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J Sagar Associates (JSA)

Total number of professionals: 300 approx. (87 partners)
Offices: Gurugram, Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, GIFT IFSC, Hyderabad, Mumbai, New Delhi

Key practice areas: Corporate, finance and disputes.

Sectors: Banking, construction & engineering, defence & internal security, education, energy, financial services, fintech, hospitality, leisure & tourism, knowledge-based industries (IT/ ITES), lifesciences, manufacturing, media, entertainment, broadcasting and sports, mining & quarrying, municipal services, urban/rural developmental infrastructure & smart cities, non-government, real estate, retail and other trading, franchising, services, telecommunications, and transport & logistics.

Who are we – J Sagar Associates (JSA) is a leading national law firm in India. For the past 25 years we have provided legal representation, advice and services to leading international and domestic businesses, banks, financial services providers, funds, governmental and statutory authorities, and multilateral and bilateral institutions. We are recognised as the Indian law firm that led and continues to lead in India a paradigm shift towards institutionalising and professionalising law firm ownership and management. This contemporary and modern approach is reflected in our work.

What makes us unique – We remain at the forefront of handling complex issues that affect our clients based on an in-depth understanding of their businesses. We constantly innovate our approach, relying upon our experience, to provide cutting edge and dynamic solutions to our clients in the context of applicable legal and regulatory eco-system across their business cycle and value chain. We believe that we bring to bear in our work the right balance of offering our clients the expertise, footprint and know-how of a large firm on the one hand, with the personalized attention and responsiveness of boutique firms. JSA has a strong commitment to the community around us where we practice our profession. We give back in several ways including through an active pro bono program of providing legal services and financial assistance to several deserving causes.

How we work – Our most powerful tool for success is seamless teamwork and collaboration within and between our offices, practice areas and professionals. Our advice is delivered by partner-led teams with domain knowledge in practice areas and sectors. We strive to provide the highest quality of service to our clients by listening, understanding their needs, responding promptly and living up to the commitments that we make. By being accessible, knowledgeable and responsive, we offer our best resources for an assignment and deliver value and quality.

“JSA is clearly one of the star performers of recent years … it can now justifiably claim a place as one of the country’s three leading corporate firms” – Asia Pacific Legal 500

“A dynamic firm with a modern outlook which has gone on a push to challenge India’s old guard firms” – Chambers Global

“JSA combines merit driven practice with a culture of openness and inclusiveness” – Financial Times Asia Pacific Innovative Lawyers

“J Sagar Associates espouses the greatest values and quality in the legal market in the country” – Asialaw Profiles



我们是谁:J Sagar Associates(JSA)律师事务所是印度一家顶尖的国内律师事务所。在过去25年中,我们为顶尖的国际和国内企业、银行、金融服务提供者、基金、政府和法定机构、多边和双边机构提供了法律代理、建议和服务。我们被认为是引领并继续引领印度向制度化和专业化律师事务所所有权和管理转变的印度律师事务所。这种现代方法体现在我们的工作中。




部門:バンキング、建設およびエンジニアリング、防衛および国内治安、教育、エネルギー、金融サービス、フィンテック、ホスピタリティー・レジャー・観光、知識集約型産業(IT/ ITES)、生命科学、製造、メディア・エンターテイメント・放送・スポーツ、採鉱および採石、市営サービス、都市/地方開発インフラおよびスマートシティ、民間、不動産、小売りその他の取引、フランチャイズ、サービス、電子通信、ならびに輸送およびロジスティクス。

私たちについて:J Sagar Associates(JSA)は、インドの主要な国内法律事務所です。過去25年間、私たちは、主要な国内外の企業、銀行、金融サービス提供者、ファンド、政府および法定機関、ならびに多国間および2国間機関に、法的な代理、アドバイスおよびサービスを提供してきました。私たちは、インドにおいて法律事務所の所有および管理の組織化および専門化に向けてパラダイムシフトを起こした、そして起こし続けるインドの法律事務所として認められています。この新しい現代的なアプローチは、私たちの業務に反映されています。



주요 업무 분야: 기업, 금융 및 분쟁.

분야: 교육, 에너지, 금융 서비스, 핀테크 , 접대, 레저 및 관광, 지식 기반 산업 (IT / ITES), 생명 공학, 제조, 미디어, 엔터테인먼트, 방송 및 스포츠, 광업 및 건설, 도시 / 농촌 개발 인프라 및 지능형 도시, 비정부, 부동산, 소매 및 기타 거래, 프랜차이즈, 서비스, 통신 및 운송 및 물류와 같은 다양한 서비스를 제공한다.

당사에 대하여: J Sagar Associates (JSA)는 인도의 대표적인 국가 법률 사무소이다. 지난 25 년 동안 당사는 선도적 인 국제 및 국내 기업, 은행, 금융 서비스 제공자, 기금, 정부 및 법정 당국, 다자간 및 양자 간 기관에 법적 대리, 조언 및 서비스를 제공하였으며 인도에서 법률 회사의 소유 및 관리를 제도화하고 전문화하는 패러다임 전환을 주도하고 이끌어가는 인도 법률 회사로 인정 받고 있다. 이 현대적인 접근 방식은 작업에 반영되어 있다.

당사의 특이점: 당사는 사업에 대한 심층적 인 이해를 바탕으로 고객에게 영향을 미치는 복잡한 문제를 처리하는 최전선에 서 있다. 비즈니스 사이클 및 가치 사슬 전반에 걸쳐 적용 가능한 법률 및 규제 환경 시스템의 맥락에서 고객에게 최첨단의 역동적 인 솔루션을 제공하기 위해 끊임없이 우리의 접근 방식을 혁신하고 있으며 고객에게 전문 회사의 전문성, 발자국 및 노하우를 제공하고, 부티크 회사의 개인화 된 관심과 반응성을 제공하면서 올바른 업무 균형을 이룰 수 있다고 믿는다. 구직자 수당은 우리가 전문직을 수행하는 우리 주변의 지역 사회에 강한 의지를 가지고 있다. 여러 가지 이유로 법률 서비스와 재정 지원을 제공하는 적극적인 프로 보노 (pro bono) 프로그램을 통해 몇 가지 방법으로 혜택을 돌려받는다.

작업 방식: 당사의 성공을위한 가장 강력한 도구는 사무실, 실무 분야 및 전문가 간의 원활한 팀웍 및 협업이다. 당사의 조언은 파트너가 주도하는 팀이 실제 영역 및 분야의 영역 지식을 통해 제공되며 고객의 요구 사항을 듣고, 신속하게 대응하며, 약속 한대로 생활함으로써 최상의 서비스 품질을 고객에게 제공하기 위해 노력한다. 접근성이 뛰어나고 지식이 풍부하고 대응력이 뛰어나므로 우리는 과제를 수행하는 데 필요한 최상의 리소스를 제공하고 가치와 품질을 제공한다.

Recognising reality is the oxygen of governing, Arjun Krishnamoorthy, J Sagar Associates

Ins and outs of laws on oxygen and right to life

By Arjun Krishnamoorthy, J Sagar Associates
The quote “Liquid isko jeene nahin dega aur oxygen isko marne nahin dega” (The liquid won’t let him live; the oxygen won’t let him...
Enthusiasm for healthcare offers new practice opportunities, Arjun Krishnamoorthy, J Sagar Associates

Enthusiasm for healthcare offers new practice opportunities

By Arjun Krishnamoorthy, J Sagar Associates
The covid-19 pandemic has seen changes in practices across the world, ranging from frequent hand washing to revisions of long standing standard contractual clauses....
Health laws need a shot in the arm, Rhea Sydney, J Sagar Associates

Health laws need a shot in the arm

By Rhea Sydney, J Sagar Associates
The coronavirus outbreak, reported first at the end of 2019, was declared a global pandemic in October 2020 by the World Health Organization. Countries...
States can grow through nurturing neo agriculture, Shantanu Jindel and Vidur Prabhakar, J Sagar Associates

States can grow through nurturing neo agriculture

By Shantanu Jindel and Vidur Prabhakar, J Sagar Associates
Setting up a company depends on how business people view circumstances. Factors such as infrastructure, stamp duty laws, domestic and international connectivity, the policies...
Right to property trumps economic expropriation, Vishrov Mukerjee and Yashaswi Kant

Right to property trumps economic expropriation

By Vishrov Mukerjee and Yashaswi Kant, J Sagar Associates
In the modern economy, property is conceptually dynamic with varying meaning in different contexts. Legally, whatever the nature of property, such as movable, immovable,...

Award winning firm in India Law Firm Awards 2019

  • Best overall law firms
  • Aviation
  • Banking & finance
  • Energy, projects & infrastructure
  • Media & entertainment
  • Policy & regulation
  • Private equity & venture capital
  • Technology

Sandstone Crest
Sushant Lok – 1
Gurgaon – 122 009, NCR, India
T: +91 124 4390 600
E: gurugram@jsalaw.com

Vakils House, 18 Sprott Road
Ballard Estate
Mumbai – 400 001, India
T: +91 22 4341 8600
E: mumbai@jsalaw.com

New Delhi
B-303, 3rd floor, Ansal Plaza
Hudco Place, August Kranti Marg
New Delhi – 110 049, India
T: +91 11 4311 0600
E: newdelhi@jsalaw.com

Level 3, Prestige Obelisk
3 Kasturba Road
Bengaluru – 560 001, India
T: +91 80 435 03600
E: bengaluru@jsalaw.com

Bannari Amman Towers
2nd Floor, Block – A
29, Dr Radhakrishnan Salai
Mylapore, Chennai – 600 004
T: +91 44 4930 6600
E: chennai@jsalaw.com

Plot No. 391B, Road No.81
Film Nagar, Jubilee Hills
Hyderabad – 500 096, India
T: +91 40 2363 5600
E: hyderabad@jsalaw.com

A-503, Shapath Hexa
Ahmedabad – 380 060, India
T: +91 79 6611 1061
E: ahmedabad@jsalaw.com

Unit No. 2 GIFT Aspire-2 Business Centre,
ZFC Block 12, Road 1D, Zone -1 GIFT SEZ
Gandhinagar 382355, India
T: +91 90 0409 1936
E: giftifsc@jsalaw.com


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