Funds lawyer and litigator join Carey Olsen in Singapore

Funds lawyer and litigator join Carey Olsen in Singapore Helen Wang Tom Katsaros
From left: Helen Wang, Tom Katsaros

Carey Olsen’s Singapore office has added investment funds specialist Tom Katsaros to its investment funds offering as a consultant, and experienced litigator Helen Wang to its litigation, insolvency and restructuring practice as a counsel.

Katsaros joined from Maples Group where he was a partner and head of the firm’s funds and investment management team in the Singapore office for almost 14 years. He specialises in the establishment, structuring and maintenance of private equity funds and hedge funds. In addition to acting for large financial institutions and investment fund sponsors, boutique and startup investment managers, he also advises on all aspects of corporate and commercial law, including M&A, joint ventures and financing transactions.

Wang joined from Clifford Chance’s Asia disputes practice and has been working in Singapore and Hong Kong offices for more than 12 years, where she was the most recently was consultant. She specialises in a wide range of cross-jurisdictional disputes including insolvency and debt recovery actions, shareholder claims and enforcement and asset recovery.