In this issue
When should companies recoup pension fund losses?
Exempted employers have to make good on payment defaults by issuers only in the event of a shortfall in interest payout
Progress against harassment
How courts are dealing with prosecutions of sexual harassment in the workplace
Rising Stars 2019
Jostling for position, arguably a useful skill when employed in moderation, has been elevated to a high art form in India, be it on busy highways or in professional life. While six or seven law firms dominate the legal market, a universe of medium and small firms of varying expertise and reputation are elbowing their way forward
Courting mediation
The Singapore Convention brings hope to businesses looking for a faster route to dispute resolution
An invisible crisis
Societies and economies are being crippled by a lack of trust
Multiple dimensions of mediation
A good settlement strategy evolves depending on the interplay between different aspects of the dispute
Open for business
Foreign investment requirements relaxed in single brand retail and other areas