), one of the Top 10 representative cases issued by the Supreme People’s Court, and Beijing Taifeng Real Estate Development. He also acted as instructing counsel for Jiangsu ChengXing Phosph-Chemical during its pre-reconciliation procedure, and legal counsel during its reconciliation procedure, the first domestic listed company reconciliation case successfully completed during listing. In dealing with non-performing assets and loans he has assisted China Cinda Asset Management, China Huarong Asset Management, Shandong Financial Asset Management, Oaktree Capital, Bain Capital, China Bohai Bank and other clients in their disposal of non-performing assets. One of his notable representative transactions was assisting China Huarong Asset Management exercise a put option and resale of the Xinhualian bond, and the related debt restructuring, which was the first representative case of its kind in the bond market. Zhang is a director of the China Banking Law Society, member of the Financial Security and Financial Law Committee of China Banking Law Society, standing director of the Beijing Bankruptcy Law Society, as well as researcher of the Bankruptcy Law Research Centre at Renmin University of China, and the Financial Institution Risk Disposal Research Centre at China University of Political Science and Law. |
张释文 Zhang Shiwen 汇业律师事务所 合伙人,上海/洛杉矶 Partner Hui Ye Law Firm Shanghai/Los Angeles |
主要执业领域:跨境投资; 娱乐与体育;知识产权;科技、媒体与电信 Key practice areas: Cross-border investment; Entertainment & sports; Intellectual property; Technology, media and telecommunications |
张亚兴 Zhang Yaxing 汉坤律师事务所 合伙人,北京 Partner Han Kun Law Offices Beijing |
主要执业领域:仲裁与替代争议解决;商事诉讼;争议解决;诉讼 Key practice areas: Arbitration & ADR; Commercial litigation; Dispute resolution; Litigation |
张莹 Zhang Ying 金杜律师事务所 顾问,北京 Of Counsel King & Wood Mallesons Beijing |
主要执业领域:资本市场;私募股权、风险投资与基金;科技、媒体与电信;制造业与工业 Key practice areas: Capital markets; Private equity venture capital & funds; Technology, media and telecommunications; Manufacturing and industries |
赵江龙 Zhao Jianglong 若辉律师事务所 管委会主任,呼和浩特 Director of the Management Committee Ruo Hui Law Firm Hohhot |
主要执业领域:银行与金融;破产与清算;经济犯罪刑事辩护;电力与能源 Key practice areas: Banking & finance; Bankruptcy & insolvency; Criminal defence of economic crimes; Power & energy |
赵宇 Zhao Yu 君泽君律师事务所 合伙人,深圳 Partner JunZeJun Law Offices Shenzhen |
电话 Tel: +86 755 3308 7577 电邮 Email: zhaoyu@junzejun.com 主要执业领域:争议解决;保险与再保险;投融资;重组与破产 Key practice areas: Dispute resolution; Insurance & reinsurance; Investment & financing; Restructuring & insolvency |
从业期间,赵宇在最高法院、国际商事法庭以及北京、广东、上海、江苏、浙江、山东、四川、湖北、海南等地的各级法院以及中国贸仲、深圳国际仲裁院等主要仲裁机构代理了大量案件,并成功代理诸多具有开创性的重大案件,包括中国最早一批对赌纠纷案件、罕见的大型股份公司解散案件、因上市公司“诱空型虚假陈述”引发的侵权赔偿经典案例、由最高院第一国际商事法庭提审并组成5人合议庭审理的重大涉外股权纠纷案件、作为管理人核心成员参与处理的大型企业破产重整项目,该项目获评“广东法院优化营商环境破产典型案例”等等,具有非常丰富的办案经验。 赵宇律师长期担任华为、腾讯、上海银行、基石资本等著名企业的法律顾问,服务的客户还包括航天科工、中粮地产集团、中航锂电、中信保、招商银行、浦发银行、建设银行、前海人寿、生命保险资管、Ubiquiti、GLOBALMOTO、庄士集团、光银国际等国内外知名企业。赵宇律师曾荣获LexisNexis评选的“大中华区40位40岁以下精英”,ALB“中国华南地区十五佳律师新星”,多次荣登ALB、Legal500、Benchmark Litigation、asialaw Profiles、LEGALBAND等知名法律媒体的榜单,荣获“深圳律师纪念改革开放40周年之优秀青年律师”,并担任多家机构的专家调解员、仲裁员等。 赵宇以其深厚的专业功底、认真负责的职业精神以及出色的案件业绩,获得业界和客户的广泛好评。 Zhao Yu is a dispute resolution lawyer with profound theoretical basis and very high litigation practical ability. He has successfully handled a large number of influential and pioneering cases, including winning one of the first VAM disputes in China, and successfully representing a rare “short-selling misrepresentation” case, which became a benchmark case in the Chinese capital markets. He also represented a major benchmark case in the International Commercial Court of the Supreme People’s Court; and successfully represented a rare dissolution of a large joint stock company involving thousands of shareholders and billions of renminbi in assets. Clients served by Zhao include Huawei, Tencent, Construction Bank, China Merchants Bank, Bank of Shanghai, COFCO, Aerospace Science and Industry, Hong Kong-based Chuang’s Group, Pilgrim Asia, Ubiquiti Networks, CoStone Capital, Sino Life Asset and other well-known companies. Among accolades, he has been listed in ALB, Legal500, Benchmark Litigation, asialaw Profiles, LegalBand and other legal media many times, and was honoured as “Outstanding Young Lawyer of Shenzhen Lawyers in Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of Reform and Opening-up”. He also serves as an expert mediator and arbitrator of many institutions. With profound professional skills, conscientious professionalism and outstanding case performance, Zhao has been widely praised by his peers and clients. |
钟莉 Mariana Zhong 汇仲律师事务所 合伙人,北京 Partner Hui Zhong Law Firm Beijing |
电话 Tel: +86 10 5639 9618 电邮 Email: zhongli@huizhonglaw.com 主要执业领域:仲裁与替代争议解决;商事诉讼;争议解决;国际贸易与双边投资协定 Key practice areas: Arbitration & ADR; Commercial litigation; Dispute resolution; International trade & bilateral investment treaties |
钟莉的执业领域为国际仲裁和争议解决领域,她处理了几十起在ICC、LCIA、HKIAC、SIAC、CIETAC、BAC、SHIAC、SCIA等机构进行的国际商事仲裁案以及在域外进行的适用UNCITRAL仲裁规则的临时商事仲裁案。钟莉也处理投资仲裁纠纷,此前她曾代表两位中国投资者针对某东南亚国家提起ICSID投资仲裁,目前正在另一起临时投资仲裁案中为投资者提供分析意见。 钟莉也在中国法院诉讼程序中代理中外客户,包括执行外国法院判决和仲裁裁决;她也参与了在境外法院进行的涉及中国法律问题的专家程序。钟莉经常就中国法问题向外国客户提供法律咨询,也经常为中国国有企业和民营企业就海外投资和争端解决问题提供法律服务。 钟莉是多家中国领先仲裁机构仲裁员、曾是哈佛大学法学院兼职研究员、国际商会青年仲裁员论坛组织(ICC YAF)前任北亚区代表,以及北京国际仲裁论坛(BIAF)秘书处成员。她经常在国内外举办的国际仲裁相关的研讨会和会议中发表演讲,撰写了多篇有关中国法、中国国内商事仲裁、国际商事仲裁以及国际投资仲裁方面的文章和著作。钟莉经常为中国各地方律协及国企法务部门提供与国际仲裁相关的培训,她也连续多年在清华大学法学院国际仲裁与争议解决项目(IADS)授课,并多次获邀在包括复旦大学、外经贸大学、天津大学等法学院授课。 自2017年以来,钟莉连续数年被《亚太法律500强》(Legal 500 Asia Pacific)评为“新一代律师”。2021年和2022年,钟律师参与办理的案件连续两年被《商法》评选为“2021年年度交易大奖”以及“2022年年度交易大奖”。 Mariana Zhong joined Hui Zhong Law Firm in October 2020 as an equity partner based in Beijing. She was previously a national partner of the international arbitration department of a top-tier international law firm based in its Beijing, Singapore and Paris offices. Zhong focuses her practice on dispute resolution matters including arbitration, litigation and mediation. She has worked on dozens of international commercial arbitration cases before all the major institutions, and ad hoc tribunals seated abroad applying UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules. Zhong also handles ICSID arbitration. Previously she represented two Chinese investors in ICSID arbitration against a Southeast Asian state, and has provided pre-arbitration assessment to companies at home and abroad. Zhong also represents Chinese and foreign clients in Chinese court proceedings, including enforcement of foreign judgments and arbitral awards, commercial litigation, and pre-litigation/arbitration injunction proceedings. She has participated in several foreign court/arbitration proceedings where Chinese law expert opinion was sought, and frequently advises foreign clients on Chinese law-related matters. She also has plenty of experience advising Chinese companies on their investment and dispute matters abroad. Zhong is an arbitrator of several leading Chinese arbitration institutions, a former affiliate research fellow of Harvard Law School, former ICC YAF Representative for North Asia, and an executive member of the committee of the Beijing International Arbitration Forum (BIAF). She is a frequent speaker at international arbitration-related seminars and conferences held at home and abroad. She provides international arbitration-related training to law schools, local bar associations across China, and legal departments of Chinese SOEs. Since 2017, Zhong has been consecutively recognised by Legal 500 Asia Pacific as a Next Generation Lawyer. In two consecutive years, 2021 and 2022, two of her cases were shortlisted and selected as Deals of the Year 2021 and Deals of the Year 2022 by China Business Law Journal. Zhong was also awarded a Rising Star 2023 by China Business Law Journal. |
周艳 Joey Zhou 中伦律师事务所 合伙人,上海 Partner Zhong Lun Law Firm Shanghai |
电话 Tel: +86 21 6085 3850 电邮 Email: joeyzhou@zhonglun.com 主要执业领域:资本市场;并购;私募股权、风险投资与基金 Key practice areas: Capital markets; M&A;Private equity, venture capital & funds |
周艳先后服务30余家私募股权管理机构与投资人,为其募、投、管、退等各个阶段提供法律服务。在基金设立领域,周艳代表GP进行管理人登记以及各期主基金、专项基金的募集设立;代表各类LP(包括政府引导基金、市场化母基金以及上市公司、高净值客户等)参与基金投资;周艳参与的基金设立项目已超过五十个。在股权投资领域,周律师已代表私募基金、大型企业等投资人完成数百个人民币或美元投资项目,在高科技(半导体、新能源新材料、智能制造、软件与人工智能)、教育、医疗、消费、高端制造、军工等行业均有着丰富的项目经验。 同时,周艳常年担任多家上市公司、大型民营企业、国有企业、创业企业的法律顾问,为其日常运营提供法律咨询,并在其设立合资公司、股权并购与出售等项目中提供法律支持。特别地,周艳擅长创业企业服务,为其股权架构设计、员工激励、红筹架构搭建与拆除等项目提供法律服务,代表其完成数十个自天使轮至Pre-IPO轮各个轮次的人民币或美元融资项目。周艳曾主办过多个境内外上市或重组项目,上市地包括上海、深圳、香港和美国。 Joey Zhou has more than 10 years’ legal experience, with rich practical experience in the fields of private equity, investment, M&A and capital markets. She has served more than 30 private equity management institutions and investors, providing legal services for all stages such as fund formation, investment, management and liquidation. In fund formation, Zhou has represented GPs in the manager’s registration and establishment of various master funds and special funds, and represented various LPs (including government-guided funds and market-based fund of funds, as well as listed companies and high net-worth clients) in fund investment, participating in more than 50 fund formation projects. In the field of equity investment, Joey has completed hundreds of renminbi or US dollar investment projects on behalf of PE/VC funds, large enterprises and other investors, and has rich project experience in high-tech (semiconductor, new energy and materials, intelligent manufacturing, software and artificial intelligence), as well as education, medical, consumer, high-end manufacturing, military and other industries. She has also been the legal adviser to many listed companies, large private enterprises, state-owned enterprises and startups for years, providing legal advice for their daily operations and legal support in projects such as setting up joint ventures, and equity mergers and acquisitions. In particular, Zhou specialises in serving startups, providing legal services on their shareholding structure design, employee incentive plan, and construction and demolition of red-chip structure. She has represented them to complete dozens of renminbi or US dollar financing projects, from angel round to pre-IPO round. Zhou has also served many listing or restructuring projects in China and overseas capital markets including Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and the US. |
周亮 Leo Zhou 大成律师事务所 高级合伙人,广州 Senior Partner Dentons China Guangzhou |
主要执业领域:银行与金融;资本市场;跨境投资;数据保护 Key practice areas: Banking & finance; Capital markets; Cross-border investment; Data protection |
周杨 Zhou Yang 竞天公诚律师事务所 合伙人,北京 Partner Jingtian & Gongcheng Beijing |
电话 Tel: +86 10 5809 1079 电邮 Email: zhou.yang@jingtian.com 主要执业领域:合规;数据保护;电商、金融科技、区块链与虚拟货币 Key practice areas: Compliance; Data protection; E-commerce, fintech, blockchain & cryptos |
周杨于2014年开始聚焦于网络安全、数据合规和电子商务领域,受托处理了包括银行、保险、房地产、能源、游戏、电子商务和车联网在内诸多行业领域的数据合规专项法律服务,在数据资产及流动情况的摸排及合规差异诊断、数据分类分级、数据跨境合规、集团数据共享合规、儿童数据保护合规、GDPR和CCPA专项合规、赴港上市数据安全专项合规等服务项目中,周杨为客户提供了高效且贴合实际的解决方案。 周杨参与了国家标准《信息安全技术 互联网平台及产品服务隐私协议要求(征求意见稿)》的起草工作,TC260主导的《信息安全技术 互联网平台及产品服务隐私协议要求》标准编纂工作,并参与编撰中国网络空间安全协会主编的《关键信息基础设施安全保护通识》《全球个人信息保护报告》等文件,发表专业领域文章数十篇。 周杨以其专业、勤勉的工作态度,及其对于新兴业务卓越的理解能力和项目领导能力获得了客户的诸多好评,荣获The Legal 500 2023年度数据保护领域推荐律师。 目前,周杨为北京市律师协会科技与大数据委员会委员,中南财经政法大学数字经济研究院、金融科技研究院高级研究员,中国通信学会第一届网络空间安全战略与法律委员会委员,并已具备国际Certified Data Privacy Solutions Engineer (CDPSE)认证。 Prior to joining Jingtian & Gongcheng, Zhou Yang worked in the legal compliance department of a famous domestic internet company, and in the cybersecurity and data compliance team of a famous domestic law firm. In 2014, Zhou began to focus on cybersecurity, data compliance and e-commerce. She has been entrusted with data compliance services in many industry sectors including banking, insurance, real estate, energy, gaming, e-commerce and telematics, and has provided efficient and practical solutions for clients in such service projects as data asset and flow mapping, compliance discrepancy diagnosis, data classification and grading, data cross-border compliance, group data sharing compliance, child data protection compliance, GDPR and CCPA specific compliance, and data security specific compliance for listings in Hong Kong. Zhou participated in the compilation of both drafted and formal versions of the national standard Information security technology ‒ Requirements of Internet Platform, product and service privacy policy, led by TC260 (National Information Security Standardisation Technical Committee), and also participated in the compilation of documents including General Knowledge on Critical Information Infrastructure Security Protection and Global Personal Information Protection Report, edited by China Cyberspace Security Association. Zhou’s professional and diligent work attitude, as well as her superb understanding and project leadership of new business, have won her many accolades from clients, and she was awarded the Recommended Lawyer in Data Protection of 2023 by The Legal 500. Currently, Zhou is a member of the Technology and Big Data Committee of the Beijing Bar Association, a senior researcher of the Institute of Digital Economy and the Institute of Fintech Research of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, a member of the First Cyberspace Security Strategy and Law Committee of China Institute of Communications, and has passed the international Certified Data Privacy Solutions Engineer (CDPSE) certification. |
朱晓阳 Nigel Zhu 通力律师事务所 业务合伙人,上海 Contractual Partner Llinks Law Offices Shanghai |
电话 Tel: +86 21 3135 8683 电邮 Email: nigel.zhu@llinkslaw.com 主要执业领域:反腐败与反贿赂;合规;数据保护;电商、金融科技、区块链与虚拟货币 Key practice areas: Anti-corruption & anti-bribery; Compliance; Data protection; E-commerce, fintech, blockchain & cryptos |
朱晓阳毕业于上海交通大学法学院及美国威斯康辛大学法院院, 分别获得法学硕士学位和LLM学位。朱晓阳具有中国和美国纽约州两地律师执业资格。 朱晓阳具有九年的律师执业经验。朱晓阳曾在知名外资律师事务所工作了多年, 为跨国公司提供网络安全及数据合规、反垄断等合规服务, 同时在跨境兼并收购、外商投资等领域也有着丰富的执业经验。在加入通力所之后, 朱晓阳在网络安全及数据合规、反垄断、ESG以及兼并收购等领域为客户提供专业法律服务。 在网络安全与数据合规领域, 朱晓阳被Legal 500评为该领域的推荐律师。朱晓阳能够提供全方位、多样化的网安数据服务, 包括数据出境安全审查、网络安全审查、个人信息保护认证、个人信息保护影响评估、网络和数据安全事件应对、网络安全数据合规体系建设等。此外, 朱晓阳作为起草人参与了团体标准《数据合规管理体系要求》的起草。 在反垄断与竞争法领域, 朱晓阳被Legal 500评为该领域的推荐律师。朱晓阳对经营者集中申报案件有着丰富的经验, 为全国市场占有率第一位的家居装饰及家具零售企业、全国市场占有率第一的新能源电池生产企业、全国领先的新能源电池正极材料生产企业以及其他行业的国有企业、民营企业及外资企业提供经营者集中申报法律服务。除此之外, 朱晓阳擅长为客户提供反垄断合规分析、反垄断合规体系建设、应对反垄断行政检查、反垄断民事诉讼、行政复议及行政诉讼等法律服务。 Nigel Zhu is a contractual partner at Llinks Law Offices, primarily focused on cybersecurity and data compliance, anti-corruption, antitrust, and environmental and social governance (ESG). Zhu graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the Law School of University of Wisconsin with an LLB and an LLM degree, respectively. He is admitted to practise law in the China, as well as in New York State. Prior to joining Llinks, Zhu worked at a reputable US law firm for several years and represented multinational companies in data compliance, antitrust, M&A and foreign investment cases. Since joining Llinks, Zhu’s primarily focuses are data compliance, antitrust and ESG. With more than nine years’ experience as a lawyer, and rich experience in cybersecurity and data compliance, he is recommended by Legal 500. Clients he represents include “data-heavy” companies such leading internet companies and high-tech companies, as well as clients in traditional industries that proactively seek digital transformation, including SOEs, private companies and foreign companies in the fields of retail, auto, pharmaceuticals, finance, manufacturing and energy. Zhu is capable of providing a wide variety of cybersecurity and data compliance services including data export security assessment, cybersecurity review, personal data protection certification, personal data protection impact assessment, cybersecurity incident response, and establishment of cybersecurity and data compliance systems. He participated in the drafting of the Group Standard Data Compliance Management System Requirements, and is recommended by Legal 500 in competition law practices. Clients he has represented include the largest home decoration and furniture retail company, largest food retailer, largest new energy battery manufacturing company, and a leading new energy battery cathode material manufacturing company in China’s market, as well as other SOEs, private enterprises and foreign-invested enterprises. In addition, Zhu specialises in providing clients with legal services on antitrust compliance analysis, establishment of antitrust compliance system, antitrust administrative investigation response, antitrust civil cases, and administrative penalty decisions review and appeals. |
邹丹莉 Zou Danli 通商律师事务所 合伙人,北京 Partner Commerce & Finance Law Offices Beijing |
电话 Tel: +86 10 6563 7181 电邮 Email: zoudanli@tongshang.com 主要执业领域:银行与金融;数据保护;电商、金融科技、区块链与虚拟货币 Key practice areas: Banking & finance; Data protection; E-commerce, fintech, blockchain & cryptos |
在金融领域,邹丹莉为多家银行提供常年法律服务,并主导服务了多只ABS产品的注册、发行等,在信托、资产证券化、银行业务领域均积累了丰富的经验。 在数据合规领域,邹丹莉发挥对互联网业务和技术逻辑的深刻理解以及深厚的法律功底,为多家企业日常业务运营及IPO提供专项数据合规服务,服务内容包括尽职调查、合规完善、法律意见出具等,为超过30家客户提供了数据合规专项法律服务,行业涉及广告营销、互联网金融、互联网医疗、游戏及直播平台、SaaS平台企业、物业服务等多个业务领域,代表性客户包括但不限于阳光保险、花房集团、百融云创等。 邹丹莉亦非常注重从实践中总结和探究法律适用问题,已公开发表文章包括:《个人征信业务的边界探析》(《数据法学》第2卷),《从监管逻辑看互联网金融的边界》(《财经》杂志2018年8月)等。 邹丹莉始终秉持“专业、敬业”的服务态度,以高超的专业能力灵活地为客户解决问题,勤勉敬业地回应客户需求,得到客户的高度评价和赞誉。 Zou Danli graduated from the Law School of Peking University, where she obtained a Bachelor of Law degree and a Master of Law (Business Law) degree, as well as a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from Peking University’s China Centre for Economic Research. Previously, she worked exclusively on financial legal matters at Zhong Lun Law Firm before joining a leading domestic fintech group as vice president, responsible for legal affairs, compliance and government relations. She later joined Commerce & Finance Law Offices in 2020. With a diverse background in finance, technology, compliance management and capital markets, Zou has an in-depth understanding of the underlying logic of the financial industry and digital economy. She possesses a profound theoretical foundation in law and extensive practical experience, enabling her to quickly grasp the essence of business and creatively establish legal relationships and solutions. In the financial sector, Zou provides legal services to many banks, and has led the registration and issuance of multiple ABS products. She has accumulated rich experience in the fields of trusts, asset securitisation and banking. In the field of data compliance, Zou leverages her deep understanding of internet business and technical logic to provide specialised data compliance services to multiple enterprises for daily business operations and IPOs. These services include due diligence, compliance improvement and legal opinions, providing data compliance legal services to more than 30 clients in various industries including internet finance, medical care, live streaming platforms, SaaS platform enterprises, and property services. Representative clients include, but are not limited to, Sunshine Insurance, Huafang Group and Bairong. Zou has always adhered to a “professional and dedicated” service attitude, flexibly solving problems for clients with superb professional capabilities, diligently responding to client needs, and receiving high praise and acclaim from clients. |
陈俊燊 Justin Chan 司力达律师事务所 合伙人,香港 Partner Slaughter and May Hong Kong |
主要执业领域:资本市场;企事与商事;跨境投资;并购 Key practice areas: Capital markets; Corporate & commercial; Cross-border investment; M&A |
赵燕君 Jasmine Chiu 孖士打律师行 合伙人,香港 Partner Mayer Brown Hong Kong |
主要执业领域:银行与金融;投融资;并购;房地产 Key practice areas: Banking & finance; Investment & financing; M&A; Real estate |
范祎沁 Karen Fan 德汇律师事务所 合伙人,上海/纽约 Partner Dorsey Shanghai/New York |
电话 Tel: +86 21 6135 6145/+1 212 415 9238 电邮 Email: fan.karen.yiqin@dorsey.com 主要执业领域:日常公司与跨境并购;私募股权与风险投资;业务出售与资产剥离;风险控制与合规项目 Key practice areas: General corporate & cross-border M&A; PE/VC; Business sale & asset divestiture; Risk control & compliance program |
范祎沁的执业范围包括跨境并购、私募股权与风险投资、国际合资企业、业务出售及资产剥离、风险控制和合规项目、内部调查、高管劳动关系调整、政府强制行为等。当客户在全球业务拓展中遭遇各类法律和监管挑战时,范祎沁能为他们提供战略性的意见并指引实际的解决途径。 近几年,范祎沁带领德汇中国并购团队完成了多项具有挑战性和重要影响力的跨境并购交易,其中具有代表性的案例包括:(1) 可口可乐公司对中国不含气饮料装瓶商合资企业进行的复杂重组; (2) 广州富力地产向黑石集团出售广州国际机场富力综合物流园;(3) 亿腾医药收购礼来旗下两款著名抗生素产品希刻劳®和稳可信®以及希刻劳生产工厂;(4) 复星健康控股收购美国多地医疗类组合地产。在范祎沁的领导下,德汇中国并购团队荣获了《商法》跨境交易类“2022年度杰出交易”奖项、《亚洲法律杂志》(ALB)评选的2022年度并购类“中国值得关注的国际律师事务所”称号,以及《国际金融法律评论1000》评选的2022年度并购类别榜单之“优秀律师事务所:中国地区”荣誉。 加入德汇前,范祎沁曾在复星国际担任北美地区高级法务总监,为复星董事会和管理层提供跨境并购方面的法律建议。得益于这一经历,范祎沁也经常担任客户的外部专项法律顾问,以其独到的经验和技能处理一系列棘手的跨法域法律和监管问题。 作为上海律师协会的首批荣誉特邀律师会员,范祎沁还定期在上海律师协会组织的涉外法律培训项目中担任讲师。 Karen Fan is a global partner, managing partner and chief representative of Dorsey’s Shanghai office, qualified to practise in the State of New York, with achieved PRC legal qualifications. Fan’s practice areas include cross-border M&A, PE & VC investment, international joint ventures, business sale and asset divestiture, risk control and compliance programmes, internal investigations, executive transitions and government enforcement. Fan has the ability to provide strategic advice and practical guidance to clients when they encounter legal and regulatory challenges in expanding businesses into the international market. Leading the China M&A group at Dorsey, Fan has completed many challenging and consequential cross-border M&A transactions, including: representing the Coca-Cola Company in a complex restructuring of the joint venture of its still beverages business in China; representing R&F Properties in the sale of the Guangzhou International Airport R&F Integrated Logistics Park to the Blackstone Group; representing Eddingpharm in the acquisition of Eli Lilly’s rights in China for two well-known antibiotics products, as well as its Ceclor manufacturing facility; and representing Fosun Healthcare in the acquisition of a portfolio of healthcare-related properties in the US. Under the leadership of Fan, Dorsey’s China M&A practice recently won recognition such as Deals of the Year 2022: Cross-Border from China Business Law Journal; China International Notable Law Firm by ALB Asia M&A Rankings 2022; and “Other Notable Firm: China” in IFLR 1000 M&A Rankings 2022. Fan joined Dorsey from Fosun International, where she was the North American senior legal counsel, advising the board and executives of Fosun on cross-border M&A transactions. Benefiting from this experience, Fan frequently acts as outside general counsel for clients, using her unique experiences and skills to assist clients in preventing, detecting and solving a variety of troublesome legal issues under a multijurisdictional context. As one of the first batch of honorable foreign lawyer members of the Shanghai Bar Association, Fan is a regular speaker for its foreign legal training programmes. |
龚钰 James Gong 鸿鹄律师事务所 合伙人,北京 Partner Bird & Bird Beijing |
主要执业领域:科技、媒体与电信;数据保护;网络安全 Key practice areas: Technology, media & telecommunication; Data protection; Cybersecurity |
徐家铮 Steven Hsu 普衡律师事务所 合伙人,香港 Partner Paul Hastings Hong Kong |
主要执业领域:资本市场 Key practice areas: Capital markets |
孔允祈 Samuel Hung RPC律师事务所 合伙人,香港 Partner Reynolds Porter Chamberlain Hong Kong |
主要执业领域:商事诉讼;保险与再保险;重组与破产;专业疏忽诉讼 Key practice areas: Commercial litigation; Insurance & reinsurance; Restructuring & insolvency; Professional negligence defence |
江黎 Jiang Li 亚司特律师事务所 合伙人,香港 Partner Ashurst Hong Kong |
主要执业领域:国际资本市场;企业交易 Key practice areas: International capital markets; Corporate transactions |
刘泳晖 Winfield Lau 威尔逊律师事务所 合伙人,香港 Partner Wilson Sonsini Hong Kong |
电话 Tel: +852 3972 4977 电邮 Email: wilau@wsgr.com 主要执业领域:资本市场;企事与商事;企业管治;并购 Key practice areas: Capital markets; Corporate & commercial; Corporate governance; M&A |
刘泳晖拥有协助中国企业客户完成关键发展阶段的丰富经验,并在数十项备受瞩目的资本市场交易中为大型投资银行提供法律服务,项目经验涉及多个行业,包括 TMT、医疗保健、消费、保险和物业管理。刘泳晖曾经参与平安保险 47.5 亿美元的配售,成为有史以来最大的 H 股配售之一。他还曾参与药明康德 10 亿美元的首次公开发行以及时代天使 4.36 亿美元的首次公开发行。 Winfield Lau is a partner at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, where his practice focuses on corporate finance, including pre-IPO financing rounds, initial public offerings, follow-on offerings of equity and debt securities, public takeovers, privatisations, mergers and acquisitions, as well as general compliance matters. Lau has extensive experience representing corporate clients in China through their key stages of development, and has advised major investment banks in dozens of high-profile capital markets transactions, covering a variety of industries including TMT, healthcare, consumer, insurance, and property management. In particular, Lau has participated in the USD4.75 billion placing of Ping An Insurance, being one of the largest placing of H shares to date; the USD1.0 billion IPO of WuXi AppTec; and the US$436 million IPO of Angelalign Technology. |
梁安凝 Chloe Leung 中伦律师事务所 合伙人,香港 Partner Zhong Lun Law Firm Hong Kong |
主要执业领域:私人客户;继承规划 (家族办公室);税务;信托与基金 Key practice areas: Private client; Succession planning (family office); Taxation; Trusts & funds |
李一纯 Grace Li 奋迅•贝克麦坚时联营办公室 合伙人,上海 Partner Baker & Mckenzie FenXun Shanghai |
主要执业领域:航天与航空;银行与金融;投融资 Key practice areas: Aviation; Banking & finance; Investment & financing |
骆嘉昀 Stephen Luo 竞天公诚律师事务所 合伙人,香港/上海/北京 Partner Jingtian & Gongcheng Hongkong/Shanghai/Beijing |
主要执业领域:资本市场;企事与商事 Key practice areas: Capital markets; Corporate & commercial |
马玮 Vivian Ma 衡力斯律师事务所 资深顾问,上海 Senior Associate Harneys Shanghai |
主要执业领域:商事诉讼;争议解决;私人客户重组与破产 Key practice areas: Commercial litigation; Dispute resolution; Private client; Restructuring & insolvency |
潘世祺 Chi Pan 高赢国际律师事务所 合伙人,香港 Partner Goodwin Hong Kong |
主要执业领域:企事与商事;跨境投资;并购;私募股权、风险投资与基金 Key practice areas: Corporate & commercial; Cross-border investment; M&A; Private equity-venture capital & funds |
石川 River Stone 泰德威律师事务所 合伙人、中国事务部主管 香港 Partner-Co-Head of China Practice Group Tanner de Witt Hong Kong |
电话 Tel: +852 2573 5000 电邮 Email: riverstone@tannerdewitt.com 主要执业领域:公司商业事务;投资基金;并购;银行与金融 Key practice areas: Corporate and commercial; Investment funds; M&A; Banking & finance |
石川是泰德威律师事务所公司及商业事务部门最年轻的合伙人,并与争议解决合伙人麦丽仪在2017年成立泰德威律师事务所的中国业务组。石川是中国业务组的推动者,负责服务来自中国大陆的许多重要客户,包括银行、证券公司、资产管理公司和其他各行业的公司。他专注于高价值并购(包括跨境并购)、基金组建(包括PE基金、LPF(有限合伙基金)、对冲基金和SPC(伞形)基金)和合规事务(包括证监会、金融科技、区块链、数据隐私、制药和生命科学),他还就银行和金融、加密货币、一般公司事务、 信托和家族办公室相关事务提供广泛的法律意见。
石川的客户横跨多个领域,特别关注金融机构、国有企业、私募股权公司和大型医药公司,包括建银国际、信达资管、中国华鲁集团、深圳投资控股有限公司、中泰国际集团、英飞资本、迈瑞集团。在提供香港法律咨询的同时,他拥有广泛的人际网络和深厚的多文化和多法域的知识和经验,使他能够协助中国境内或境外的客户处理其跨境商业交易、金融交易和业务发展。他已通过大湾区法律资格考试,是首批获得在中国大湾区从事中国法律业务资格的香港律师。 泰德威是香港最大最知名的独立律师事务所之一,在多个业务领域屡获殊荣。我们的律师团队受行内人士的高度评价,也在国际出版物中得到优等排名。该所与其他司法管辖区的律师事务所保持良好关系,能够在许多国家和地区提供法律意见,代表众多设在香港和海外的国际客户。 River Stone (Shi Chuan) is the youngest partner in the corporate and commercial department at Tanner De Witt and heads the China practice group, which he launched with dispute resolution partner Pamela Mak in 2017. River is the driving force behind the China practice group, responsible for many significant client wins from mainland China including banks, securities companies, asset management companies, and companies in various other industries through his broad network. He has a strong focus on high-value mergers and acquisitions (including cross-border M&A), fund formation (including PE funds, limited partnership funds, hedge funds and segregated portfolio company funds) and regulatory matters including Securities and Futures Commission, fintech, blockchain, data privacy, pharmaceutical and life science. He also advises extensively on matters pertaining to banking and finance, cryptocurrency, general corporate matters, trusts and family office-related matters. River’s client base spans many sectors, with a particular focus in financial institutions, SOEs, private equity firms and major pharmaceutical companies including China Shandong Group, Shenzhen Investment Holdings, Zhongtai International Group, Infinity Group and Mindray Group. While River advises on Hong Kong law, he has a wide network and deep multicultural and multijurisdictional knowledge and experience, which enable him to assist clients inside or outside of China on their cross-border business interests, financial transactions and business development needs. He has passed the Great Bay Area legal qualification exam and is in the first batch of Hong Kong lawyers who will have the qualification to practise PRC law in the Great Bay Area of China. |
汤光珺 Chris Tang 君合律师事务所 合伙人,香港 Partner JunHe Hong Kong |
主要执业领域:资本市场 Key practice areas: Capital markets |
曹嘉珩 Arthur Tso 欧华律师事务所 合伙人,香港 Partner DLA Piper Hong Kong |
电话 Tel: +852 6999 9866 电邮 Email: arthur.tso@dlapiper.com 主要执业领域:资本市场;投融资;并购;私募股权、风险投资与基金 Key practice areas: Capital markets; Investment & financing; M&A; Private equity, venture capital & funds |
曹嘉珩处理过业内备受瞩目的资本市场交易,与众多市场领先的投资银行、中介机构、大型私募股权基金和在中国、欧洲和美国的大型企业合作。他精通证券发行,包括根据S条例/144A规则发行,参与了许多当时“新颖”的资本市场募资项目。 曹嘉珩对企业整个生命周期的融资需求的了解,以及他曾在银行业(摩根士丹利)的经验,使他能够为客户制定高效﹑创新和切实可行的资本市场解决方案,为各种股权融资交易的交易结构、谈判流程和文件编制增加了重要价值。 Arthur Tso regularly advises clients on initial public offerings, pre-IPO investments, venture capital financing, corporate restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, and regulatory compliance. He represents issuers, shareholders, underwriters and sponsors on IPOs, including secondary and dual primary listings, on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. He also represents private equity investors, investment funds and professional investors on a wide range of transactions including public and private mergers and acquisitions, strategic investments, privatisations, investments in equity and convertible instruments, and handling queries from the Hong Kong securities regulators. As a capital markets specialist, Tso has working relationships with all major investment banks, intermediaries, leading private equity funds and major corporations in China, Europe and the US. He is also well-versed in securities offerings including Reg S/144A offerings, and participated in numerous capital markets fundraising exercises that were “novel” at the time. His knowledge of the financing needs throughout the corporate lifecycle and his prior experience in the banking industry (at Morgan Stanley) enable him to develop bespoke and functional capital markets solutions for clients, adding value on deal structuring, negotiation processes and documentation for a wide range of equity financing transactions. |
黄伟强 William Wong 何韦律师行 合伙人,香港 Partner Howse Williams Hong Kong |
主要执业领域:争议解决;企业管治;欺诈与调查;监管及合规 Key practice areas: Dispute resolution; Corporate governance; Fraud & investigation; Regulatory & compliance |
武玉挺 Wu Yuting 世达国际律师事务所 合伙人,上海 Partner Skadden Shanghai |
主要执业领域:资本市场;企业管治;并购科技、媒体与电信 Key practice areas: Capital markets; Corporate governance; M&A; Technology, media and telecommunications |
向天宁 Xiang Tianning 高伟绅律师事务所 合伙人,北京 Partner Clifford Chance Beijing |
主要执业领域:资本市场;企事与商事;企业管治;并购 Key practice areas: Capital markets; Corporate & commercial; Corporate governance; M&A |
岳嵩 Yue Song 金杜律师事务所 注册外地律师(纽约),香港 Registered Foreign Lawyer (New York) King & Wood Mallesons Hong Kong |
主要执业领域:资本市场;重组与破产 Key practice areas: Capital markets; Restructuring & insolvency |