Jincheng Tongda & Neal
Established in 1992 始创于1992年 |
Managing Partner: Pang Zhengzhong Number of partners: 200+ Number of associates: 400+ |
管理合伙人: 庞正忠 现有合伙人: 200+ 现有律师: 400+ |
Established in 1992 始创于1992年 |
Managing Partner: Pang Zhengzhong Number of partners: 200+ Number of associates: 400+ |
管理合伙人: 庞正忠 现有合伙人: 200+ 现有律师: 400+ |
Firm Overview: JT&N is widely recognized as one of the leading full-service law firms in China and Asia, with great expertise across a broad spectrum of practice areas. Founded in 1992, JT&N has grown to become one of the largest and most respected law firms in China, with more than 450 highly qualified and talented lawyers in eight offices located in key urban centres across the country. Our legal team is versatile and possesses excellent foreign language capabilities, ensuring that we are able to communicate and process cross-border transactions with fluency and skill. At JT&N, our mission is to provide tailored legal services that fully satisfy our clients’ requirements, and to deliver our services efficiently, economically, and with the highest standard of performance.
About our service commitment JT&N puts the client first. We strive always to think and act from the perspective of our clients, and to facilitate achievement of their commercial objectives by providing them with the highest quality of professional services, and by innovatively determining the soundest, most value-added solutions to their needs. About our service commitment JT&N puts the client first. We strive always to think and act from the perspective of our clients, and to facilitate achievement of their commercial objectives by providing them with the highest quality of professional services, and by innovatively determining the soundest, most value-added solutions to their needs. Key Practice Areas: Six departments, 27 practice areas
事务所简介:北京金诚同达律师事务所创立于1992 年,已发展成为中国境内规模较大、极富活力的 律师事务所之一。总部位于北京,在上海、深圳、合肥、成都、西安、沈阳、济南设有分所。 金诚同达拥有国际化的业务网络,是ADVOC (国际律师事务所联盟)副主席单位,与全球80余个国家的百余家律所具有紧密的业务合作关系,力求在全球范围内实现最优化的资源共享和业务互动。 2000年以来,金诚同达多次被评为“部级文明律师事务所”“全国优秀律师事务所”及“北京市优秀律师事务所”。 秉承“守信金诚,励志同达”的理念和“同心合力,事业腾达”的目标,倡导“法理精神、一品服务”和“服务创造价值”,金诚同达运用资深的专业技术和丰富的实践经验竭诚为每位客户提供最为专业和完备的法律服务。 金诚同达以学者型的严谨态度、专家型的服务水平、团队型的合作模式和国际化的质量标准严格要求 自己,正在成为客户最信赖的重要资源。 主要业务领域: 六大业务部门,二十七个业务领域 1. 房地产 房地产与基础设施建设、环境保护、能源 2. 公司 并购与重组、劳动法、公司设立与合规、私募与 风险投资、证券与资本市场 3. 国际贸易与投资 国际贸易与WTO、海关、海商海事、境外投资、 外商投资 4. 金融 保险、信托与租赁、银行业务、税法与税务筹划、资产管理 5. 诉讼 跨境争议解决、破产、诉讼与仲裁、刑事诉讼 6. 知识产权 电子商务、反垄断与反不正当竞争、医药医疗、 娱乐与传媒、知识产权 |
Contact us 联系我们
Beijing Headquarters 北京总部
Floor 10, China World Tower A
No 1 Jianguomenwai Avenue
Chaoyang District
Beijing 100004, China
北京市朝阳区建国门外大街1 号
国贸大厦A 座10 层
邮编 100004
Telephone 电话 +86 10 5706 8585
Fax 传真 +86 10 8515 0267
Email 电邮 beijing@jtnfa.com
Shanghai 上海
Telephone 电话 : +86 21 6079 5656
Fax 传真 : +86 21 6079 8759
Email 电邮 : shanghai@jtnfa.com
Shenzhen 深圳
Telephone 电话 : +86 755 2223 5518
Fax 传真 : +86 755 2223 5528
Email 电邮 : shenzhen@jtnfa.com
Hefei 合肥
Telephone 电话 : +86 551 6558 9922
Fax 传真 : +86 551 6558 9933
Email 电邮 : hefei@jtnfa.com
Chengdu 成都
Telephone 电话 : +86 28 8665 5066
Fax 传真 : +86 28 8602 6056
Email 电邮 : chengdu@jtnfa.com
Xi’an 西安
Telephone 电话 : +86 29 6825 5651
Fax 传真 : +86 29 6825 5650
Email 电邮 : xian@jtnfa.com
Shenyang 沈阳
Telephone 电话 : +86 24 2334 2988
Fax 传真 : +86 24 2334 1677
Email 电邮 : shenyang@jtnfa.com
Jinan 济南
Telephone 电话 : +86 531 8646 5166
Fax 传真 : +86 531 8646 0666
Email 电邮 : jinan@jtnfa.com
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