Kunal Vajani has been named as the joint managing partner at Fox & Mandal, becoming the youngest and first lateral managing partner appointed at 41.
Vajani previously served as of counsel and headed the New Delhi office for Fox & Mandal.
This appointment comes after Fox & Mandal integrated its longstanding 125-year practice with BlackRobe Chambers, led by Vajani, in May 2022. The integration was part of Fox & Mandal’s expansion efforts in New Delhi.
Managing partner Debanjan Mandal said there was a need for strong leadership. Vajani “has helped the Delhi team as well as the Kolkata team to see beyond the day-to-day grind, and to understand the importance of their work in the larger context of the organisation, the industry and the world”, Mandal said.
Commenting on his continuing contribution to the now century-old firm, Vajani added, “While I have worked with the firm in various capacities over the years, it is through my longstanding association with Debanjan Bhai that I have personally witnessed his unwavering commitment to build legacies. To be a leader is not just a job, but a calling … I am excited to work with him and create a culture of excellence, learning and purpose.”