陈健斌1995年取得律师执业证,1994年至1999年在广东君信律师事务所工作,2000年毕业于英国赫尔大学国际商法专业,取得国际商法硕士学位,2000年至2001年在美国高特兄弟(Coudert Brothers)律师事务所洛杉矶分所实习,2001年8月至今在广东卓信律师事务所执业,2003年7月至2003年8月于香港易周(Charltons)律师事务所交流,2014年8月参加全国律协涉外律师“领军人才”培训,2014年11到-2014年12月参加西班牙GARRIGUES培训中心全国律协涉外律师“领军人才”国际业务培训。
陈律师曾先后执业于多家大型的律师事务所,有非常丰富的执业经验,曾为众多美国、欧洲、澳大利亚和亚洲公司在华设立代表处、中外合资企业、外商独资企业或收购和兼并中国企业等外商投资活动提供法律服务。如全球最大的纸业公司Storaenso收购中国上市公司的业务,德意志银行收购中国多个不良资产项目,加拿大上市公司Wellwind Energy收购中国多家风力发电厂,及代表壳牌石油收购中国数十家加油站项目等。
他至今已参与众多大型的跨境清算和重组项目,包括广东国际信托投资公司和粤海企业集团有限公司的清算项目,亦作为项目负责人处理了大量涉及香港或海外的上市公司的跨境清算及重组项目,如泰兴光学、德发集团、宜进利、宝途有限公司、亚洲铝业、中华环保、中国包装集团及中金再生等等。为Stark Investments (Hong Kong) Limited, JP Morgan Securities Limited等与方圆地产的债务重组提供专项服务;他在资本市场方面具有丰富经验,曾参与多个境内外IPO、并购项目,并作为项目负责人经办了多个新三板挂牌项目。
陈律师曾代理了众多知名外国企业及机构在中国的涉外诉讼及仲裁案件,如美国银行、纽约梅陇银行、美国Oak capital等在中国标的上亿元的诉讼案件,康佳集团股份有限公司与澳大利亚Pebble Electronics Pty Ltd标的额巨大的国际贸易纠纷贸仲仲裁案。是欧洲两家最大的信用保险公司法国Coface科法斯及Euler Hermes裕利安怡公司的中国区代理律师,代理了该两家公司大量的信用险案件,涉及的标的额超过10个亿以上。
社会任职:2012年5月,广州市律师协会第八届理事会理事;2013年5月,广东省律师协会港澳台和外事工作委员会副主任;2013年9月,广州大学法学院实践课指导教师;2013年11月,广州仲裁委仲裁员;2015年1月,南昌仲裁委员会仲裁员;2015年2月,合肥仲裁委员会仲裁员;2016年 4月,广州市律师协会第九届理事会理事;2016年 8月,广州市律师协会第九届涉外法律业务专业委员会主任
社会荣誉:2012年12月,百名专家律师“暖企行动”法律服务团成员;2013年8月,中华全国律师协会涉外律师“领军人才”库律师;2014年10月,广东省律师协会国际商事法律事务专家库律师;2016年12月, 入选国际知名法律媒体《商法》(China Business Law Journal)年度“法律精英100强”(the Top 100 Lawyers);2017年6月,入选全国律协“一带一路”跨境律师人才库;2017年7月,入选国际知名法律媒体汤森路透ALB2017客户首选20强律师(Top 20 Client Choice)
In 1995 James Chen obtained a Chines Lawyer’s Licence, and from 1994 to 1999 he worked at Kingson Law Firm. From 1999 to 2000, he studied in the UK, obtaining an LLM in International Business Law, and from 2000 to 2001 was an intern at Coudert Brothers’ LA branch. From August 2001 until now he has worked at Zhuoxin Law Firm.
From July to August 2003, Chen attended an exchange programme with Charltons HK, and in August 2014 he attended a training programme of the National Elite of Foreign-related Lawyers at the ACLA. From November to December 2014 he attended the ACLA’s international training programme of the National Elite of Foreign-related Lawyers at Centre de Garrigues in Spain.
Chen has advised US, European, Australian and Asian companies investing in China by way of setting up representative offices, joint ventures, wholly foreign owned enterprises, or mergers and acquisitions with Chinese companies.
With 20 years of legal experience, Chen has expertise in advising clients on commercial and corporate matters, and is currently legal counsel to foreign companies including Nestle Guangzhou, Swire Guangdong Coca-Cola, Tyco International, Tupperware China, Coface China, Candy China, Taly China, etc.
Chen has been involved in a number of large-scale assignments involving cross-border liquidation and restructuring, including GITIC and Guangdong Enterprises (Holdings) projects and numbers of insolvency tasks in connection to large companies with Hong Kong or offshore backgrounds, such as Moulin Global Eyecare Holding, Tack Fat Group, Peace Mark, Boto, Asia Aluminum, Sino-Environment, China Packaging and China Metal Recycling Holding, etc.
Chen has rich experience in capital markets, has participated in quite a few domestic and foreign IPO and M&A projects, and has handled several projects successfully listed on the National Equities Exchange and Quotations as the project leader.
He has represented foreign clients or foreign-invested companies on investment or trade disputes with Chinese companies in CIETAC, and in courts across China, and is leading a team to provide collection service and litigation for Coface and Pi An Insurance arising from trade credit insurance service.
Professional affiliations: May 2012, member of Council of 8th Guangzhou Lawyers Association; May 2013, vice-president of Hongkong, Macau, Taiwan and foreign affairs committee of Guangdong Lawyers Association; September 2013, tutor of practical courses at the Law School of the Guangzhou University; November 2013, arbitrator of Guangzhou Arbitration Commission; January 2015, arbitrator of Nanchang Arbitration Commission; February 2015, arbitrator of Hefei Arbitration Commission; April 2016, member of the 9th Council of Guangzhou Lawyers Association; August 2016 director of the 9th specialized committee of Foreign-related Legal Service in Guangzhou Lawyers Association.
Social honours: December 2012, member of legal support activity for enterprise of Bureau of Justice of Guangzhou; August 2013, National Elite of Foreign-related Lawyers of National Lawyers Association; October 2014, Expert of International Commercial law of Guangdong Lawyers Association; December 2016, selected as China’s Top 100 Lawyers of 2016 by China Business Law Journal; June 2017, elected in the talent pool of Belt and Road cross-border attorneys by ACLA; July 2017, selected as Top 20 Client Choice lawyer by SSQ Thomson Reuters ALB in 2017.
Bar admission: Lawyer, People’s Republic of China independent director.
Education background: Sun Yat-sen University, Bachelor of Law; University of Hull, UK, LLM.
Languages: Mandarin, Cantonese and English. |