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Based on research conducted by China Business Law Journal, the following are the top 100 lawyers for China practice in 2017, and their key practice areas. Detailed biographies and contact information, where provided, were written by the lawyers themselves and have not been independently verified.

Click here to read the report.






The A-List is based on extensive research conducted by China Business Law Journal. To identify the top 100 lawyers for China practice in 2017, we turned to thousands of in-house counsel in China and around the world, as well as partners at Chinese and international law firms, and asked them to tell us which lawyers should make the cut.

Nominations were received from professionals at a wide range of Chinese and international companies, law firms and other organizations. The final list reflects the nominations received combined with the China Business Law Journal editorial team’s years of collective experience in documenting and analyzing China’s legal market.

All private practice lawyers for the China market were automatically eligible for inclusion in the nomination process, and there were no fees or any other requirements for entry into that process. The names and photographs of all A-List lawyers are published below.

In addition, each A-List lawyer was given the opportunity to include their biography and contact details, for which a publishing fee was charged.

It is important to note that the compilation of The A-List and the list of recommended practice areas for each A-List lawyer are based solely on independent editorial research, whereas the biographies and contact details that appear alongside many of the listings have been written by the participating lawyers and the content has not been independently verified by China Business Law Journal.

robert-ashworth 卞昊
Bian Hao
Haiwen & Partners

Key practice areas: Capital market; General corporate; M&A and restructuring; Private equity

robert-ashworth David Blumental
Latham & Watkins
Hong Kong

Key practice areas: M&A; Oil & gas transactions; Private equity; Project development & finance

chen-bi 陈苾
Chen Bi

电话 Tel: ++86 10 6535 3477, +86 138 1165 8620
电邮 Email: bi.chen@minterellison.com
Key practice areas: China outbound investment; Energy and resources; Market entry into Australia; Public and private M&A

Bi Chen is a Partner and Chief Representative in MinterEllison’s Beijing office, specializing in corporate and commercial law, including mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures and foreign direct investment. Chen has extensive experience acting for Chinese state-owned enterprises and private companies in relation to their outbound investments, particularly in the energy and natural resources sectors. She understands the commercial drivers of Chinese investment and enjoys working collaboratively to assist them in realizing value on their overseas investments. In the past decade, she has assisted Chinese clients on their investments into Australia, Europe, North America and Southeast Asia. Chen has a key understanding of the Australian market. She is admitted to practise law in Australia and obtained a master degree in Finance from the University of New South Wales and a bachelor of law from the University of Sydney. She speaks fluent English and Mandarin.

eric-chen 陈巍
Eric Chen
Senior Partner

电话 Tel: +86 21 2028 3822
电邮 Email: eric.chen@dentons.cn
主要执业领域:跨境投资与贸易;公司与并购; 私募股权与投资基金;不动产与建设工程
Key practice areas: Cross-border investment and international trade; General corporate and M&A; Private equity & investment fund; Real estate and construction
陈巍律师律师拥有13年涉外法律实务经验,熟悉各领域的法律事务,经验丰富,擅长为客户提供创造性的项目解决方案,并可以用熟练的中英文语言为国内外客户提供优质的法律服务。陈律师参与了大量的收购、转让和重组交易,同时也担任了著名跨国公司、投资基金、外商投资企业及国内公司的中国法律顾问, 为他们提供日常的法律服务,其服务的客户包括:凯雷、KKR地产基金、CLSA 、凯龙瑞基金、普洛斯、摩根士丹利、摩根大通、平安集团、新加坡大华银行、ARA基金等,曾参与的交易项目包括但不限于:



教育背景:英国爱丁堡大学法学院 法学硕士;苏州大学法学院法学学士



Mr. Chen has practiced law for more than 13 years. Being familiar with legal matters in many industries, he is acclaimed for his excellent legal services with creative solutions for the client. Chen has successfully advised numerous multinational and local clients such as Carlyle, KKR, CLSA, Kailong, GLP, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan, Ping An Group, United Overseas Bank Singapore, ARA Investment Fund, etc. He has successfully accomplished dozens of projects including:

Morgan Stanley Real Estate Fund’s joint venture project with Agile Property in Hainan Clear Water Bay;
KKR and Sino-Ocean Land Holdings’ establishment of a co-operated platform to invest in the PRC real estate market (first PRC real estate investment project by KKR);
Carlyle Group’s first real estate acquisition project in China – the acquisition of Shanghai Forest Villas and related financing matters;
JPMorgan Asia Real Estate Fund’s acquisitions of high-end properties in Shanghai, Beijing and Dalian, and related financing matters;
CLSA and the Carlyle Group on their acquisition and sale of Shanghai Hongjia Tower;
CLSA in its sales of a commercial real estate property in downtown Shanghai through offshore equity interest transfer;
Shanghai Pudong government’s buyback of Shanghai Links Golf Resort;
Global Logistics Property on its various domestic acquisitions of industrial and warehouse projects in China;
Kailong’s multiple acquisitions of commercial properties and office buildings in Shanghai and Dalian;
United Overseas Bank Singapore in the establishment of its first real estate wholly foreign owned enterprise in China, and leasehold legal service regarding the commercial building in Lujiazui;
CPI RongHe Financial Leasing in its outbound investment of a wind power project in Montenegro;
ARA Investment Fund on its acquisition of BEA Finance Tower at Lujiazui, Shanghai;
SMIC in its acquisition of a self-use project in ZJ Inno Park, Shanghai, from a subsidiary of Shanghai Zhangjiang Hi-tech;
Ping An Group and Baiyao Holding’s land development project in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan province; and
Advised on affiliates of Ping An Trust on various real estate investment and financing matters in China.

Chen also regularly advises leading international law firms such as Allen & Overy, Paul Hastings, Morrison & Foerster, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, DLA Piper, White & Case, Baker Mckenzie, etc., in relation to various PRC legal matters.

Education: LLM, University of Edinburgh Law School; LLB, Soochow University, Kenneth Wang School of Law.

Working Languages: Chinese (Mandarin and Shanghai dialects); English.

Qualifications: SAC Certified PRC Securities Practitioner; and Admitted to PRC Bar.

James Chen
Director and Founding Partner
Zhuoxin Law Firm
电话 Tel: +86 20 3941 6888
手机 Mobile: +86 139 2643 8766

电邮 Email: j.chen@zhuoxinlaw.com
Key practice areas: Cross-border restructuring, insolvency and liquidation; Foreign direct investment; Foreign-related litigation and arbitration; Outbound investment 
陈健斌1995年取得律师执业证,1994年至1999年在广东君信律师事务所工作,2000年毕业于英国赫尔大学国际商法专业,取得国际商法硕士学位,2000年至2001年在美国高特兄弟(Coudert Brothers)律师事务所洛杉矶分所实习,2001年8月至今在广东卓信律师事务所执业,2003年7月至2003年8月于香港易周(Charltons)律师事务所交流,2014年8月参加全国律协涉外律师“领军人才”培训,2014年11到-2014年12月参加西班牙GARRIGUES培训中心全国律协涉外律师“领军人才”国际业务培训。

陈律师曾先后执业于多家大型的律师事务所,有非常丰富的执业经验,曾为众多美国、欧洲、澳大利亚和亚洲公司在华设立代表处、中外合资企业、外商独资企业或收购和兼并中国企业等外商投资活动提供法律服务。如全球最大的纸业公司Storaenso收购中国上市公司的业务,德意志银行收购中国多个不良资产项目,加拿大上市公司Wellwind Energy收购中国多家风力发电厂,及代表壳牌石油收购中国数十家加油站项目等。

他至今已参与众多大型的跨境清算和重组项目,包括广东国际信托投资公司和粤海企业集团有限公司的清算项目,亦作为项目负责人处理了大量涉及香港或海外的上市公司的跨境清算及重组项目,如泰兴光学、德发集团、宜进利、宝途有限公司、亚洲铝业、中华环保、中国包装集团及中金再生等等。为Stark Investments (Hong Kong) Limited, JP Morgan Securities Limited等与方圆地产的债务重组提供专项服务;他在资本市场方面具有丰富经验,曾参与多个境内外IPO、并购项目,并作为项目负责人经办了多个新三板挂牌项目。

陈律师曾代理了众多知名外国企业及机构在中国的涉外诉讼及仲裁案件,如美国银行、纽约梅陇银行、美国Oak capital等在中国标的上亿元的诉讼案件,康佳集团股份有限公司与澳大利亚Pebble Electronics Pty Ltd标的额巨大的国际贸易纠纷贸仲仲裁案。是欧洲两家最大的信用保险公司法国Coface科法斯及Euler Hermes裕利安怡公司的中国区代理律师,代理了该两家公司大量的信用险案件,涉及的标的额超过10个亿以上。


社会任职:2012年5月,广州市律师协会第八届理事会理事;2013年5月,广东省律师协会港澳台和外事工作委员会副主任;2013年9月,广州大学法学院实践课指导教师;2013年11月,广州仲裁委仲裁员;2015年1月,南昌仲裁委员会仲裁员;2015年2月,合肥仲裁委员会仲裁员;2016年 4月,广州市律师协会第九届理事会理事;2016年 8月,广州市律师协会第九届涉外法律业务专业委员会主任

社会荣誉:2012年12月,百名专家律师“暖企行动”法律服务团成员;2013年8月,中华全国律师协会涉外律师“领军人才”库律师;2014年10月,广东省律师协会国际商事法律事务专家库律师;2016年12月, 入选国际知名法律媒体《商法》(China Business Law Journal)年度“法律精英100强”(the Top 100 Lawyers);2017年6月,入选全国律协“一带一路”跨境律师人才库;2017年7月,入选国际知名法律媒体汤森路透ALB2017客户首选20强律师(Top 20 Client Choice)




In 1995 James Chen obtained a Chines Lawyer’s Licence, and from 1994 to 1999 he worked at Kingson Law Firm. From 1999 to 2000, he studied in the UK, obtaining an LLM in International Business Law, and from 2000 to 2001 was an intern at Coudert Brothers’ LA branch. From August 2001 until now he has worked at Zhuoxin Law Firm.

From July to August 2003, Chen attended an exchange programme with Charltons HK, and in August 2014 he attended a training programme of the National Elite of Foreign-related Lawyers at the ACLA. From November to December 2014 he attended the ACLA’s international training programme of the National Elite of Foreign-related Lawyers at Centre de Garrigues in Spain.

Chen has advised US, European, Australian and Asian companies investing in China by way of setting up representative offices, joint ventures, wholly foreign owned enterprises, or mergers and acquisitions with Chinese companies.

With 20 years of legal experience, Chen has expertise in advising clients on commercial and corporate matters, and is currently legal counsel to foreign companies including Nestle Guangzhou, Swire Guangdong Coca-Cola, Tyco International, Tupperware China, Coface China, Candy China, Taly China, etc.

Chen has been involved in a number of large-scale assignments involving cross-border liquidation and restructuring, including GITIC and Guangdong Enterprises (Holdings) projects and numbers of insolvency tasks in connection to large companies with Hong Kong or offshore backgrounds, such as Moulin Global Eyecare Holding, Tack Fat Group, Peace Mark, Boto, Asia Aluminum, Sino-Environment, China Packaging and China Metal Recycling Holding, etc.

Chen has rich experience in capital markets, has participated in quite a few domestic and foreign IPO and M&A projects, and has handled several projects successfully listed on the National Equities Exchange and Quotations as the project leader.

He has represented foreign clients or foreign-invested companies on investment or trade disputes with Chinese companies in CIETAC, and in courts across China, and is leading a team to provide collection service and litigation for Coface and Pi An Insurance arising from trade credit insurance service.

Professional affiliations: May 2012, member of Council of 8th Guangzhou Lawyers Association; May 2013, vice-president of Hongkong, Macau, Taiwan and foreign affairs committee of Guangdong Lawyers Association; September 2013, tutor of practical courses at the Law School of the Guangzhou University; November 2013, arbitrator of Guangzhou Arbitration Commission; January 2015, arbitrator of Nanchang Arbitration Commission; February 2015, arbitrator of Hefei Arbitration Commission; April 2016, member of the 9th Council of Guangzhou Lawyers Association; August 2016 director of the 9th specialized committee of Foreign-related Legal Service in Guangzhou Lawyers Association.

Social honours: December 2012, member of legal support activity for enterprise of Bureau of Justice of Guangzhou; August 2013, National Elite of Foreign-related Lawyers of National Lawyers Association; October 2014, Expert of International Commercial law of Guangdong Lawyers Association; December 2016, selected as China’s Top 100 Lawyers of 2016 by China Business Law Journal; June 2017, elected in the talent pool of Belt and Road cross-border attorneys by ACLA; July 2017, selected as Top 20 Client Choice lawyer by SSQ Thomson Reuters ALB in 2017.
Bar admission: Lawyer, People’s Republic of China independent director.

Education background: Sun Yat-sen University, Bachelor of Law; University of Hull, UK, LLM.

Languages: Mandarin, Cantonese and English.

chen-yimin 陈一敏
Chen Yimin
Senior Partner
Jia Yuan Law Offices
电话 Tel: +86 21 6045 2660
电邮 Email: chenyimin@jiayuan-law.com
Key practice areas: Cross-border M&A; Dispute resolution; Investment; Private equity funds 

Chen Yimin is a senior partner of Jia Yuan Law Offices focusing on cross-border transactions and financial practices. His expertise in particular covers fund formation (both RMB and US dollar funds) and investment, outbound investment and overseas acquisitions, as well as international trade legal services. Chen has represented many renowned clients and successfully completed numerous transactions of fund formation, private equity or venture capital investment, outbound investment or acquisitions. His practice captures various industries including environmental protection, logistics, aviation, pharmaceuticals, automotive, energy, and culture.

cheung-kwok-kit-2 张国杰
Cheung Kwok Kit
Hong Kong
Key practice areas: Arbitration; Construction; Cross-border dispute resolution; Shareholders disputes

John-choong 钟津翰
John Choong
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
Hong Kong
Key practice areas: Complex international litigation; Cross-border investigations and compliance; International arbitration

paul-chow 周冠英
Paul Chow
Davis Polk & Wardwell
Hong Kong
Key practice areas: Capital markets; M&A; Private equity

lisa-chung 钟慕贞
Lisa Chung
Slaughter and May
Hong Kong
Key practice areas: Corporate and commercial; Financing; M&A; Private equity

Cui Liguo
Founding Partner
Guantao Law Firm, Beijing
电话 Tel: 86 10 6657 8066
电邮 Email: clg@guantao.com
Key practice areas: Capital market; Investment and financing; M&A and restructuring



Cui Liguo is the Founding Partner and the Chairman of the Management Committee of Guantao Law Firm. With more than 20 years of experience practising law, Cui specializes in capital markets, M&A, investment and financing.

He has provided legal services for onshore and offshore offerings, and listing projects of stocks, bonds and trust funds of many corporations and institutions, as well as share and asset purchases of many listed and non-listed companies at home and abroad, covering a wide range of industries including minerals, energy, pharmaceutical, real estate, manufacturing, communication, hotel, electric power, finance, electronics, food and special steel.

Cui was named as one of China’s Top 10 most influential lawyers by ALB China’s Power List 2015, and from the year of 2008 to 2017, he has also been nominated several times as Managing Partner of the Year by ALB China Law Awards, consecutively.

Justin-DAgostino Justin D’Agostino
Asia Managing Partner
Herbert Smith Freehills
Hong Kong
Key practice areas: Dispute resolution; International arbitration; Mediation; Public international law

Dai Qingkang 戴庆康
Dai Qingkang
Head of International Practice
DHH Law Firm
Key practice areas: Banking; Construction; International trade

jet-deng 邓志松
Jet Deng
Senior Partner
电话 Tel: +86 10 5813 7038
电邮 Email: zhisong.deng@dentons.cn
Key practice areas: Competition & antitrust; Data protection; Litigation


邓律师自对外经济贸易大学获得法学博士学位,具备中国律师执业资格。他连续多年被钱伯斯(Chamber & Partners)、全球竞争评论(GCR)等认可为亚太地区的领军律师。他是欧洲竞争与规制学院(CRESSE)法律委员,也是中华全国律师协会、北京律师协会反垄断专业委员会委员,同时在对外经济贸易大学和北京外国语大学担任硕士生校外导师。

Jet Deng is a seasoned attorney-at-law specializing in antitrust practice, data protection and dispute resolution. Deng has concentrated on antitrust practice since 2004, at a time even before the enactment of the Anti-Monopoly Law (AML) in the PRC legal system. He has represented clients on a wide range of issues in relation to AML and has been commended for his professionalism and value added to the client.

Deng has hands-on experience in handling high-profile investigations concerning cartel, resale price maintenance (RPM) and abuse of dominance, as well as a number of merger control filings for high-profile cross-border M&As. He is one of the practitioners who are often entrusted to represent clients on the most contentious and pioneering anti-competition issues before Chinese courts, for example, application of the FRAND principle, abuse of Standard Essential Patents, and vertical restrictions in civil litigations.

Deng started to practise on data protection law since 2012 and based on a unique understanding of the cybersecurity landscape he has advised both international and domestic clients on numerous privacy matters. He is well versed in regulatory attitudes and enforcement standards, and is capable of assisting clients in designing responsive strategies to cope with investigations and litigation in terms of data protection issues in China.

In addition to his practice, Deng has been an active participant in legislative consultations and one of the experts who are regularly invited to provide training for AML enforcement and cybersecurity authorities in China. He is one of the few practitioners who are also prolific writers contributing to the academic discussion of competition law and data protection.

Deng obtained his PhD degree in International Economic Law from the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) and is qualified to practise in the PRC. He was recognized by Chambers & Partners and Global Competition Review as a Leading Lawyer in Asia-Pacific.

dong-chungang 董纯钢
Dong Chungang
Jingtian & Gongcheng
电话 Tel: +86 10 5809 1016 1016
电邮 Email: dong.chungang@jingtian.com

Key practice areas: Dispute resolution








Dong Chungang is a partner of Jingtian & Gongcheng, qualified both in China and New York state in the US.

Dong specializes in dispute resolution and has represented clients in hundreds of lawsuits before all four levels of courts in China, as well as domestic and international arbitration bodies including CIETAC, BAC, ICC, HKIAC, SIAC, etc., which have involved a variety of substantive areas such as trade, investment, M&A, real estate, finance, energy, technology and product liability. He has also advised clients and acted as a Chinese legal expert for litigation and arbitration in the US, Singapore and Hong Kong.

Dong has extensive experience advising clients on liquidation and bankruptcy under PRC law, as well as protecting intellectual property rights by administrative proceedings or litigation. Before joining the firm, he worked for three years with CIETAC as a case manager with the international arbitration division.

Dong holds a Bachelor of Arts (English Language and Law) and a Master of Laws from China University of Political Science and Law, and a Master of Laws (LLM in American Law) from Boston University.

He is an arbitrator at CIETAC, where he hears about 15 cases each year, a mediator at CCPIT Mediation Centre, an arbitrator at Chongqing Arbitration Commission, a master student supervisor at China University of Political Science and Law, a dispute resolution panelist at R&D-Based Pharmaceutical Association Committee (RDPAC), and a council member of the Society of Business Law of China. Dong is a native Mandarin speaker and fluent in English.

dong-chungang 董箫
Dong Xiao
AnJie Law Firm
Key practice areas: Arbitration and litigation; Cross-border transaction; IP protection

edward-epstein 叶德华
Edward Epstein
Managing Partner
of Shanghai Office
Troutman Sanders
电话 Tel: +86 21 6133 8998 (大陆mainland China) / +852 2533 7860 (香港Hong Kong) / +1 404 885 2646 (美国US)
电邮 Email: edward.epstein@troutman.com
Key practice areas: General corporate in China; M&A; Real estate


钱伯斯亚洲(Chambers Asia): 公司/并购和房地产之推荐律师
亚太法律500强(Legal 500 Asia Pacific): 公司/并购和房地产之推荐律师
波士顿咨询公司BTI客户服务之星(Client Service All-Star)

Edward Epstein has lived in China for more than 30 years, and for the past 20 years in Shanghai. His practice is in M&A, real estate and general corporate affairs, and he has represented multinational corporations in the due diligence and negotiation of numerous acquisitions and joint ventures, and in the establishment of wholly foreign-owned enterprises in a wide variety of industries including electronics, chemicals, petrochemicals, automotive, packaging and other types of manufacturing operations, as well as real estate.

Epstein is adept at designing strategies for investing and doing business in China. With his long tenure in China and his strong academic background, he belongs to a very small group of foreign lawyers who understand China and Chinese law in the context of its political economy. He is a straight-talker and his clients value his candid, practical and business-like approach to solving their legal problems.

Epstein’s awards included China Business Law Journal’s “The A-List” for two consecutive years; Chambers Asia – leading lawyer in Corporate/M&A and Real Estate; Legal 500 Asia Pacific – highly recommended lawyer in Corporate/M&A and Real Estate; and BTI Client Service All-Star.

fang-jian 方健
Fang Jian
Key practice areas: Financial regulatory; General corporate; M&A; Private equity

fei-ning 费宁
Fei Ning
Managing Partner
Hui Zhong Law Firm
电话 Tel: +86 10 5639 9588
电邮 Email: feining@huizhonglaw.com
Key practice areas: Dispute resolution; Intellectual property; International investment; International trade



Fei Ning is the managing partner of Hui Zhong Law Firm. He specializes in commercial litigation and arbitration and has represented both Chinese and foreign clients in hundreds of commercial litigation cases before PRC courts at various levels up to the Supreme People’s Court.

He has also participated in arbitral proceedings administered by CIETAC, HKIAC, SIAC, SCC and LCIA as arbitrator, counsel or expert witness. He is the first mainland China lawyer to be invited to act as a council member of HKIAC.

Fei has been frequently invited as speaker in prestigious international conferences held by IBA, GAR, SIAC etc. Since 2006, he has been ranked by Chambers and Partners as one of the top dispute resolution lawyers in China. The Chambers Asia Pacific Guide ranked Fei as a Band 1 lawyer in the fields of arbitration and general dispute resolution in China.

fei-ning 冯志文
Henry Fung
Partner and Hong Kong Office Head
Holman Fenwick Willan
Key practice areas: Corporate and commercial; Litigation and arbitration; Regulatory and compliance; Shipping

julie-gao 高准
Julie Gao

Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom
Hong Kong
Key practice areas: Debt capital markets; Equity capital markets; M&A
ulrike-glueck 邬丽福
Ulrike Glueck

Managing Partner
of Shanghai Office
CMS China
Key practice areas: Corporate and M&A; Foreign direct investment; Restructuring 
charles-guan-2 管建军
Charles Guan

Managing Partner
of Shanghai Office
Grandall Law Firm
Key practice areas: Capital market; Financing; M&A; Private equity
meph-gui-2 桂佳
Meph Gui

Global Law Office
电话 Tel: +86 10 6584 6622
手机 Mobile: +86 135 0111 0395
电邮 Email: meph.qui@glo.com .cn

Key practice areas: IP litigation; IP planning; IP portfolio management; IP transaction


荣誉和奖项:桂律师是唯一一位连续五年(2013- 2017年)获得《亚洲法律杂志(ALB)》“客户首选20强律师”奖项的律师,并于2016年在《商法(China Business Law Journal)》“法律精英100强”大奖评选中获得殊荣。自2015年起,桂律师连续被《钱伯斯(Chambers and Partners)》、《法律500强(Legal 500)》、《中国法律商务(China Law & Practice)》和《亚洲法律概况(Asialaw Profiles)》评选为知识产权领域的领先律师,并在“专利”和“商标与著作权”两个评级分类以及于2017年起新增的“知识产权交易”评级分类上被《知识产权管理(Managing IP)》评为“知识产权杰出律师”,专业律师排名机构LEGALBAND对他作出这样的评价:“桂律师是少数专注于高端知识产权法律服务领域的卓越律师(之一)。他具备扎实的法律功底及极强的创新能力,并获得了众多知名国际权威法律媒体的认可。他实务经验丰富,尤以擅长处理复杂的跨境知识产权问题,深受众多跨国企业的信赖炊与推崇。”



As one of the earliest lawyers to litigate intellectual property (IP) cases in China, Meph Jia Gui is admitted to practise law in China and the US state of California. With solid work experience at leading law firms in China for many years, he has represented multinationals in relation to enforcement, acquisition and licensing of trademark, copyright, patent, trade secret and domain names. He advises on various IP matters in China relating to the creation, exploitation and protection of IP rights, including contentious and non-contentious matters.

Meph has a great deal of experience in representing clients for IP lawsuits in different levels of courts in China. Some lawsuits he handled were recognized by the Supreme People’s Court (SPC) of China’s top 10 exemplary cases. In addition to his experience in contentious matters, Meph has provided clients with general IP advice, IP due diligence, strategic IP advice, transactional IP work, and advice against future IP disputes in commercial deals.

Meph is the only Chinese lawyer admitted to the bar of the US Supreme Court, the first Chinese lawyer to become an arbitrator of the World Intellectual Property Organization, and the first Chinese lawyer attending IP lawsuits in the US as an expert witness of Chinese IP law. Meph was accredited as an IP expert by the IP Precedent Guiding and Analysis Centre of the Supreme Court of China, and chairs the centre’s overseas precedent committee.

Meph was invited by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China as an IP expert to make expert appraisal on state-sponsored national technology projects. As an IP expert accredited by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China, he is one of the very few lawyer-experts invited by the SPC and the Ministry of Commerce of China to provide IP legislation opinions.

Meph is an adjunct lecturer at Peking University Law School and a domain name expert at Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre and China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission. Meph currently serves as vice-chair of the China committee of the American Bar Association and is a standing committee member of the China Intellectual Property Law Association.

Awards: Meph is the only one awarded the “Client Choice Top 20 Lawyers in China” by Asian Legal Business for five consecutive years (2013-2017), and is identified by China Business Law Journal as one of “China’s Top 100 Lawyers” in 2016. Since 2015, Meph was recognized as a leading IP lawyer in China by Chambers & Partners, Legal 500, China Law & Practice, Asialaw Profiles (formerly Asia Law & Practice), and LegalBand, and was also recognized as an IP Star by Managing IP since 2015.

Admission: Supreme Court of the US; US District Court for the Eastern District of Texas; US District Court for the Central District of California; US District Court for the Northern District of California; State of California; China

Education: Master of Laws in European IP Law (cum laude approbatur), Stockholm University, Sweden; Bachelor of Laws, Renmin University of China.

meph-gui-2 郭克军
Guo Kejun

Zhong Lun Law Firm
电话 Tel: +86 10 5957 2082
电邮 Email: guokejun@zhonglun.com

Key practice areas: Investment; M&A; Private equity & investment fund; Securities

郭律师先后就读于中国人民大学和北京大学,分获经济学学士学位和法学硕士学位;并获全额SOHMAN SCHOLARSHIP资助赴美国留学,获得LL.M学位;并曾获得长江商学院EMBA学位。现担任中国人民大学律师学院兼职教授、中国投资协会股权和创业投资专业委员会常务理事,并曾担任多家上市公司独立董事。

郭克军律师连续多年入选钱伯斯亚太版和全球版“领先律师”,主要推荐领域为公司融资及公司并购业务。郭律师擅长证券、基金、投资并购、债券等业务。教育背景:长江商学院 EMBA;美国南部卫理公会大学法学硕士;北京大学法学硕士;中国人民大学经济学学士

Guo Kejun is a partner of Zhong Lun Law Firm’s capital market department, has bar qualifications in both China and the state of New York, and has practised for 17 years.

Guo holds a Master of Law from the Peking University and Bachelor of Economy from Renmin University. He also gained an LLM degree in the US with a full scholarship sponsored by Sohman Scholarship, and achieved his EMBA degree from Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business. Guo currently serves as adjunct professor of Renmin University, on the standing council of China Venture Capital & Private Equity Association, and used to serve as independent director for several listed companies.

Guo has been named as a “leading lawyer” by Chambers, for both the Asia and global editions, for consecutive years. The major recommended areas are corporate finance and M&A. He has expertise in a number of practice areas including securities, private equity and investment funds, investment, M&A, and bonds.

Education background: EMBA, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business; LLM, Southern Methodist University; Master of Law, Peking University; and Bachelor of Economy, Renmin University.

meph-gui-2 何菁
He Jing

Senior Consultant
AnJie Law Firm
Key practice areas: Antitrust; Intellectual property; Policy advocacy; Regulatory
alex-hsin-2 幸大智
Alex Hsin

Senior Partner
MHP Law Firm, Shanghai;
Managing Partner
Guoju Law Firm, Taipei
电话 Tel: +86 21 6113 2988(大陆 mainland)/ +886 2 25776123*220(台湾 Taiwan)
电邮 Email: alex.hsin@mhplawyer.com / alex.hsin@gjlaw.com.tw/

主要执业领域:公司法律业务;跨国投资 ;争议解决;并购
Key practice areas: Corporate matters; Cross-border investment; Dispute resolution; M&A
幸大智律师现任上海君悦律师事务所的高级合伙人、台北国巨律师事务所的执行合伙人、台湾公司组织研究发展协会理事、美国西北大学校友会台北分会理事及台湾电子商务学会监事长。君悦律师事务所(MHP Law Firm)是一家大型的综合性律师事务所,由中国优秀律所君悦律师事务所、中国精品律所胡光律师事务所(Martin Hu & Partners)、德载中怡律师事务所及若干律师精英团队以“自在、平等、开放、共享”理念合并而成,开创律所移动和共享办公模式,为客户提供高效优质的法律服务。



幸律师是少数拥有在大中华地区投资并购活动实际经验的专业人士,于2011年获评英国专业杂志Lawyer Monthly的亚太“百大律师”,于2016年荣列《商法》100名A-List法律精英。

Alex Hsin is Senior Partner of MHP Law Firm. MHP is a fully licensed law firm established following the merger of Junyue Law Firm, a renowned PRC law firm, Martin Hu & Partners (one of China’s top boutique firms), and Middla Law Firm, as well as the joining of several outstanding teams. MHP commits itself to providing an innovative mobile and office sharing solution and is dedicated to offering global clients in various industries a broad and comprehensive range of efficient and high-quality legal services with powerful big data support, a wealth of professional knowledge and experience, and seamless international collaboration.

As a practising lawyer in Taiwan and mainland China, Hsin has expertise in general corporate affairs, mergers and acquisitions, cross-border investment, dispute resolution, and business law consulting. He is also a qualified patent attorney in Taiwan, a certified senior forensic accountant in China and the US, and sits as the executive partner of Guoju Law Firm in Taipei.

Hsin obtained his LLB degree from Fu Jen Catholic University, an MBA degree from National Taipei University, an LLM degree from Northwestern University in the US, and a PhD from East China University of Political Science and Law. He also attended a doctoral programme of business administration at National Taipei University.

Hsin began his legal career in 1993, when he worked as the senior manager in the legal department of PricewaterhouseCoopers (Taiwan) and senior attorney in the associated law firm. He joined Lee & Li Attorney-at-law as a senior attorney in 2006 and was assigned as the vice president of Lee & Li Business Consultants (Shanghai).

Hsin has well-rounded executive experience in providing general corporate, M&A, cross-border investment, and commercial dispute resolutions for the private and public sectors. He is familiar with market demands and the regulations of investment and M&A fields in cross-strait regimes, and has been recognized as one of the few who have cross-border investment and M&A experience in Greater China. He also has years of practical experience in the tax field, and speaks fluent Chinese and English.

huang-jianwen 黄建雯
Huang Jianwen

King & Wood Mallesons
Key practice areas: Corporate; Life science and healthcare; M&A; Overseas investment
huang-wei 黄伟
Huang Wei
Managing Partner
Tian Yuan Law Firm
电话 Tel: +86 10 5776 3888
电邮 Email: hwei@tylaw.com.cn

Key practice areas: Competition & antitrust
黄伟律师为北京市天元律师事务所管理合伙人、反垄断部门负责人,兼任中华全国律师协会反垄断专业委员会秘书长、中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁员、国际商会竞争委员会合规与倡议(Compliance and Advocacy)工作组及企业并购控制制度(Merger Control Regime)工作组首任中国专家、中国政法大学法学院硕士生导师、厦门大学法学院硕士生导师。

黄伟律师被《亚洲法律事务杂志》(ALB)、《商法》(China Business Law Journal)、LEGALBAND、Chambers&Partners等多家评级机构分别评为”2014年年度反垄断律师”、“2015年中国反垄断第一梯队律师”、“2016年中国15佳诉讼律师”、“2016年反垄断与竞争法领域第一梯队律师”、“2016年100位中国业务优秀律师 (The A List) ” 、“2017年竞争法/反垄断领域卓越律师”、“2017年反垄断与竞争法领域第一梯队律师”等。

Huang Wei is the managing partner at Tian Yuan Law Firm, and head of the firm’s antitrust department. Huang is also general secretary of the ACLA’s anti-monopoly committee, an arbitrator at CIETAC, an expert lawyer for compliance and advocacy, merger control regime working group at the ICC Commission on Competition, a tutor for postgraduates at the Law School of the China University of Political Science and Law, and at Xiamen University Law School.

Huang’s work is recognized by both clients and legal service ranking institutions including for: Antitrust Lawyer of the Year (2014); Band 1 Practitioner in Antitrust and Competition Law Area (2015); China’s 15 Best Litigators (2016); Band 1 Practitioner in Antitrust and Competition Law Area (2016); China’s Top 100 Lawyers (The A List) (2016); Outstanding Practitioner in Competition/Antitrust area (2017); and Band 1 Practitioner in Antitrust and Competition Law Area (2017).

huang-zaizai 黄再再
Huang Zaizai
Tian Yuan Law Firm
电话 Tel: +86 86 10 5776 3888 / +86 10 5776 3979
电邮 Email: huangzaizai@tylaw.com.cn

Key practice areas: Assets management & asset-backed securities; Dispute resolution; Infrastructure & project finance; Insurance & reinsurance





黄再再律师为中国保险资产管理业协会第一届法律合规专业委员会委员、财政部政府和社会资本合作(PPP)中心专家、华南国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(深圳国际仲裁院)PPP专业委员会委员,曾多次被Chambers and Partners、LEGALBAND等法律评级机构评选为专业领域卓越律师。

Huang Zai Zai is a partner at Tian Yuan Law Firm. Before joining Tian Yuan, Huang worked for several financial institutions on legal matters, compliance issues, internal audit, etc. In the areas of asset management and asset-backed securities (ABS), Huang advised various banks, asset management companies, trust companies, securities companies, fund companies and leasing companies on all kinds of legal issues related to financial products, including but not limited to trust schemes, infrastructure investment plans, real estate investment plans, equity investment plans, asset management plans and asset-backed special plans.

Huang has extensive experience in contemplating risk assessment strategies based on features of different financial institutions and various financial products to protect his clients from legal and compliance risks. His clients seek his opinions on financial product innovations because of his continued focus on the latest regulatory policy changes.

In the fields of infrastructure and project finance, Huang has represented project companies, government institutions, investors, subcontractors and other participants in launching, participating, investing or operating projects including infrastructure, public service, zone development and land development. He has considerable experience in project construction through the modes of PPP, government purchase, etc.

In insurance and reinsurance, Huang has represented many large insurance group (holding) companies and insurance companies on matters such as insurance and investment-related business. His experience in these areas gives him a deep insight into the unique business patterns, inner control requirements and risk preferences of insurance companies.

Huang also assists clients in different kinds of disputes arising from business. In particular, he is an expert in dealing with financial and PPP-related legal disputes.

He is a member of the Insurance Asset Management Association of China’s compliance committee, a PPP expert of the China Public Private Partnership Centre, and an expert on the PPP committee of South China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration). Huang is consistently listed as a leading individual by Chambers & Partners and LEGALBAND.

janet-hui 许蓉蓉
Janet Hui
Key practice areas: Antitrust and M&A; General corporate
jiang-hongyi 蒋洪义
Jiang Hongyi
Managing Partner
LexField Law Offices
Key practice areas: IP-related legal counseling; Patent infringement litigation and patent invalidation matters; Other IP contentious matters (e.g. trademark, copyright, anti-unfair competition and anti-monopoly civil litigation)
Gabriela-Kennedy Gabriela Kennedy
Mayer Brown JSM
Hong Kong
Key practice areas: Cybersecurity and data privacy; Intellectual property (licensing and litigation); Media, entertainment and telecommunications; Technology transactions
Colin-Law 罗德源
Colin Law
Shearman & Sterling
Hong Kong
Key practice areas: Debt capital markets; Hong Kong listings; M&A; Private equity
charles-li 李雷勇
Li Leiyong

Lantai Partners
电话 Tel: +86 10 5822 7777
手机 Mobile: +86 138 1196 1177
电邮 Email: lileiyong@lantai.cn

Key practice areas: Banking; Internatinal trade; Litigation and arbitration; M&A





Li Leiyong is a senior partner at Beijing Lantai Partners with two master’s degrees, an LLM and MBA, and more than 16 years of legal practice experience. Li’s primary focus is on dispute resolution, with which he has extensive practical experience and knowledge.

In the field of international commercial arbitration and litigation, Li’s work highlights include: handled the first international D&O dispute in China; handled an investment dispute that suits Finnish law; represented Chinese parties in arbitration or litigation cases involving international sales, international settlement, international transportation, and international investment; served as counsel in cases concerning the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in different jurisdictions pursuant to the New York Convention.

As an experienced PRC lawyer, Li has handled major, complex cases in the Supreme People’s Court or Higher People’s Court within China, covering industries including banking, insurance, futures, trusts, factoring, mining, IT, telecoms, real estate, healthcare, energy and manufacturing. The causes of litigation include contract disputes, property right disputes, and infringement disputes.

In other fields, Li served as counsel for the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), representing on more than 200 cases regarding government information disclosure, administrative licensing, administrative reconsideration, administrative duty, and administrative penalties.

Li worked as deputy head of the international law committee of the Hebei Lawyers Association, and deputy head of the law firm management committee of Chaoyang Lawyers Association. He is a member of the arbitration law committee of Beijing Lawyers Association. Besides a PRC lawyer’s Licence, Li has obtained the licence of international trade risk management and AIE senior internationally certified legal counsel.

charles-li 李朝应
Charles Li

Han Kun Law Offices
Key practice areas: Capital markets; Foreign direct investment; M&A; Private equity/venture capital
li-liping 李丽萍
Li Liping

Haiwen & Partners
电话 Tel: +86 755 8323 6833
电邮 Email: liliping@haiwen-law.com

Key practice areas: Corporate reformation and restructuring; Domestic and overseas IPO and subsequent offering; General compliance matters; M&A and private equity investments



Li Liping is a senior partner of Haiwen & Partners and also the managing partner of Haiwen’s Shenzhen office.

Li graduated from Peking University Law School in 1995 and started her legal practice in 1997. She joined Haiwen & Partners in 1999 and has been based in Shenzhen since 2016.

Li’s practice focuses on enterprises reformation and restructuring, onshore & offshore IPOs and subsequent offerings, mergers and acquisitions, private equity investments and general corporate finance matters. She specializes in A-share IPO and refinancing, A-share companies-related M&A transactions, complex reorganization matters and corporate compliance. She is particularly adept with the SOE regulatory regime and has extensive experience with employee incentive plans and ESOPs.

In 20 years of practice, Li has advised on about 100 IPO deals, subsequent offerings, reorganizations and M&A deals for clients including well-known domestic enterprises such as Sinopec, China XD Group, Central Huijin, Huaneng Power, Harbin Electric, Tsingtao Beer, Guotai Junan Securities, COFCO, etc. She earned high recognition from her longstanding clients for her solid legal expertise, reliability and commitment, and has become the go-to counsel for many clients.

li-zhanke 李占科
Li Zhanke

Global Law Office
电话 Tel: +86 10 6584 6662
手机 Mobile: +86 138 1172 2924
电邮 Email: lizhanke@glo.com.cn

Key practice areas: Antitrust involving IP; IP due diligence; IP litigations; IP transactions





荣誉和奖项:LEGALBAND 2017 知识产权诉讼“后起之秀”

Jack Zhanke Li focuses his practice on IP matters, especially litigation regarding patents, trademarks, know-how, copyright and unfair competition. Li is also experienced in providing other non-contentious IP legal services like patent/technology related licensing, transactions and due diligence regarding IP rights or technology.

Li has represented clients in the Beijing IP Court, Shanghai IP Court, Supreme People’s Court and other courts at all levels, and also in the PRB, TRAB, CIETAC and other local IP DR bodies for dealing with disputes of patent, trademark, know-how, copyright, domain names and unfair competition.

Li has handled the first patent infringement disputes in the field of bicycle-sharing, to which the corresponding patent invalidation proceeding was selected by PRB as the 2017 annual case for open hearing. He has also handled the first SEP infringement case, and represented MEIZU on a series of patent infringement disputes with Qualcomm. Li has taken part in some high-profile trade secret/know-how cases that give him a thorough and in-depth understanding of procedures and rules. He has represented big brands on trademark protection and anti-counterfeits in China, and has protected clients’ interests by integrated methods of administrative, judicial and criminal. He is also skilled in dealing with copyright infringement disputes, especially those related to information network dissemination.

In addition, he is experienced in cross-border IP matters, especially patent/technology-related transactions and licensing works, and he has leaded dozens of programmes on transaction planning, due diligence, negotiation and agreement drafting. He also often helps his clients on the establishment of IP protection systems and strategies.

Work experience: Prior to joining Global Law Office, Jack worked with Zhong Lun and other top-tier PRC IP firms. He started his IP practice from Philips China, where he worked as an IP counsel focusing on IP licensing matters.

Admission: Admitted in PRC bar and Patent bar.
Education: Master of Laws in IP Law, Peking University; Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University.
Honours: “Rising Star”, IP Litigation, LEGALBAND 2017.
Languages: Mandarin and English.

charles-li 李蕾思
Lesli Ligorner

Morgan Lewis
电话 Tel: +86 21 8022 8777
电邮 Email: lesli.ligorner@morganlewis.com

Key practice areas: Internal and government investigations; Labor and employment; Regulatory and compliance
Lesli Ligorner律师为客户就涉及雇佣与终止的各种类型的劳动与雇佣事宜,公司政策的设立与执行,海外反腐败法与当地反腐败合规,歧视与性骚扰的政策、培训与调查事宜提供法律服务。她还为全球流动与移民、并购交易中的雇佣与反腐败尽职调查、请假、工资与工时法、知识产权保护以及工会与集体谈判事宜提供法律服务。


Lesli连续三年被国际智库道德界协会在劳动与雇佣领域评为“Attorneys Who Matter”之一,以表彰她致力于推进企业的道德和合规。她还是《钱伯斯全球》的上榜律师,还被《中国法律与实践》与《亚洲货币》评为劳动与雇佣领域的“年度律师”。她经常就雇佣与反腐败相关的话题进行演讲和发表文章,同时她还是亚洲转变与转型协会的创始成员。


Lesli Ligorner’s work spans a variety of industries, with a focus on the financial services, technology, and life sciences sectors. She provides training for employees on anti-harassment and diversity policies in the workplace, codes of conduct, FCPA/anti-corruption compliance, as well as best practices for human resources and compliance professionals. Additionally, she counsels companies globally on compliance matters with respect to the FCPA and UK Bribery Act, and conducts and supervises investigations into anti-corruption and employment-related misconduct.

For three consecutive years, Ligorner was listed as one of the “Attorneys Who Matter” in the labour and employment category by the Ethisphere Institute, which recognized her for her commitment to advancing corporate ethics and compliance. She has also been listed in Chambers Global and was named “Lawyer of the Year” for Labour & Employment by China Law & Practice and AsiaMoney Women in Business Law. She actively speaks and publishes articles on employment and anti-corruption-related topics, and is a founding member of the Asia Turnaround & Transformation Association.

Ligorner speaks conversational French, Japanese and Mandarin. She has been based in Shanghai since 2006.

lin-zhong 林忠
Lin Zhong
EY Chen & Co. Law Firm
电话 Tel: +86 21 2228 8358
电邮 Email: zlin@eychenandco.com

Key practice areas: Antitrust; Data protection; Domestic and overseas investment and M&A; Private equity/venture capital





Lin Zhong was admitted to the Chinese bar in 1992. He received an LLB from Peking University in 1990, and an LLM and PhD from Xiamen University in 1993 and 1996, respectively. Prior to joining EY Chen & Co in 2006, Lin was a partner in two other prominent Chinese law firms, a manager of the international headquarters of a Big Four firm’s legal practice in Paris, and a lecturer of law at Xiamen University.

Lin has more than 20 years’ experience in the areas of international commercial law, with a focus on private equity, venture capital, foreign direct investment, cross-border mergers and acquisitions, data protection and antitrust. His experience covers various industrial sectors including life science, healthcare, automotive and TMT. His in-depth knowledge of these sectors enables him to provide unique solutions to questions raised.

Lin is especially active in the antitrust field. He is vice-director of the Anti-monopoly Law Committee of the ACLA, and vice-chairman of the Competition Law Research Institution of Shanghai Law Society. He also served as the director of the international investment and anti-monopoly research committee of Shanghai Lawyers Association.

With a profound academic background, Lin is the author of numerous works on international economic law and dispute resolution. In 2009, he was invited to serve as a guest research fellow at Xiamen University’s International Economic Law Institute, and in 2010 he was appointed to serve as a guest professor at Xiamen University Law School.

Lin has advised on many influential cases in the areas of corporate, M&A and antitrust. He advised the first foreign strategic investment in a Chinese A-share listed company, which triggered the first Chinese antitrust review by the Ministry of Commerce. He has been retained by major international PE funds for their investment in China, and he also frequently advised on the A-share and overseas IPO transactions of PRC companies. His knowledge and practical experience in international investment law has won him a reputation in the legal community, as well as with multinational companies.

frank-liu 刘建强
Frank Liu
Jincheng Tongda & Neal
电话 Tel: +86 21 3886 2288
手机 Mobile: +86 136 8147 9848
电邮 Email: frankliu@jtnfa.com

Key practice areas: General corporate law; Intellectual property; Litigation and arbitration

基于客户对其专业能力的认可,刘建强律师被国际权威法律评级机构《亚洲法律评论》(AsiaLaw Profiles)评为2013、2014、2015、2016及2017年度中国诉讼、争端解决及知识产权领域领先律师;在2014年被《中国法律与实践》(China Law & Practice)评为知识产权领域的领先律师并同时获明日之星提名;2016年被《商法》(China Business Law Journal)评为创刊以来首期中国“法律精英100强”(China’s Top100 Lawyers);2017年入选世界知名法律刊物Who’s Who Legal全球杰出商标律师;此外,在《亚太法律500强》(The Legal 500 Asia Pacific),《钱伯斯(亚太)》(Chambers Asia Pacific),《世界商标评论》(World Trademark Review)及《全球法律专家》(Global Law Experts)等媒体上也受到推荐介绍。

Frank Liu is a partner at Jincheng Tongda & Neal (JT&N). Before joining JT&N, Liu worked as a partner at Chang Tsi & Partners, where he was head of the Shanghai office and the dispute resolution department. He also worked as a visiting lawyer at Linklaters, from 2007 to 2008.

Liu is skilled in successfully handling challenging litigation matters of all types, especially cases related to intellectual property. He has handled more than 100 civil lawsuits and is regularly praised for his excellent trial skills. Before entering private practice, he spent five years working as a court judge. He is entrusted by many leading Chinese and international corporations to provide advice and counsel on trademark, patent, domain name, copyright, unfair competition and licensing matters. Although obtaining substantial compensation for IP infringement is challenging in China, Liu has helped secure more than US$1 million in compensation in both trademark and patent infringement cases.

During his distinguished career, Liu has won a number of high-profile cases. In the trademark infringement and unfair competition case recognized by China Business Law Journal as IP deal of the year in 2013, he represented a Fortune 500 company against local infringers. The case lasted for five years through a complex trial procedure, from the intermediate court to the retrial at the Supreme People’s Court, and successfully received a favourable judgment.

He represented a beverage company in bottle design utility model infringement litigation that successfully settled when the defendants agreed to provide US$1.5 million in compensation. He helped to secure well-known trademark recognition in administrative litigation against the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board (TRAB). Liu acted as local counsel for a US brand to successfully secure a judgment by the Chinese court to confirm and enforce a US$1.7 million arbitration award.

Due to the high recognition of the value of his work by his clients, Liu was recognized as a leading lawyer for dispute resolution, litigation and IP in China by Asialaw Leading Lawyers in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. He was shortlisted as a “Rising Star” for IP in 2014, and selected as a leading lawyer for IP by China Law & Practice in 2014. He was also awarded by China Business Law Journal as “China’s Top 100 Lawyers” in 2016, and selected as one of the world’s leading trademark lawyers by Who’s Who Legal in 2017. His professional competence has also been recognized by The Legal 500 Asia Pacific, Chambers Asia Pacific, World Trademark Review and Global Law Experts.

frank-liu-2 刘洪川
Liu Hongchuan
Broad & Bright
Key practice areas: Foreign direct investment; International financing; M&A; Private equity/venture capital
frank-liu-2 刘晓明
Liu Xiaoming
Senior Partner
Longan Law Firm
Beijing/Hong Kong
电话 Tel: +86 10 6532 0366
手机 Mobile: +86 139 1057 1055
电邮 Email: xiaoming@longanlaw.com

Key practice areas: Commercial litigation; Company law practice; M&A, investment and financing; Reorganization





Liu Xiaoming graduated from a top law school of China and has been engaged in full-time legal business for more than 17 years, with experience in a large number of non-litigation and litigation cases. Liu has also published dozens of articles including Status and Protection of China Civil Capital, When the Law Become a Faith. He was a member of the editorial board of the national law periodical, Study of Cases, has published several legal articles and monographs, and served as the editor-in-chief of Guide for Litigation. He is an expert in the research of civil capital protection in China.

Liu has concentrated on areas of Corporation Law, Security Law and Constitutional Law, and is capable of providing high-quality legal services.

Practice areas include commercial litigation (including but not limited to disputes about bad loans, contracts, shareholder ship, construction, etc.), advising general counsel for big corporations, reorganizations and M&A, IPOs, equity investment, and security and property.

Liu has an LLB from Northwest University of Politics and Law (1993-1997); an LLM from China University of Political Science and Law (2003-2006); an SJD from Wuhan University (2010 to date); and is a visiting scholar of Chicago-Kent College of Law.

Liu is also: a director of Beijing Longan Law Firm; licensed in both mainland China and Hong Kong; a council of Beijing Chaoyang District Lawyer’s Association; a director of committee of management and development of Beijing Chaoyang District Lawyer’s Association; a part-time professor of China Zhengfa University; a part-time professor of the University of Foreign Economic and Commerce; a part-time professor of Beijing Institute of Technology; a part-time professor of Shandong College of Law; has a certificate of independent director from Shanghai Stock Exchange; a member of the security committee of Beijing Lawyer’s Association; an Outstanding Lawyer of Beijing (2009-2011); and a senior lecturer of Dianjing Online Law School.

liu-yi 刘屹
Liu Yi
Rui Bai Law Firm
Key practice areas: Aircraft leasing and financing; Banking & finance; Foreign direct investment; International arbitration
frank-liu-2 刘耀慈
Eugene Low
Hogan Lovells
Hong Kong
Key practice areas: Advertising; Data privacy; Intellectual property
lu-jingbo 陆敬波
Lu Jingbo

Chief Partner
River Delta Law Firm, Shanghai
电话 Tel: +86 21 5888 3253 Ext. 818
电邮 Email: ljb@laodongfa.com

Key practice areas: Labor & employment law


Jason Lu Jingbo, founding and managing partner of River Delta Law Firm, is a renowned expert and a pioneer in labour and employment law in China. With more than 20 years of practice, Lu has acted as a perennial legal consultant for hundreds of public and private companies, and has provided labour law training for thousands of enterprises. Lu established www.laodongfa.com in 2002, the first online platform for labour law services in China, and the magazine HR Legal.

He has also provided professional opinions during legislative consultation for the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, as well as Shanghai municipality. Lu’s outstanding performance in labour law has earned him an excellent reputation among his peers, and has helped establish his status as a benchmark figure in the area of labour and employment law services throughout China.

lu-haibo 吕海波
Lü Haibo

Founding Partner
Sunland Law Firm
Key practice areas: Capital markets; M&A; Private equity/venture capital
lu-mengyu-2 吕梦宇
Lü Mengyu

Sidley Austin
Hong Kong
Key practice areas: Capital markets; Dispute resolution; M&A
lu-mengyu 马辰
Ma Chen

Han Kun Law Offices
Key practice areas: Competition law; M&A; Litigation
ma-dongxiao 马东晓
Ma Dongxiao

Zhong Lun Law Firm
Key practice areas: Dispute resolution (trademark, patent, copyright and trade secret)
ethan-ma 马宇峰
Ethan Ma
Key practice areas: Cross-border IP practice; Dispute resolution; Patent and trade secret litigation; US International Trade Commission practice
Richard-ma 马勇
Richard Ma
Managing Partner
DaHui Lawyers
Key practice areas: M&A; TMT
ma-xiaohu 马小虎
Ma Xiaohu
Morrison & Foerster
Hong Kong
Key practice areas: Dispute resolution; IPO; M&A; Private equity
Meg-Utterback 胡梅
Meg Utterback
International Partner
King & Wood Mallesons
Key practice areas: International commercial and investment treaty arbitration; Cross-border disputes; Compliance; Construction
ni-wei 倪伟
Ni Wei
Managing Partner
Zhenghan Law Firm
Key practice areas: Complex commercial dispute resolution
Nafisa-Nihmat 乃菲莎·尼合买提
Nafisa Nihmat
电话 Tel: +86 138 1752 3732
电邮 Email: naifeisha@dentons.cn

Key practice areas: Banking and finance; Bankruptcy reorganization and liquidation; Dispute resolution; NPA restructuring and distressed M&A

乃菲莎律师曾在金杜律师事务所破产重组团队执业七年。加入大成后,乃菲莎律师主办了数起在全国及境外有影响力的破产重组及不良资产并购案件,于2016年带领其团队完成了总债务规模高达140亿(21亿美元)的丰立集团合并破产重整案。凭借着丰富的从业经验和卓越的专业能力,依托于大成全球化平台,乃菲莎律师团队还在Sun Edison、China Solar和丰立集团等项目中,与香港、美国、澳大利亚、新加坡、英国、日本等诸多法域同仁就破产、重整及其衍生诉讼等问题开展广泛的国际交流与合作;



Nafisa Nihmat is a partner at Dentons’ Shanghai office specialising in bankruptcy, restructuring and distressed M&A. Nihmat’s main practice areas include bankruptcy reorganization & liquidation, acquisition & disposal of non-performing assets, out-of-court debt restructuring & prepackaged restructuring, debt crisis PR for enterprises, etc. She has provided comprehensive legal services for influential clients including CDH, China Resources Group, CHTC, China Great Wall Asset Management, China Resources Asset, China Solar Energy, Jinneng Group, The Export-Import Bank of China, etc.

Nihmat began her practice at King & Wood Mallesons’ bankruptcy department, and worked there for seven years. After joining Dentons, she handled a number of large and complex bankruptcy reorganizations and NPA M&A cases, which enjoyed a lot of attention at home and abroad. The team accomplished the RMB14 billion (US$2.1 billion) Fengli Group bankruptcy debt reorganization in 2016. Thanks to experience, expertise and Denton’s global presence in projects such as SunEdison, China Solar, Feng Li Group, etc., she also communicated and co-operated with colleagues in various jurisdictions such as Hong Kong, the US, Australia, Singapore, Britain and Japan with regard to the issues of bankruptcy restructuring and derivative litigations.

As an initial practitioner in the bankruptcy field and one of the lawyers who grow up simultaneously with the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law of the PRC, Nihmat has handled many listed companies’ bankruptcy restructurings. As the pioneer of the NPA Related Practice in China, she first introduced the NPA in China, and expanded the conception of “non-performing assets” from “non-performing loan of bank” to various kinds of distressed assets, providing clients with comprehensive services from discovery to purchase, restructuring to financing, and repackaging to disposal.

The majority of Nihmat’s team at Dentons has rich practice experience as well as overseas learning experience in areas related to dealing with distressed assets, such as reorganization and restructuring, M&A, capital market, and settlement of disputes. The biggest advantage of her team is that they have the most appropriate and efficient task forces catering to clients’ needs for one-stop-shop services.

qi-fang 祁放
Qi Fang
Fangda Partners
Key practice areas: Antitrust litigation; Patent litigation; trade secret litigation; trademark litigation
Philip Qu

Senior Partner
TransAsia Lawyers
Key practice areas: Capital markets; M&A; Private equity/venture capital; TMT
Rao-yao 饶尧
Rao Yao

Managing Partner
HHP Attorneys-At-Law
电话 Tel: +86 21 50473330
电邮 Email: yao.rao@hhp.com.cn
Key practice areas: Construction; Corporate and M&A; Cross-border investment; Labour and employment



Rao Yao has been providing legal services for multinational companies in China since 2002, specializing in providing solutions for M&A in the highly regulated industries such as medical devices, medical institutions, medical packaging, nutrition food and mining. Rao also assisted many Chinese enterprises in completing their complex outbound investments, including M&A and construction projects.

Rao has extensive experience in comprehensive labour law matters, has represented a great number of multinational companies to set up their foreign-invested companies or other commercial presences in China, and provided legal consultation in the areas of commercial contracts, compliance, construction, competition, tax, foreign exchange, customs, environment protection and anti-monopoly.

Rao was awarded the 2015 Client Choice Top 20 Lawyers by Asian Legal Business and Leading Lawyer in the areas of corporate M&A, construction and real estate, and labour and employment by Asialaw Profiles.

Kathryn-Sanger Kathryn Sanger
Herbert Smith Freehills
Hong Kong
Key practice areas: Dispute resolution; Financial services; International arbitration; Mediation
su-wenwei 苏文蔚
Su Wenwei

DeHeng Law Offices
Key practice areas: Compliance of human resource management process; Confidentiality and non-compete restrictions; Formulation of rules and regulations; Labour dispute resolution
kathryn-sudol Kathryn Sudol
Simpson Thacher & Bartlett
Hong Kong
Key practice areas: M&A; Private equity; Technology
Theresa-Qiu 裘索
Theresa Qiu

Senior Partner
AllBright Law Offices
电话 Tel: +86 21 2051 0928
电邮 Email: qiusuo@allbrightlaw.com

Key practice areas: Banking and finance; Corporate and M&A; Dispute resolution; Foreign direct investment
裘索是锦天城律师事务所高级合伙人、法学博士,于1999年锦天城成立之年离开日本东京Blakemore & Mitsuki律师事务所成为锦天城所高级合伙人。

1992年,裘索赴日本早稻田大学留学,毕业后在东京Blakemore & Mitsuki律师事务所工作;1998年10月日本法务大臣授予裘索日本国外国法事务律师资格,裘索成为日本历史上第一位可以以律师身份在日本为日本企业和个人提供中国法服务的中国女律师。

裘索的主要执业领域为外商投资、清算撤退、收购兼并、企业融资、纠纷解决以及其他公司法的法律业务。她曾代理过的案件有世界百强的新日本石油株式会社(Nippon Oil Corporation )在华全资子公司新日石液晶有限公司的清算项目;日本邮船(NYK)和上海汽车股份有限公司在外高桥合资设立滚装码头项目;日本SEGA株式会社与上海新世界股份有限公司合资设立上海最大游戏中心项目;日本夏普公司收购先锋公司在华子公司项目;日本瑞穗银行和建设银行等向日本最大房地产企业积水置业苏州房地产开发发放银团贷款项目;百联集团收购东京GENERAL集团拥有的上海新世纪办公中心项目。

她还曾为汇丰银行、博报堂、熊谷组、野村综研在内的数十家世界著名企业提供法律服务。由于裘索出色的业务能力和在业内外的地位和影响,2011年 获“全国优秀律师”荣誉称号;2014年 获“全国三八红旗手”荣誉称号,成为上海市唯一获得该荣誉称号的女律师;2010年裘索被中国贸仲(CIETAC)选聘为仲裁员;2011年被上海贸仲(SIETAC)选聘为仲裁员;2015年6月又被韩国商事仲裁院(KCAB)选聘为仲裁员,作为首席仲裁员和仲裁员审理了诸多仲裁案件。

Theresa Qiu is a senior partner at AllBright Law Offices, holding a Doctorate degree in Law. She left Blakemore & Mitsuki in Tokyo, Japan, and became a senior partner of AllBright Law Offices in 1999, the year that AllBright was established. In 1992, Qiu left China to study at Wasada University in Japan. She worked for Blakemore & Mitsuki, a law firm in Tokyo, after her graduation. In October 1998, Qiu was granted the qualification to practice foreign law by the Justice Minister of Japan, and became the first female Chinese Lawyer qualified to serve Japanese corporations and individuals legal services of “Law of China” in Japan. Qiu’s main practice areas are foreign investment, liquidations and withdrawals of foreign enterprises, mergers and acquisitions, corporate financing, corporate dispute settlement, and other company legal services.

She has acted as an agent for the following deals and cases: Liquidation and withdrawal of Nippon Oil LC Film (Suzhou) Corp, the subsidiary of Nippon Oil Corporation in China; “Ro-Ro Terminal” project built by a joint venture between Nippon Yusen and SAIC Motor; “The largest gaming centre in Shanghai” built by a joint venture between SEGA and Shanghai New World Stock; Acquisition of the Chinese subsidiary of Pioneer Corp by Sharp Corp; Syndicated loan programmes for the project of Sekisui House in Suzhou by Mizuho Bank and China Construction Bank (Sekisui House is the largest real estate company in Japan); Acquisition of the Shanghai Xinshiji Office Centre project from Japanese General, by Bailian Group.

Qiu serves as legal counsel for dozens of world famous companies including HSBC, Hakuhodo, Kumagai Gumi, and Nomura Research Institute. For her expertise and her status and influence in all circles, she was awarded the “National Outstanding Lawyer” in 2011, and, in 2014, after rounds of strict commentaries and public elections, she received the title of “National Role Model for March 8th Red Banner Holder”, being the first female lawyer to receive this title in Shanghai.

Qiu was selected as an arbitrator by the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) in 2010, the Shanghai International Arbitration Centre (SHIAC/SIETAC) in 2011, and the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB) In June 2015, during which she participated in several cases as either the presiding arbitrator or arbitrator.

Kevin-Shao 邵万权
Kevin Shao

Senior Partner
City Development Law Firm
电话 Tel: +86 21 5239 3188 / +86 21 5239 3132
电邮 Email: kevin@jianwei.com

Key practice areas: Construction and engineering; M&A; Public-private partnership; Real estate




此外,邵律师还担任上海市房产经济学会法律专业委员会秘书长、上海市律师协会房地产委员会副主任、上海市律师协会黄浦律师工作委员会秘书长等多个社会职务,曾荣获上海优秀房地产专业青年律师、上海市司法行政系统先进个人、最值得推荐60位中国工程法律专业律师等多项殊荣,并多次被Chambers and Partners、LEGALBAND等法律评级机构评选为建筑工程与房地产领域、基础设施与项目融资领域卓越律师。

Kevin Shao Wanquan is the deputy director and senior partner of Shanghai City Development Law Firm. He joined the firm in 1998, and specializes in the areas of construction, real estate, infrastructure construction, project investment and financing.

In the fields of construction and real estate, Shao has provided enterprises with legal services for the construction of shopping malls, office buildings, hotels, residences and factories, including project proposals, bidding, construction, completion acceptance, leasing, commercial housing pre-sales and trading, property management and hotel management.

In the field of infrastructure, Shao has provided the whole range of legal services for government departments and construction and real estate enterprises to initiate, participate in, invest in or operate projects of infrastructure, public service, land development, area development and urban renewal. In the area of infrastructure projects via PPP (public-private partnership) mode, Shao also has a wealth of practical experience.

Shao is an expert in the field of project investment and financing, providing legal services of M&A between real estate enterprises, helping clients design reasonable transaction structures, effectively preventing legal risks and compliance risks for customers.

In addition, he serves as secretary general of the legal specialty committee of Shanghai Real Estate Economic Society, as deputy director of the real estate committee of Shanghai Bar Association, as secretary general of Huangpu lawyers working committee of the Shanghai Bar Association, and in other social positions.

He was awarded the honorary titles of Shanghai Excellent Young Lawyer in Real Estate, the most advanced individuals in Shanghai Municipal Judicial Administration System, and was among 60 highly recommended Chinese Lawyers of the Engineering Industry. He has also been selected by Chambers and Partners, LEGALBAND and other legal rating agencies as a distinguished lawyer in the fields of construction, real estate, infrastructure and project finance.

shu-yujing 舒玉晶
Shu Yujing

K&L Gates
Key practice areas: Antitrust and competition; Corporate and M&A; International trade; Regulatory
kathryn-sudol Eric Szweda
Hong Kong Office
Managing Partner
Troutman Sanders
Key practice areas: Cross-border investment; Intellectual property; International arbitration; Employment
tao-xiuming-2 陶修明
Tao Xiuming
JunZeJun Law Offices
电话 Tel: +86 10 6652 3309
电邮 Email: taoxiuming@junzejun.com

Key practice areas: Arbitration; Financial market; Securities and capital markets



Tao Xiuming is the founding partner and managing partner of JunZeJun Law Offices, and has been practicing for more than 25 years, which provides him with rich experience and excellent expertise in the areas of international finance, securities and foreign investment.

Tao is also very experienced in dispute resolution. He is a well-known arbitrator who specializes in dealing with disputes in relation to finance and investment.

Tao is a nominated arbitrator at a number of arbitration institutions, including China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC), where he is a member of its expert advisory committee, Beijing Arbitration Commission (BAC), Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (SHIAC), Guangzhou Arbitration Commission, Chongqing Arbitration Commission, Zhuhai Arbitration Commission, Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC), Chinese Arbitration Association in Taipei (CAA), and Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration (KLRCA). He also is an active mediator at the conciliation centre of China Council for Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC) and US-China Business Mediation Centre.

Tao is also a member of the financial derivative committee and the legal committee of the National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors (NAFMII) of China, and various other financial market associations.

tao-xiuming-2 司义夏
Simon Tsi
主任及创始合伙人 ,北京
Managing Partner and Founding Partner
Chang Tsi & Partners
电话 Tel: +86 10 8836 9999
电邮 Email: simontsi@changtsi.com

Key practice areas: Company law; Dispute resolution; Intellectual property; Labour law


司义夏律师曾为国内外客户代理多起复杂的申诉、再审以及公司危机处理的案件;为众多500强公司提供知识产权保护战略、知识产权交易、品牌许可与品牌增值、知识产权尽职调查、知识产权侵权救济(行政救济、司法救济)等法律服务。他还曾获评China Law & Practice 2016“年度最佳知识产权律师”,Asian Legal Business2016“年度中国15佳诉讼律师”等多项殊荣。



Simon Tsi is the managing partner of Chang Tsi & Partners. His practice focuses on intellectual property law, corporate law, labour law and dispute resolution. Prior to starting Chang Tsi & Partners, Simon had a long and diversified tenure in the Chinese government, including legal and business roles in state-owned institutions, the judiciary, and the national ministry. His services and records in large state-owned enterprises (SOEs) allowed him to understand the operations and management systems of state authorities, judicial organs and SOEs, and to effectively communicate with the above-mentioned institutions.

With his in-house legal experiences, Tsi understands the legal, financial and political demands and requirements of such enterprises when seeking a legal service provider. This appreciation for in-house needs allows Chang Tsi & Partners to strategically customize its services to the legal, political and financial needs of each client. His loyalty, dedication and expertise in this area shape the firm’s practice in client development.

Tsi’s legal experience includes numerous appeals and retrials on behalf of clients, both domestic and international. At Chang Tsi & Partners, he has provided legal services to numerous Fortune 500 companies to develop long-term intellectual property strategies, litigation strategies, due diligence, licensing and injunctive reliefs. He has secured recent accolades such as “Best Intellectual Property Lawyer 2016” by China Law & Practice and “Top 15 Litigators 2016 in China” by Asian Legal Business.

As managing partner of a Tier One law firm, Simon is very familiar with the standards of services in the international practice of law. What’s more, the swift growth of the firm, from start-up to more than 200 lawyers, is tangible proof of his ability to combine the advantages of local lawyers with experience and success through his knowledge of the standards of excellent international law firms. This allows the lawyers at Chang Tsi & Partners to provide award winning legal services to clients at home and abroad.

wan-xing 万幸
Wan Xing
DaHui Lawyers
电话 Tel: +86 10 6535 5888
电邮 Email: xing.wan@DaHuiLawyers.com

Key practice areas: Complex commercial litigation and arbitration; Employment; Intellectual property; Real estate and construction


Wan Xing is a partner of DaHui Lawyers’ litigation and arbitration practice team in the firm’s Beijing Office. He has more than 10 years’ experience in handling complex commercial litigation cases, and has represented numerous multinational corporations and large domestic enterprises in complex commercial arbitration and litigation proceedings. He specializes in resolving disputes involving areas such as intellectual property, real estate and construction, employment and anti-competition, FCPA investigations and corporate litigation.

Wan has obtained an LLM from SMU Dedman School of Law, an LLM from Peking University, and an LLB from China University of Political Science and Law. He is qualified for the PRC Bar.

wang-qing 王庆
Alan Wang
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
Key practice areas: China outbound; Corporate and M&A; Private equity
wang-bo 王波
Wang Bo
Senior Partner
Commerce & Finance Law Offices
电话 Tel: +86 10 6569 3399
手机 Mobile: +86 137 0131 4216
电邮 Email: wangbo@tongshang.com

Key practice areas: M&A and restructuring; Private equity; Real estate; Securities investment



Wang Bo graduated from Peking University with an LLB and Bachelor of Economics. He joined Harden & Wells in 2003, gained admission to the Bar in PRC in 2004, joined ZhongLun Law Firm in 2006, and has practised in Commerce & Finance Law Offices since 2007.

Wang is a senior partner at Commerce & Finance Law Offices, specializing in capital financing, domestic and overseas listings, mergers and acquisitions. He possesses outstanding professional skills and abundant practising experience in healthcare sectors in China such as hospital financing, listing, hospital entrusted management and not-for-profit hospital restructuring.

He has advised on a number of large-scale private placement projects including the Black Stone Group’s investment in China Blue Star, Morgan Stanley’s investment in Liaoning HuifaTianhe Chemical, and COFCO and JIC’s joint investment in Skypeople.

Wang served as the legal adviser for several listed companies including Tande, Huiyuan Juice, Fantasia and Viva China, and provided comprehensive legal services for companies including Huiyuan Juice, Fantasia, Colour Life, China Zhongwang, Hong Long Holdings, Zhou HeiYa and Vpower Group, on offering shares and listing on HKEx via the red-chip structure.

Wang has made prominent accomplishments in the healthcare sector, advising on the Hong Kong IPOs of clients such as New Century Healthcare, Hospital Corporation of China, Phoenix Healthcare Group, Harmonicare Medical, and UMP Healthcare Holdings. He participated in M&A projects including Olympus Capital’s investment in Tendcare Medical, Phoenix Healthcare Group’s acquisition of CR Healthcare, represented the GEM Flower Healthcare Group to participate in the project of socialized reform and reorganization of the CNPC’s subsidiary hospitals. He has also assisted AK Medical in successfully filing Hong Kong listing applications, and acted for various other well-known medical groups.

george-wang 王啸波
George Wang
Executive Chairman and Partner
Duan & Duan
电话 Tel: +86 21 6219 1103
电邮 Email: george@duanduan.com

Key practice areas: Antitrust and compliance; M&A; Corporate









George Wang joined Duan & Duan in 2000, and is now executive chairman of the firm. Wang has represented foreign and private companies, and state-owned enterprises, handling more than 100 FDI and inbound and outbound M&A projects. He is familiar with laws and regulations in sectors such as TMT, pharmaceutical, medical device, food, and automobile.

Wang has experience in litigation and arbitration in and out of China, and has won cases where foreign-invested and Chinese enterprises were represented by him in Chinese and overseas courts, arbitral tribunals, international litigation and arbitration. Thanks to his holistic litigation and project experience, Wang is particularly good at representing companies in complicated corporate compliance cases such as market supervision, tax and antitrust raids, and criminal charges against companies.

Wang graduated from Shanghai International Studies University with a BA and Shanghai University with an LLB, and University of Oxford with a Magister of Juris (MJur) degree in 2005.

He currently serves as a member of the international committee at the All China Lawyers Association (ACLA) and served as deputy director of the international investment and Antitrust committee at Shanghai Bar Association. He is also a councillor of the competition law committee at the Shanghai Jurisprudence Association.

Wang is a talented national lawyer, especially when handling foreign-related matters, and undertakes the co-ordination of ACLA’s legal project of investment laws for the Belt and Road initiative’s outbound investment countries. He holds serves as independent director for several Chinese companies including Juneyao Airlines and Hujiang.com.

Honours: Chevening Scholarship awarded by Foreign and Commonwealth Office, UK; Top 10 Outstanding Young Lawyers in Pudong new district, Shanghai; New Long March-young men and women in Pudong new district; China Business Law Journal’s “A-List 2016”.

Publication: Practice and depth profile of laws involving foreign affairs, Law Press, 2012.

wang-jihong 王霁虹
Wang Jihong
Zhong Lun Law Firm
Key practice areas: Energy & natural resources; Infrastructure
wang-jing 王敬
Wang Jing
主任及创始合伙人,广州 / 上海
Director and Founding Partner
Wang Jing & Co.
Key practice areas: Energy and offshore engineering; International trade; Property/liability/credit insurance; Maritime/shipping
wang-jing 王鹏飞
Wang Pengfei
Senior partner
DHH Law Firm
手机 Mobile: +86 137 9198 6930 / +86 130 5200 0067
电邮 Email: wangpengfei@deheng.com

Key practice areas: Compliance and risk control; Dispute resolution; Investment and M&A





Wang Pengfei is the senior partner of Deheng Law Firm, focusing on the fields of dispute resolution, financing and investment, M&A, risk control and compliance. Since his practice in law, he has provided legal services for more than 100 listed companies. Clients in this selection have described Wang with comments including “rich experience”, “flexible thinking”, and “diligence and dedication”. Clients believe he is trustworthy and capable of satisfying their business and legal needs.

Wang is currently leading the firm’s commercial dispute resolution team, consisting of 128 lawyers based in various provinces, cities and also overseas. The team has had good performances in lawsuits before the Supreme People’s Court, higher courts and intermediate courts in various regions, and aims to provide clients with integrated one-stop legal services in the field of dispute resolution. Wang is skilled in financing, M&A, and commercial dispute resolution of listed companies. He has successfully prompted hundreds of cases, commuted or into retrial. He is also good at making comprehensive solutions through the use of criminal law, administrative methods and negotiations, and solves controversial problems by utilizing a wide variety of legal resources.

Wang has a complex education background in law, economics and finance. In addition to being a qualified lawyer, he also has professional knowledge of the rules of finance and investment. Wang usually participates in investment, financing and M&A projects from the perspective of disputes prevention, investment analysis and management integration, and provides compliance and risk control suggestions for the client’s management, business model and operation processes. He and his team provide a full range of legal services including compliance, audit and rectification, and risk prevention for a number of M&A projects both domestic and international.

Wang also serves as the secretary-general of China Listed Companies’ Legal Counsel Association and Elite China Lawyers Association (ECLA ). He is an arbitrator of the Russian Belt and Road Arbitration Commission, and has won an award for “outstanding lawyer serving for entrepreneurship and innovation”.

wu-guohua 邬国华
Wu Guohua
Senior Partner
Jincheng Tongda & Neal
电话 Tel: +86 10 5706 8021
电邮 Email: gwu@jtnfa.com

Key practice areas: Corporate and compliance; Cross-border M&A; Energy and natural resources; Private equity/venture capital


Annie Wu Guohua is a senior partner at Jincheng Tongda & Neal, and leads the firm’s outbound investment practice. Wu is an award-winning lawyer, and was recognized by Asian Legal Business as a winner of the “Client Choice Top 20” Award in 2016 and 2017. She was also ranked by Asian Legal Business as one of China’s “Top 15 Female Lawyers” in 2016 and as one of China’s “Top 10 M&A lawyers” in 2017. She is repeatedly recognized by renowned rating agencies like Chambers & Partners, Legal 500, Asialaw Profiles, covering several practice areas such as corporate and M&A, as well as project finance and energy.

She practised law for nearly a decade with two prestigious international law firms in the US: Sullivan & Cromwell in New York, and Kirkland & Ellis in Chicago. Wu was a partner in the Beijing office of Paul Hastings & Janovsky prior to joining the firm.

xu-Wei 肖微
Xiao Wei
Managing Partner
Key practice areas: Capital market; Corporate and M&A; Dispute resolution; Foreign direct investment
natasha-xie 谢青
Natasha Xie

Key practice areas: Banking & finance; Corporate matters; M&A
natasha-xie-2 邢冬梅
Dorothy Xing

East & Concord Partners
电话 Tel: +86 10 6510 7016
电邮 Email: dorothyxing@east-concord.com

Key practice areas: Capital market; Finance; M&A
邢冬梅律师现为北京天达共和律师事务所管理合伙人,同时任北京朝阳律协副会长、中国银行业协会特聘专家顾问。际华集团股份有限公司 、银华基金管理公司独立董事,武汉大学法学院兼职教授。




邢冬梅律师连续多年被《亚洲法律评论》(Asialaw Profiles)评为中国银行与金融领域的法律专家;其率领的团队在2012年和2013年两次蝉联《中国法律与实践》 (China Law & Practice)当年度“银行与金融”领域“中国律所年度最佳团队”;荣膺汤姆森路透旗下《亚洲法律杂志》(ALB)评选的2015中国内地15佳女律师。

Dorothy Xing is currently a managing partner at East & Concord Partners, and is also the vice-president of the Beijing Chaoyang Lawyers Association, and directing consultant of the China Banking Association. She is also an independent director of Jihua Group Corporation and Yinhua Fund Management, and a part-time professor at Wuhan University School of Law.

Xing received her LLB from China University of Political Science and Law, and later went on to receive her LLM from Peking University. In 1994, she joined the China Legal Affairs Centre, and has been practising law for more than 20 years since. After working at the China Legal Affaires Centre directly under the Ministry of Justice, and C&I Partners, she then joined Concord & Partners as a partner in 2004. During her practice from 1997 to 1999, she twice joined Hong Kong Livasiri Law firm as a Chinese legal consultant, aiding Chinese businesses in entering the Hong Kong market. In 2001 she was selected as an excellent young lawyer for the Young Lawyer Collaboration Project between the Ministry of Justice and the EU, travelling to England and several EU countries for training in EU law and legal practice.

Since she first undertook restructuring and overseas listing projects for China’s first and second groups of large state-owned enterprises in 1994, Xing has focused on providing legal services to the financial and capital markets. She has served large domestic enterprise groups and financial institutions with work related to finance, stock, mergers and acquisitions. In 1998, she assisted China’s first group of private enterprises in becoming red chips, and two national commercial banks with their IPOs. Currently, she acts as a legal consultant for a number of banks, trusts, funds, stock and insurance companies. With her expertise in corporate, stocks and finance, she has provided excellent results for her financial and capital market legal services for many years. Xing has gained a reputation within the industry, including trust and praise from a range of clients including large state-owned enterprises and national financial institutions, and foreign capital and equity investment trusts.

Xing was ranked by Asialaw Profiles as a leading lawyer in the Chinese banking and finance field in 2015. The team she led was awarded as the Best Chinese Legal Team of the Year in the banking and finance field by China Law & Practice in both 2012 and 2013 and was ranked by ALB, a legal magazine under Thomson Reuters, as one of its China 2015 Top Female Lawyers.

xu-guojian 徐国建
Xu Guojian

Managing Partner
Boss & Young
Key practice areas: Dispute resolution; Insurance law; M&A; TMT
xu-ling 徐玲
Xu Ling
Executive Partner
Guantao Law Firm
电话 Tel: +86 10 6657 8066
电邮 Email: xuling@guantao.com

Key practice areas: Capital markets; Corporate and M&A; Energy and natural resources; International dispute resolution


Xu Ling is an executive partner in Guantao’s Beijing Office, specializing in cross-border M&A, capital markets, private equity (PE), and foreign direct investment (FDI), with a particular focus on the energy & natural resources sectors. In recent years, she has become involved in international commercial arbitration and other dispute resolution.

Xu provides professional and high-calibre PRC legal services to international and domestic clients on both inbound and outbound investment. After 15 years of practice, she has earned a good reputation from clients and peers for her responsiveness, dedication, high efficiency and professionalism.

Xu is a member on the “leading talents” panel of the PRC lawyers practising foreign-related business law, within the ACLA. Since 2011, she has been ranked or recommended consecutively each year by Chambers Global, Chambers Asia, The Legal 500: Asia Pacific, Asialaw Leading Lawyers, and IFLR 1000 as a “Leader in their Fields” or preeminent lawyer in the practices areas of energy & natural resources, and corporate/M&A.

yan-yu 颜羽
Yan Yu
Founding Partner
Jia Yuan Law Offices
电话 Tel: +86 10 6641 3377
电邮 Email: yanyu@jiayuan-law.com

Key practice areas: Domestic financing; M&A; Overseas financing



Yan Yu is a founding partner of Beijing Jia Yuan Law Offices. In the past 20 years, she, together with two other founding partners, has built Jia Yuan into a specialized law firm leading in capital markets. Yan graduated from Southwest University of Political Science and Law, and China University of Political Science and Law, and has a solid legal foundation and a wealth of practice experience in securities law.

She has been successfully involved in over 200 restructuring and listing projects covering the fields of finance, manufacturing, infrastructure construction, high-tech, pharmaceuticals and the internet. She also has had an abundance of achievements focused on the overall restructuring of domestic large-scale, state-owned or private enterprises and their onshore and offshore listings, and in major restructurings and M&As of listed companies, domestically and internationally.

She has led CITIC Group’s overall overseas listing, the merger of China CSR and China CNR, China Railway Group’s overall A+H-share listing, Guangdong Wens Group’s regulation of more than 6,000 shareholders, as well as restructuring and listing projects that she predominantly acted for, which pioneered the Chinese capital market. With superior legal service quality and an excellent ability to solve problems, Yan has gained high recognition from customers, peers and the market.

chambers-yang 杨春宝
Chambers Yang
Senior Partner
Key practice areas: Information technology; M&A; Private equity; Real estate & construction
ernest-yang-2 杨大明
Ernest Yang
Partner, Head of Litigation & Regulatory Group
DLA Piper
Hong Kong
Key practice areas: Energy and offshore; International arbitration; Shipping and commodities; Technology
Yang-Ing-Loong 杨炎龙
Yang Ing Loong
Latham & Watkins
Hong Kong
Key practice areas: Complex commercial litigation; Internal investigation and compliance; International arbitration; Regulatory issues
yang-tiecheng 杨铁成
Yang TieCheng
Clifford Chance
Key practice areas: Asset management; Contentious regulatory investigation ; Derivatives ; Financial
Jerry-ye 叶玉盛
Jerry Ye
Jingtian & Gongcheng
电话 Tel: +86 21 2613 6206
电邮 Email: ye.yusheng@jingtian.com

Key practice areas: Capital market; Corporate and M&A; Private equity/venture capital


As a partner with Jingtian, Jerry Ye focuses his practice in capital markets, corporate and M&A, private equity, and venture capital. Ye has acted as PRC counsel for either the issuer or the underwriter for IPOs and domestic or offshore listings, or bond issues of PRC conglomerates or high-growth companies. He has also represented various multinational corporations and investment funds on their investments and mergers and acquisitions in China. Ye has been active in the practice areas of real estate, infrastructure and project finance, stock option incentive plans and family wealth management.

Prior to joining Jingtian in 2011, Ye practiced at Orrick Shanghai Office from June 2006 to June 2011. He obtained the degree of Juris Master from Fudan University in 2006. He was also granted an EMBA degree by Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business.

steven-yu 余盛兴
Steven Yu
Senior Partner
Hiways Law Offices
电话 Tel: +86 21 5877 3177 *609
电邮 Email: yushengxing@hiwayslaw.com

Key practice areas: Corporate and commercial; Cross-border investment; Dispute resolution; International trade





Prior to private practice, Steven Yu served at the Shanghai WTO Affairs Consultation Centre, the first Chinese World Trade Organization (WTO) service body, where he advised government agencies, enterprises and industry associations on trade compliance with China’s WTO access.

Yu started his private practice in early 2003, focusing on trade law, foreign investment law and corporate law. He leads the firm’s international practice, representing Chinese clients to safeguard their trade and investment interests in various jurisdictions including the US and the EU, while on the other hand assisting foreign chambers and international companies with their interests in front of Chinese authorities as well as the courts.

Yu worked in Washington-based law firms for several years, with one period between December 2008 and June 2011 as an of counsel while he was a visiting researcher at Georgetown University Law School.

In 2013, Yu was named one of the “Chinese Foreign Leading Lawyers” by All China Bar; while in 2015 and 2016, he was consecutively awarded “Client Choice Top 20” by Asian Legal Business. He also sits on the “A-List” for top 100 lawyers in mainland China and Hong Kong, a survey by China Business Law Journal in 2016, and he is recommended by Chambers as a recognized practitioner of international trade/WTO.

Yu is a senior adviser for Jiangsu Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), and a legal adviser to Shanghai MOFCOM. He is an adjunct professor in law schools such as Koguan Law School of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, East China University of Political Science and Law, and Shanghai University of International Business and Economics.

Yu is a writer of many publications on international law and practice. He graduated from the Law School of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (Wuhan) with a Master’s degree, and received his PhD degree from Fudan University (Shanghai). He is fluent in Chinese and English.

david-yu 俞卫锋
David Yu

Llinks Law Offices
Key practice areas: Corporate and M&A; Private equity/venture capital; Real estate; TMT
Zhang-Danian 张大年
Zhang Danian

Baker McKenzie
Key practice areas: Corporate and commercial; Environmental; M&A; International trade regulations and customs
zhang-guodong 张国栋
Zhang Guodong

Senior Partner
Jincheng Tongda & Neal
电话 Tel: +86 10 5706 8268
电邮 Email: zhangguodong@jtnfa.com

Key practice areas: Anti-monopoly and anti-unfair competition; Corporate compliance; Litigation and arbitration; Medicine and healthcare


Zhang Guodong is the senior partner of Beijing’s Jincheng Tongda & Neal Law Firm. He is also a member of the strategy committee and managing partner of anti-monopoly business at the firm, and is the secretary-general of the competition and anti-monopoly law committee at Beijing Lawyers Association. Zhang has nearly 20 years of experience in foreign investment, M&A, anti-monopoly and dispute resolution, which makes him an expert lawyer in these fields.

Zhang can provide comprehensive legal services to multinational corporates in both English and Japanese, and has extensive practical experience in corporate administrative penalties, commercial bribery, litigation and arbitration. He is also actively engaged in the relevant affairs on investments to Japan for Chinese enterprises. In terms of anti-monopoly, since the promulgation of the Interim Provisions on M&A in 2003, Zhang has acted for various anti-monopoly declarations. As a forerunner, he offers clients comprehensive legal services including centralized filing, anti-monopoly compliance, investigation and response to litigation, and so on.

zhang-hongjiu 张宏久
Zhang Hongjiu
Jingtian & Gongcheng
电话 Tel: +86 10 5809 1116
电邮 Email: zhang.hongjiu@jingtian.com

Key practice areas: Banking; Corporate financing; Cross-border M&A; Securities law




Zhang Hongjiu is a senior partner of Jingtian & Gongcheng, a PRC law firm with its main office in Beijing. Zhang is a 1983 post graduate (LLM) of Peking University Law School, a 1985 qualified PRC lawyer, and has been practising law since 1983, specializing in the law of securities, banking, corporate financing and cross-border M&A.

Zhang acted in the past as: executive council member of the seventh session of All China Lawyers Association (ACLA); chair of the ACLA’s finance and securities professional commission; council member of the legal practice division of IBA; at-large council member of IPBA; and panel arbitrator of the Beijing Arbitration Committee.

Zhang is a vice-chair of the ACLA’s finance, securities and insurance professional commission, a vice-chair of the ACLA’s foreign affairs committee, a penal arbitrator of CIETAC and KLRCA, and a board director of the China Mergers & Acquisitions Association.

zhang-liguo 张利国
Zhang Liguo
Chief Partner
Grandway Law Offices
电话 Tel: +86 10 8800 4200
电邮 Email: zhangliguo@grandwaylaw.com

Key practice areas: Capital market and securities




Zhang Liguo is the chief partner at Grandway Law Offices and a well-known legal expert in the field of China’s securities and capital markets. Zhang was a committee member of the first session advisory committee for listing at the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and a member of the seventh session listing committee at the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

Zhang is a member of the fourth review committee of the Shanghai stock exchange, an expert consultant of the asset securitization professional committee of China Securities Investment Fund Industry Association, and a member of the national science and technology achievement transformation guide fund board.

In 1993, Zhang was granted the qualification of legal practice on securities by the Department of Justice and the China Securities Regulatory Commission. During his career, he has provided legal services for hundreds of corporations on matters related to IPOs, mergers and acquisitions, refinancing, securities investment funds, and equity incentives. He is proficient in all facets of the securities business, such as A shares, B shares, H shares, and corporate bonds. His clients span a wide range of industries, including IT, resources, energy, chemicals, medicine, commerce, agriculture, real estate, infrastructure, oil, and paper making.

Zhang serves as an internal review committee member for several securities companies, acts as an independent director for several companies, and has participated in drafting and amending numerous laws, regulations and normative documents in the area of securities.

He has sophisticated theoretical and rich practical experience. He not only helps customers solve difficult and complex legal issues efficiently, but can also provide professional advice and solutions on company management, financial management and development strategies, and is trusted deeply by his clients and other co-operative agencies. Insisting on strict internal review procedures is another significant reason why he and his law firm are able to win others’ approval.

The main writings by Zhang, or with co-authors, include: “An introduction to new China’s legal construction in past 40 years” (Qunzhong Press); “Practical economic law” (Economic Publishing House); and “Expiation for securities lawyers’ regulation (trial implementation)” (China Publishing House of Democracy and Legality). Zhang has also published many articles and is invited regularly to give speeches at Peking University Law School, introducing the knowledge of capital markets and practice in securities law to graduate students.

zhang-liguo 张锋
Philip Zhang
Senior Partner
AllBright Law Offices
电话 Tel: +86 21 2051 1033
电邮 Email: philip.zhang@allbrightlaw.com

Key practice areas: Compliance; General corporate; M&A; Real estate



Philip Zhang has more than 12 years of experience working with foreign multinationals in Greater China as general counsel and compliance officer. Since joining private practice in 2006, he has advised a wide range of prestigious multinationals on foreign direct investments and mergers and acquisitions across a diverse range of industries including manufacturing, retail and real estate, with clients based in Europe and North America. His previous experience has also seen him work with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.

Zhang was educated at Wuhan University Law School where he obtained an LLB, and he is also a graduate of the University of Geneva, having achieved an LLM and PhD in Law. he is recognized as a leading lawyer in general corporate law, M&A, real estate and compliance. Zhang is also an arbitrator of South China International Economic and Trade arbitration / Shenzhen court of international arbitration.

zhang-liguo 张昕
Zhang Xin
Global Law Office
电话 Tel: +86 10 6584 6676
电邮 Email: zhangxin@glo.com.cn

Key practice areas: Arbitration; Banking and finance; Capital markets; M&A



Zhang Xin holds a Bachelor of Law and Master of Law from Xiamen University, and an LLM and PhD from London University, and is qualified in both England and Wales. He provides legal services for Chinese and international banks and investors in relation to banking and finance, M&A, FDI, overseas investment and arbitration.

In the area of banking and finance, Zhang has represented most Chinese and international banks, international financial institutions and ECAs active in the market, advising on syndicated loans, project financing, structured trade financing, vessel and aircraft financing, export credit loans and financial derivatives. In the area of corporate works, he has represented a number of industrial investors to invest in Chinese petrochemical, renewable energy, power, telecommunication and other traditional manufacturing sectors. He also provides legal supports to Chinese SOEs, banks, investment funds, and Sinosure for their overseas investment and financing projects under “going abroad” efforts, which involve the export of China-made telecommunication equipment, vessels and other capital equipment and EPC services, and the investment in power, real estate, petrochemical and mining projects. In the area of foreign-related arbitrations, he has acted for various entities in the arbitration procedures at Chinese and foreign arbitration commissions in respect of financial products, international investment, equity and trade disputes, and he strongly safeguards clients’ interests.

Zhang has knowledge and experience in the legal and regulatory regime, financial product innovations and market development for the China inter-bank market. He has been a drafting group member for the drafting of master agreements for financial derivatives, bond repo transactions and bond underwriting arrangements, led by the National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors (NAFMII), as well as one writer of the official guidelines. He also participates as a legal expert in the research and development of the first credit risk mitigation instruments (the Chinese equivalent of CDS). He serves as a member of the NAFMII financial derivatives experts committee, and a registration expert for the Inter-bank Bond Market Non-financial Institutions’ Debt Financing Instruments (the Chinese equivalent of MTNs and CPs).

zhang-yi 张毅
Zhang Yi

Chairman of China Management Committee
King & Wood Mallesons
Key practice areas: Corporate restructuring; Domestic/offshore IPOs; M&A; PE fund formation and investments
jonathan-zhou 周志峰
Jonathan Zhou
Fangda Partners
Key practice areas: Capital markets; Corporate finance; Private equity
paul-zhou 周波
Paul Zhou
Senior Partner
Wintell & Co
Key practice areas: Banking; Finance leasing; Insurance; Real estate
zhu-ning 朱宁
Zhu Ning
Managing Partner
Chance Bridge Partners
电话 Tel: +86 10 8587 0075
电邮 Email: ning.zhu@chancebridge.com

Key practice areas: Capital market; Corporate finance; Cross-border investment; M&A


Ms. Zhu is the managing partner of Chance Bridge Partners in Beijing. Her key practice areas are financing and capital markets and cross-border investment. She is highly experienced in representing clients in many large-value cases involving corporate governance, venture capital, equity markets and arbitration, both domestically and internationally. She has rendered outstanding legal services for a number of high profile overseas clients investing domestically and has provided expert legal advice to Chinese enterprises with their overseas investment and M&A projects.

Ms. Zhu is an arbitrator on China’s International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC), an Alternative Councillor of the Law Association for Asia and the Pacific (LAWASIA) Council and a part-time professor at Renmin University of China. The awards she has received from the China Business Law Journal, Asian Legal Business (ALB ) and many others showcase an industry wide recognition of her outstanding legal practice.

zhu-xiaohui 朱小辉
Zhu Xiaohui
Managing Partner
Tian Yuan Law Firm
电话 Tel: +86 10 5776 3888
电邮 Email: zhuxh@tylaw.com.cn

Key practice areas: Capital markets; M&A; PE funds


朱小辉律师已连续多年被国际知名法律评级机构Chambers, Legal 500等评为资本市场、公司并购卓越律师,Acritas中国领先律师,《商法》法律精英,LEGALBAND资本市场、公司并购顶级律师等。

Steven Zhu Xiaohui is the Managing Partner of Tian Yuan Law Firm. He has extensive experience in the fields of corporate and capital markets, for more than 20 years, and focuses on M&A, restructuring, venture capital, private equity and securities issuance.

Representative deals include advising China Alcoa in its acquisition of Yun Nan Copper (the largest acquisition to date in the non-ferrous industry of China), Beijing Sanyuan Foods’ acquisition of Sanlu Group, the restructuring of Sinochem Group, the IPO of Far Eastern Horizon (the first Chinese financial leasing company listed in Hong Kong), the IPO of Franshion Properties, China’s Jinmao Group’s spin-off from Franshion Properties and IPO, the largest follow-on A shares offering by BOE Technology Group, the 144A/Reg S note offering by Sinochem Hong Kong and COFCO Hong Kong, advising Beijing State-owned Capital Management and Operation Center in its acquisition of shares in China Securities Co, the H Shares IPO of CSC Financial Co Ltd, the merger between Beijing Pharmaceutical Group and China Resources Pharmaceutical Group, and several major investment deals by National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund Co Ltd, and China Structural Reform Fund Co Ltd.

Zhu was awarded “Leading Individual in Capital Market, Corporate/M&A, China” by Chambers; the Leading Individual in Capital Market and Corporate/M&A by Legal 500, “Top 100 Lawyers in China” by China Business Law Journal, “Leading Lawyer in Corporate/M&A” by Asialaw, and “Star Lawyer” by Acritas.

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