Bulgaria: Wide open to non-EU investment


Tzvetoslav Mitev discusses opportunities for Indian companies in Bulgaria

Bulgaria’s legal framework and government policy is structured to actively attract foreign investment capital through a wide variety of incentives. The country is a member of the EU although not of the Eurozone.

Key incentives

The Investment Promotion Act encourages foreign investment in the industrial sector, the services sector and other areas of the local economy. The services sector comprises high-tech and intensive knowledge-based activities (as classified by the EU statistics office, Eurostat), R&D, education, human healthcare, logistics including transport infrastructure, etc.

Under the act, the Bulgarian Investment Agency can issue a general investment certificate class A or class B to any investor, depending on a minimum level of investment that varies from sector to sector. The lowest minimum investment for class A certificate eligibility applies to high-tech activities in the services sector, where a minimum investment of 4 million leva (US$2.7 million) is required, while a minimum of 2 million leva is needed for a class B certificate. Each certificate corresponds to a different package of incentives.

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Tzvetoslav Mitev is an attorney at Georgiev Todorov & Co in Sofia, Bulgaria. He can be reached at Tzvetoslav.Mitev@georg-tod.com.