Employees play their own role in corporate mergers

By Diljeet Titus and Niranjan Raj, Titus & Co

Sections 391 to 394 of the Companies Act, 1956 deal with schemes related to corporate reorganizations. As approval of a majority of a company’s creditors and members is a precondition for obtaining court sanction for any scheme under the Companies Act, both members and creditors have a stake in corporate mergers. However, the Act does not envisage any role for employees.

Diljeet Titus,senior partner,Titus & Co,corporate mergers
Diljeet Titus
Senior partner
Titus & Co

The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (IDA) contains certain important provisions in this regard.

Section 25FF provides that in the case of transfer of ownership or management, every workman – which includes workers but not management – who has been in continuous employment for more than a year, is entitled to benefits and compensation as if he has been retrenched.

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Diljeet Titus is a senior partner at Titus & Co, Advocates and may be contacted at: dtitus@titus-india.com. Niranjan Raj is an associate at Titus & Co, Advocates and may be contacted at nirajanraj@titus-india.com

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