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China Business Law Journal - March 2011

Volume 2, Issue 3

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In this issue

Legal options for protecting trademark right

By Spring Chang and Shen Huijuan, Chang Tsi & Partners

Li Yundi: dispute over a famous person’s name

By Wang Yadong and Helen Wu, Run Ming Law Office
Naomi Rive, Solutions for high net worth individuals from China, 中国高净资产人士的理财专家

Solutions for high net worth individuals from China

By Naomi Rive, Appleby
Henry Lee and Jessy Wang, Yangshan central to Shanghai’s shipping ambitions, 洋山:上海航运中心的核心区

Yangshan central to Shanghai’s shipping ambitions

By Henry Lee and Jessy Wang, Dacheng Law Offices
Acquiring listed companies in Australia

Acquiring listed companies by scheme of arrangement

By Michael Sheng and Marie McDonald, Blake Dawson
Manisha Singh Nair, Court issuing search warrant needs no opinion of Trademark Registrar, 商标侵权案件中的法院搜查令

Court issuing search warrant needs no opinion of Trademark Registrar

By Manisha Singh Nair, Lex Orbis
Vera Wei, Changing equity stakes in foreign investment enterprises, 外商投资企业股权变更相关问题

Changing equity stakes in foreign investment enterprises

By Vera Wei, Martin Hu & Partners

The benefits of the UK-China bilateral investment treaty

By Stuart Dutson and Amin Batada, Eversheds
Deals of the year, part two, 更多精彩:律所年度杰出交易

Deals of the year, part two

China Business Law Journal presents the second half of our selection of significant transactions from last year, and the domestic and international law firms behind them. By George W Russell and Raymond Yang.

Wang Jihong, The issue of ownership of concession projects, 特许经营项目的所有权归属

The issue of ownership of concession projects

By Wang Jihong, V&T Law Firm
PRC bank lending goes global, 中资银行全球放贷,英美法律独领风骚

Chinese cash, common law: PRC bank lending goes global

The biggest Chinese banks have ambitious global lending plans. This is creating borrowing opportunities for Chinese and international companies, and a windfall for major law firms. George W Russell and Robin Weir report

Tighter control, more freedom, 有张有弛 宽严结合

Tighter control, more freedom

To accompany our review of the leading deals of 2010, we asked our readers to identify the key legal issues that will face business in the coming months. By Robin Weir

Hu Xiaodong, Special tax treatment of corporate restructuring, 企业重组的特殊性税务处理

Special tax treatment of corporate restructuring

By Hu Xiaodong, Concord & Partners

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