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SNG & Partners

Total number of professionals: 74 (13 partners)
Principal offices: Mumbai, New Delhi
Other office: Singapore

Key practice areas:

Banking & Finance, Infrastructure & Project Finance, Mergers & Acquisitions, Private Equity/Corporate Restructuring, Capital Markets, Real Estate, Entry strategies on foreign direct investment (FDI), Private Client Practice (Estate and Succession Planning) , Litigation matters related to The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), Domestic & International Arbitration, Resolution of Commercial & Contractual Disputes, Intellectual Property, Information technology (IT) & Media Law, Human Resources, Economic Offences (matters related to enforcement directorate Income Tax, The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), Economic Offences Wing (EOW), Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO), etc.

Our services:

Established in 1961, SNG & Partners enjoys a legacy of more than 55 years in the legal profession. Effective April 1, 2011, the corporate, transactional & real estate practice group of SN Gupta & Co rechristened itself SNG & Partners. The Firm has acquired an enviable reputation for sophisticated legal work in New Delhi and Mumbai. The Firm opened its first overseas branch in Singapore in October 2014. Partners of the Firm have an ability to understand clients’ business and with a solution-based approach, the Firm is a preferred partner for legal assistance to banks, NBFC’s, Financial Institutions, Investment Banks, Private Equity Houses, Real Estate, Corporate Houses, UHNIs and Promoters.

The Firm is actively engaged in the practice of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Laws and in the process regularly advise its clients, which include secured creditors, committee of creditors, resolution professional and resolution applicants.

The Firm has dedicated Litigation Practice which is focussed on strategic and expeditious outlook.

The Firm has to its credit many transactions in the fields of Acquisition Finance, Structured Finance, Structured Trade Finance, Leveraged Transactions, Debt Capital Market Transactions, etc. for clients in India and overseas.

The Firm is regularly recognized as the notable practitioner in various categories like Banking & Finance, Private Client Practice, M&A, Capital Market, Real Estate, and Corporate Laws by well-known domestic and international journals and publications as part of their research on the established law firms in India and the key partners. To name a few SNG & Partners has been consistently rated and ranked by the India Business Law Journal, Chamber & Partners, IFLR 1000, Asia Law, Legal 500 etc.

Profile of the Firm is available at https://www.sngpartners.in/files/SNG-brochure-2018.pdf

Recognitions received by the Firm and its Partners are available at www.sngpartners.in


事务所简介:SNG & Partners律师事务所成立于1961年,在法律界拥有超过50年的经验。自2011年4月1日起,SN Gupta & Co律师事务所的公司、交易与不动产业务组改名为SNG & Partners。我们因为出色的法律工作在新德里和孟买赢得了令人羡慕的名声。

SNG & Partners律师事务所于2014年10月在新加坡开设了第一家海外分所,目的在于帮助专注于国际扩张的印度客户。我们拥有理解客户业务的能力和以问题解决为基础的工作方法,使得我们成为了银行、非银行金融机构、金融机构、投资银行、私募股权机构和公司法务顾问的理想伙伴。我们协助了许多国际银行在印度开设分支机构,包括来自全球许多不同法域的银行。SNG & Partners律师事务所在诉讼领域拥有丰富的经验,并代表客户处理仲裁和争议解决、银行于金融、外汇管理法、人力资源、劳动与产业法、知识产权、土地征用法、国际私法、房地产与基础设施、监管和政府合规、证券法和贸易融资方面的事宜。

SNG & Partners律师事务所积极参与破产法方面的业务,并且正在为不同身份的客户提供法律服务,比如有担保债权人、债权人委员会、清算人和清算申请人。

SNG & Partners律师事务所为印度和海外客户在并购融资、结构融资、结构性贸易融资、杠杆交易、债券资本市场交易、托管和F1交易方面的许多交易都提供了法律服务。

SNG & Partners律师事务所被2017年《钱伯斯》评为印度私人客户财富法律领域的知名从业机构。SNG & Partners在2014年因为在银行与金融法领域的特别贡献,获得了由国际法学协会、国际作家委员会、司法部、孟买大学和印度法学协会律师协会联合评选的“国家法律日奖”。SNG & Partners律师事务所的银行与金融业务领域荣登2017年《钱伯斯亚太概览》和2017年《钱伯斯全球概览》榜单。SNG & Partners律师事务所的管理合伙人是美国大使馆为了促进美国与印度之间的贸易成立的美国-印度投资者投资论坛的咨询委员会委员。

SNG & Partners律师事务所在2017年至2018年India Business Law Journal卓越律所大奖评选中获得了银行与金融领域大奖。


事務所概要:1961に創設されたSNG & Partnersは、法曹界における50年を超える遺産を享受しています。SN Gupta & Coの法人・取引・不動産事業グループは、2011年4月1日からSNG & Partnersに改称しました。当事務所は、ニューデリーおよびムンバイでの洗練された法律業務で、羨望に値する評判を得ています。

SNG & Partnersは、国際展開に重点を置くインド人クライアントを支援することを目指して、2014年10月に最初の海外支店をシンガポールに開設しました。当事務所は、クライアントのビジネスを理解する能力、および解決策に基づくアプローチを有しており、銀行、NBFC(ノンバンク)、金融機関、投資銀行、プライベートエクイティハウス、コーポレートハウスの法的支援に望ましいパートナーです。当事務所は、インドに支店を開設した複数の国際的な銀行を支援しており、これには世界中のさまざまな法域の銀行も含まれます。当事務所は、訴訟の分野で幅広い経験を有しており、仲裁および紛争解決、バンキングおよびファイナンス、外国為替法、人材・雇用・労働法、知的財産、土地収用法、国際私法、不動産およびインフラ、規制および政府のコンプライアンス、証券化法、ならびに貿易金融の案件において、クライアントの代理人を務めた経験があります。



当事務所は、2017年にChambers & Partnersにより、インドの顧客私有財産法の分野において優良弁護士として表彰されました。当事務所は、バンキングおよびファイナンス法の分野における独自の貢献について、International Council of Jurists、International Commission of Writers、ムンバイ大学法学部、インド法曹協会およびIndian Council of Juristsによって共催された「National Law Day Award」2014を受賞しました。SNG & Partnersは、2017年のChambers Asia Pacificおよび2017年のChambers Globalにおいて、バンキングおよびファイナンスそれぞれの分野で優れた法律事務所としてランクインしました。当事務所のマネージングパートナーは、米国とインドの貿易促進のために米国大使館によって設置された米印投資家投資フォーラムの諮問委員会のメンバーです。

SNG & Partnersは、バンキングおよびファイナンスの分野で、『India Business Law Journal』の2017-18 Indian Law Firm Awardsを受賞しました。

주요 업무 분야: 은행 및 금융, 인프라 및 프로젝트 금융, M & A, 사모 / 기업 구조 조정, 자본 시장, 부동산, 외국인 직접 투자 진입 전략, 집행 유예 및 부동산 관리, 국내 및 국제 중재, 상업 및 계약 분쟁 해결, IP, IT 및 미디어 법, 경제 범죄.

회사개요: 1961 년 설립 된 SNG & Partners는 법조계에서 50 년 이상의 유산을 누리고 있다. 2011 년 4 월 1 일부로 SN Gupta & Co의 기업, 거래 및 부동산 실무 그룹이 SNG & Partners에 재심사했다.. 당사는 뉴 델리와 뭄바이에서 정교한 법률 업무에 부러워하는 명성을 얻었다.

SNG & Partners는 2014 년 10 월 싱가포르에 해외 지사를 설립하여 인도의 해외 고객을 지원하는 것을 목표로 삼았다.. 고객의 비즈니스와 솔루션 기반 접근 방식을 이해하는 능력을 갖춘이 회사는 은행, NBFC, 금융 기관, 투자 은행, 사모 주식 주택 및 기업 주택의 법률 지원을 위해 선호되는 파트너이다.. 이 회사는 전 세계 여러 지역의 은행을 포함하여 인도에 서기있는 여러 국제 은행을 지원했습니다. 소송 분야에서 폭 넓은 경험을 가지고 있으며 중재 및 분쟁 해결에있어 고객을 대표하여. 금융 및 금융; 외국환 법률; 인적 자원, 고용 및 산업 법; 지적 재산권; 토지 취득 법; 사설 국제법; 부동산 및 인프라; 규제 및 정부 준수. 증권화 법률; 무역 금융 분야들을 돕고있다.

파산법 및 파산법의 실행에 적극적으로 관여하고 있으며, 담보 채권자, 채권자위원회, 전문직 및 해산 신청자와 같은 다양한 능력으로 모자를 쓰고있는 고객에게 자문을 제공한다.

당사는 인수 금융, 구조화 금융, 구조화 된 무역 금융, 레버리지 거래, 채무 자본 시장 거래, 인도 및 해외 고객을위한 자산 보관 및 F1 거래 분야에서 많은 거래를 신용하고 있습니다.

Chambers & Partners (2017)가 인도의 민간 클라이언트 부문 법률 분야에서 주목할만한 종사자로 인정 받고 있으며, 은행 및 금융법 분야의 고유 한 공헌으로 International Council of Jurists, 국제 작위위원회, 법학부, 뭄바이 대학교, All India Bar Association 및 인도 법학관위원회가 공동으로 주최 한 행사인 ‘국가 법률의 날 상‘을 수상했으며 . SNG & Partners는 2017 년 Chambers Asia Pacific, 2017 년 Chambers Global의 선도적 인 법률 회사 중 은행 및 금융 분야에서 각각 1 위를 차지했다.이 회사의 관리 파트너는 미국과 인도에서 무역을 촉진하기 위해 미국 대사관이 구성한 US-India 투자자 투자 포럼의 자문위원이다.

SNG & Partners는 India Business Law Journal 2017-18 인도 법률 회사Awards에서 은행 및 금융 부문을 수상했습니다.

Lenders owners can trust occupation certificates

Lenders and owners can trust occupation certificates

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disruptive technology as convenience

Disruptive technology or disruption disguised as convenience

By Gaurav Sahay and Ashita Sahay, SNG & Partners
Finance, bookkeeping, transaction-making, investment, credit, insurance and trade have always operated under the strict eye of the regulator. The sector has always been a...
Digital disruption in the finance and banking sector

Disruptive technology or disruption disguised as convenience

By Gaurav Sahay and Ashita Sahay, SNG & Partners
Finance, book-keeping, transaction-making, investment, credit, insurance and trade have always operated under the strict eye of the regulator. The sector has always been a...

Shortfall undertaking is financial debt under IBC

By Aditya Vikram Dua and Parvathi Menon, SNG & Partners
In lending transactions, standard practice is to obtain shortfall undertakings, that is meeting any shortfall in the repayment of the underlying facility from holding...
india digital currency

Cashing in on a digital currency

By Devyani Dhawan and Neha Pethe, SNG & Partners.
Throughout history, money has taken many different forms, finally developing into the most widely used, paper currency. During the past decade, money has further...


Rajesh Narain Gupta


Rajesh Narain Gupta


Rajesh Narain Gupta


303 Naman Centre,
Block G- C 31 Bandra Kurla Complex,
Bandra East,
T: +91 22 4038 5151
E: anju_gandhi@sngpartners.in
Contact: Anju Gandhi, Partner

3rd Floor, Unit 1, Brady Gladys Plaza
1/447, Senapati Bapat Marg
Lower Parel
Mumbai – 400 013, India
T: +91 22 62662000
E: satish_sharma@sngpartners.in
Contact: Satish Anand Sharma

96, Free Press House,
Nariman Point,
Mumbai-400021, India
T: +91 22 6682 5151
E: sadhav@sngpartners.in
Contact: Sadhawa Mishra, Partner

New Delhi
One Bazar Lane, Bengali Market
New Delhi – 110 001, India
T: +91 11 435 82000
E: amit_aggarwal@sngpartners.in
Contact: Amit Aggarwal, Partner

R-26, GF, South Extension II
New Delhi – 110 049, India
T: +91 11 461 75500
E: sanjay_gupta@sngpartners.in
Contact: Sanjay Gupta, Senior Partner

3 Church Street #25-01
Samsung Hub
Singapore, 049483
E: amit_aggarwal@sngpartners.in
Contact: Amit Aggarwal, Partner


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