Total number of professionals: 150+ (25 partners)
Principal office: Mumbai
Other offices: New Delhi, Pune and Bengaluru
Key practice areas
Corporate & commercial practice, mergers & acquisitions, capital markets, joint ventures & foreign collaboration, privatisation & disinvestment, banking & corporate finance, intellectual property law, litigation & dispute resolution, real estate & property law, indirect taxation, labour & employment, admiralty & shipping law, information technology, e-banking & e-commerce.
Our services
Crawford Bayley & Co, established in 1830, currently has a team of 150 members with 25 partners, more than 120 associates and 15 paralegal personnel. It also has a supporting staff of approximately 75 individuals. It has served its Indian clients with complete dedication and adherence. It has reached the pinnacle, where its strength matches the top 10 law firms of India.
Independent intelligence on this law firm
The following information is sourced directly from India Business Law Journal and/or and is not part of the directory listing provided by the law firm.
“Sanjay Asher continues to be at the cutting edge of where his clients need him most”, says Nipun Gupta, a consultant at Bird & Bird.
Contact us
4th Floor State Bank of India
NGN Vaidya Marg Fort
Mumbai – 400 023, India
T: +91 22 2266 8000
Sanjay Asher
Senior Partner
M: +91 98200 23823