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China Business Law Journal - April 2011

Volume 2, Issue 4

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In this issue
Wang Yadong and Helen Wu, Run Ming Law Office, Internet information service providers to be regulated and supervised, 互联网信息服务市场亟需监管

Internet information service providers to be regulated and supervised

By Wang Yadong and Helen Wu, Run Ming Law Office
Wang Jihong and Shi Jie, V&T Law Firm, Environmental checks for listed companies tightened, 上市公司面临更严格环保核查

Environmental checks for listed companies tightened

By Wang Jihong and Shi Jie, V&T Law Firm
Manisha Singh Nair, Lex Orbis, Pre-grant opposition rules grant a personal hearing to the opponent, 专利授权前的异议及听证

Pre-grant opposition rules grant a personal hearing to the opponent

By Manisha Singh Nair, Lex Orbis
Yao Yi, Concord & Partners, Legal issues relating to water industry concessions, 水务行业特许经营若干法律问题

Legal issues relating to water industry concessions

By Yao Yi, Concord & Partners
Chen Weidong and Hu Huafang, Dacheng Law Offices, Deposit liability insurance launched for non-vessel operating carriers, 无船承运人保证金责任保险

Deposit liability insurance launched for non-vessel operating carriers

By Chen Weidong and Hu Huafang, Dacheng Law Offices
Michael Sheng and Lionel Meehan, Blake Dawson, The Personal Property Securities Act and resources joint ventures, 《动产担保法》与资源类合资企业

The Personal Property Securities Act and resources joint ventures

By Michael Sheng and Lionel Meehan, Blake Dawson

Jersey foundations: infinitely capable

By Giles Corbin, Mourant Ozannes
Caroline Devlin and Jonathan Sheehan, Arthur Cox, Ireland – an onshore alternative, 爱尔兰:在岸架构的明智之选

Ireland – an onshore alternative

By Caroline Devlin and Jonathan Sheehan, Arthur Cox
Peter Tarn and Iann Mann, Harneys, Chinese outbound investment and the role of the BVI company, 中国对外投资和BVI公司的角色

Chinese outbound investment and the role of the BVI company

By Peter Tarn and Ian Mann, Harneys
Vicky Stilwell, Edward Nathan Sonnenbergs, Judgment facilitates the export of IP, 法院判决促进南非知识产权出口

Judgment facilitates the export of IP

By Vicky Stilwell, Edward Nathan Sonnenbergs
Darren Bowdern and Christopher Xing, KPMG China, Offshore holding structures in the spotlight, 聚焦海外控股架构

Offshore holding structures in the spotlight

By Darren Bowdern and Christopher Xing, KPMG China
Jens Brodbeck, Edward Nathan Sonnenbergs, Transfer pricing and intangibles, 无形资产转让定价国际指引

Transfer pricing and intangibles

By Jens Brodbeck, Edward Nathan Sonnenbergs
Liu Yushen, Chang Tsi & Partners, Protecting well-known brands not registered as trademarks, 如何保护未注册商标的知名品牌

Protecting well-known brands not registered as trademarks

By Liu Yushen, Chang Tsi & Partners
Dev Erriah, Erriah Chambers, A guide to offshore structures available in Mauritius, 毛里求斯离岸架构指南

A guide to offshore structures available in Mauritius

By Dev Erriah, Erriah Chambers
Jim Qiu, Yao Liang Law Offices, CIETAC and HKIAC arbitration rules compared (part 2), 比较贸仲和港仲仲裁规则(二)

CIETAC and HKIAC arbitration rules compared (part 2)

By Jim Qiu, Yao Liang Law Offices
Bruno Lopes Holfinger and Filipe Fonteles Cabral, Dannemann Siemsen Bigler & Ipanema Moreira, Is Brazil on your IP agenda? 保护知识产权?怎能少了巴西!

Is Brazil on your IP agenda?

By Bruno Lopes Holfinger and Filipe Fonteles Cabral, Dannemann Siemsen Bigler & Ipanema Moreira
IP comes under the spotlight as China strives for innovation, 中国要创新 知产是核心

IP comes under the spotlight as China strives for innovation

A focus on innovation in the new five-year plan follows a year of legal change in intellectual property. By Colin Galloway

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