China Commercial opens offices in Shenyang, Qingdao and Yongzhou

China Commercial back-to-back offices

China Commercial Law Firm established back-to-back offices in Shenyang, Qingdao and Yongzhou to strengthen the firm’s presence in the northeast Asia economic circle, the northern coastal region and central China.

Following the Changchun office, the Shenyang office is the second branch of the firm in northeast China. The new branch will offer legal services in corporate governance, compliance, disposal of non-performing assets, insolvency, litigation and arbitration, and criminal law. Led by partner Sun Xu, the office is staffed with 14 lawyers.

The Qingdao office, headed by partner Sun Shaona, is the first branch of the firm in Shandong province, alongside 31 legal professionals advising on governmental governance issues, distressed assets, bankruptcy restructuring, capital markets, foreign-related legal services, blockchain, biopharmaceuticals, urban renewal and shantytown renovation, and corporate compliance.

Yongzhou office has established four centres for commercial, civil, finance and legal counsel, covering civil and commercial litigation, finance, compliance, insolvency and liquidation, government legal counsel and criminal. Partner Guo Wenbin heads the office that currently has 22 lawyers.