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Jia Weiheng, Qin Li Law Firm

Jia Weiheng

National Managing Partner
Qin Li Law Firm

Tel: +86 21 2316 6903
Email: weihengjia@qinlilegal.com

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Practice areas

Anti-corruption & anti-bribery; Compliance; Corporate governance; Labour & employment


Jia Weiheng is licensed to practise law in China, New York State, and US federal courts. He has practised law in China, the US, and Japan for over 20 years. His focused practice areas are cross-border M&A, enterprise compliance, and labour law. Because of his rich international experience, Jia not only practises law regularly in Chinese, Japanese and English but also facilitates and assists clients in completing complex transactions among parties of diverse cultural backgrounds.

In the practice area of enterprise compliance, Jia is one of a few compliance experts and independent monitors recognised by multilateral banks, such as the World Bank Group. As a labour law lawyer, he specialises in complex cases, such as massive lay-offs, labour unions, and top executive replacement.

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