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Asia Business Law Journal - January/February 2022

Volume 6, Issue 4

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In this issue

Investment strategies in Vietnam for foreign businesses

By Anh Dang, Vietnam International Law Firm (VILAF)

Vietnam has long been an attractive investment destination for foreign investors, thanks to its strategic location, socio-political stability and low-cost yet skilful labour force

Compliance challenges for foreign investment in the US

By Jeffrey L Kessler, Eva W Cole and Heather P Lamberg, Winston Strawn

While the US remains a top destination for foreign investment, certain laws and regulations create challenges for foreigners seeking to conduct business there

Duties of a company’s ‘responsible person’ in Taiwan Lee Li-pu Chen Chiu-Hua Pan Yi-Chun

Duties of a company’s ‘responsible person’ in Taiwan

By Lee Li-pu, Chen Chiu-Hua, and Pan Yi-Chun, Formosan Brothers
New era of labour dispute cases in Taiwan

New era of labour dispute cases in Taiwan

By Samrong Hwang, Albert Kao and Pang-Heng Hung, Formosa Transnational

Skadden green bond deal

Strategic investment in India for Japanese investors

Strategic investment in India for Japanese investors

By Rishabh Shroff, Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas
Asia Business Law Journal

Lock and load

Guide for Japanese investment in Thailand

Guide for Japanese investment in Thailand

By Nuanporn Wechsuwanarux, Susumu Hanawa, and Kornkitti Sivamoke, Chandler MHM
Recent IP protection measures in Brazil

Recent IP protection measures in Brazil

By Rana Gosain, Daniel Law
Strategies for foreign companies investing in Bangladesh

Strategies for foreign companies investing in Bangladesh

By ABM Nasirud Doulah and Amina Khatoon, Doulah & Doulah in Dhaka
Legal updates for Japanese investors in the Philippines Shiela Esquivel Ciselie Marie Gamo-Sisayan Nilo Divina

Legal updates for Japanese investors in the Philippines

By Nilo Divina, Ciselie Marie Gamo-Sisayan, and Shiela Esquivel, DivinaLaw
Practice and developments for investing in Taiwan Alex Jih-Ching Yeh Mark J Harty

Practice and developments for investing in Taiwan

By Alex Jih-Ching Yeh and Mark J Harty, LCS & Partners
Japan outbound investment back on track Masako Takahatavideo

Japan outbound investment back on track

By Masako Takahata, Japan In-house Lawyers Association (JILA)

Lawyer back to Shearman

IP protection in India for Japanese businesses Joginder Singh Rajeev Kumar

IP protection in India for Japanese businesses

By Joginder Singh and Rajeev Kumar, LexOrbis

Simmons gets new HK head

Arbitration issues for foreign investors in Bangladesh

Arbitration issues for foreign investors in Bangladesh

By Sameer Sattar, Sattar&Co

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