Total number of professionals: 290 (96 directors)
Principal office: Singapore
Key practice areas
Administrative & public law; asset recovery; automotive; aviation; banking & finance; blockchain & digital assets; business establishment; capital markets; commercial & corporate litigation; competition law & regulatory; construction & engineering; corporate restructuring; corporate secretarial, immigration, process agent svc (Drewcorp); crime; country desks (Greater China, Indonesia, India, Japan); data protection, privacy & cybersecurity; defamation; employment; family & int’l personal relationships; financial svc regulation; government; hotels & leisure; healthcare & life sciences; IT; IP; int’l arbitration; int’l trade; investigations; investment funds; mediation; medical negligence; M&A; natural resources; private equity; PE&I; project finance; public int’l law; real estate; shipping; sports; tax & private client svc; TMT; transport; wills, probate & estate administration
Our services
Drew & Napier is one of Singapore’s leading and largest full-service law firms. Providing world-class legal services and representation to discerning clients since 1889, the firm is consistently rated top tier in many practice areas by renowned international legal publications.
Contact us
10 Collyer Quay
10/F Ocean Financial Centre
Singapore 049315
T: +65 6535 0733
F: +65 6535 4906